ザ・フライ |
Veronica frantically resists Brundle's efforts to drag her into Telepod 1 and then accidentally tears off his jaw, triggering his final transformation into a monstrous combination of man and insect.
The "Brundlefly" creature traps Veronica inside Telepod 1, then steps into Telepod 2. However, the wounded Borans uses his shotgun to sever the cables connecting Veronica's Telepod to the computer, allowing Veronica to escape unharmed. Breaking out of its own pod just as the fusion process is activated, Brundlefly is gruesomely fused with chunks of metal and other components from Telepod 2.
As the mortally wounded Brundlefly-Telepod fusion creature crawls out of the receiving pod, it silently begs Veronica to end its suffering with Borans' shotgun. Veronica hesitates for a moment, then pulls the trigger, killing the creature that was once Seth Brundle, before falling to her knees and weeping for her deceased lover.
1 | monstrous | mάnstrəs | 形 | 極悪非道の、恐るべき |
2 | chunk | tʃˈʌŋk | 名 | 〔パン・チーズ・肉片・木材などの〕大きな塊 |
3 | entity | énṭəṭi | 名 | 実在するもの、実体 |
4 | gruesomely | grúːsəmli | 副 | ぞっとするような形で、身の毛もよだつような姿で |
5 | component | kəmpóʊnənt | 名 | 構成部分、成分 |
6 | hesitate | hézətèɪt | 動 | 躊躇する、ためらう |
7 | ditch | dítʃ | 名 | 溝 last-ditch plan 窮余の一策、土壇場の計画 |
8 | sever | sévɚ | 動 | 切断する、切る |
9 | activate | ˈæktəvèɪt | 動 | 活動的にする、作動させる |
10 | crawl | krˈɔːl | 動 | のろのろ這う、腹ばいで進む |
11 | tear off | 連 | 1.もぎ取る 2.〔仕事などを〕さっさと片付ける |
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