contemplates several ideas that do not
pan out and is
defeated more than once, but he
latches onto a solid plan and the necessary paperwork after some painful efforts. He
robs a drug lord and sets his
meth lab on fire before fleeing the scene.
He then
falsifies and
plants blood work results
indicating that his wife is in a state of
hyperkalaemia, so she is
transferred to the hospital. He follows the ambulance and helps her escape although she is doubtful and reluctant,
motivated only by the idea of her son being
raised without either parent.
With the police getting some lucky breaks, they are hot on John and Lara's
trail through a series of chases.
Throughout the film, John is shown assembling maps, photographs, notes, and other papers on a wall of his house. He
tears them down and
stuffs them into several
garbage bags before leaving to rescue Lara, leaving one bag in the trash outside his home, and the rest in a
dumpster some blocks away.
As it turns out, he did this
selectively to misguide the detectives regarding their final destination. They have an uncomfortable moment at passport control, as a Canadian officer examines their passports and
glances at the page of photographs showing people to stop. He
allows them to pass. The shift changes, and as they
walk down the hall, their photos are added to the list. An international flight is delayed, but the police were after the wrong destination.
1 | contemplate | kάnṭəmplèɪt | 動 | じっくり考える。
John contemplates several ideas that do not pan out |
2 | latch | lˈætʃ | 動 | とらえる、掛け金を降ろす(締める)
he latches onto a solid plan and the necessary paperwork after some painful efforts.
latch |
A latch is a type of mechanical fastener that is used to join two (or more) objects or surfaces together while allowing for the regular or eventual separation of the objects or surfaces. A latch typically engages another piece of hardware on the other mounting surface.
fasten [fˈæsn](動) 〔ものをしっかり〕締める
typically [típɪkəli] (副) 典型的に
engage [ɪngéɪdʒ](動) 噛み合わせる
mounting surface (蓮)取り付け面 |
3 | falsify | fˈɔːlsəfὰɪ | 動 | 〔書類などを〕変造する、偽造する
He then falsifies and plants blood work results indicating that his wife is in a state of hyperkalaemia |
4 | hyperkalaemia |
| 名 | 高カリウム血症 |
5 | defeat | dɪfíːt | 名 | 〔敵・相手を〕負かす、破る |
6 | rob | rάb | 動 | 〔物・金を〕奪う、強奪する
He robs a drug lord and sets his meth lab on fire
before fleeing the scene. |
7 | meth | mɛθ | 名 | メセドリン
an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride
mess [més](名)散らかっていること |
8 | plant | plˈænt | 動 | 1.植える、まく
a 〔若木などを〕植える
b 〔種を〕まく
a 〔盗聴器などを〕仕掛ける
b 〔おとりの品などを〕隠す、〔スパイ・さくら〕
(名)1.植物 2.製造工場、施設 |
9 | indicate | índɪkèɪt | 動 | 〔指・手などで〕指し示す、指摘する |
10 | transfer | trænsfˈɚː | 動 | 動かす、運ぶ
she is transferred to the hospital. |
11 | motivate | móʊṭəvèɪt | 動 | 動機(刺激)を与える、興味を持たせる
she is doubtful and reluctant, motivated only by the idea of her son being raised without either parent. |
12 | raise | réɪz | 動 | 1.上昇させる、昇進させる
2.〔子供〕育てる、〔家畜〕飼育する、〔野菜〕栽培する |
13 | trail | tréɪl | 名 | 引きずった跡、痕跡 (動)引きずる
they are hot on John and Lara's trail through a series of chases. |
14 | throughout | θruːάʊt | 副 | 1.〔場所を表して〕隅から隅まで、至る所に
Throughout the film, John is shown assembling maps |
15 | tear | tíɚ | 動 | 〔ずたずたに〕引き裂く、破る tear2 (名)涙、雫
He tears them down and stuffs them into several garbage bags before leaving to rescue Lara |
16 | stuff | stˈʌf | 動 | 詰め込む stuff2 (名)材料、原料、資料 |
17 | dumpster | dˈʌm(p)stɚ | 名 | 金属製の大きなゴミ箱
dumpster |
A dumpster is a large steel waste receptacle designed to be emptied into garbage trucks. The word is a genericized trademark of Dumpster, an American brand name for a type of mobile garbage bin (MGB). Generic usage of dumpster is also common in Australia, although Dumpster is not an established brand there.
receptacle [rɪséptəkl] (名) 容器、入れ物
genericize [dʒénerɪsaiz] (動) 一般化する |
18 | selectively | səléktɪvli | 副 | 選択的に
As it turns out, he did this selectively to misguide the detectives regarding their final destination. |
19 | glance | glˈæns | 名 | 一見、一目、一瞥(いちべつ)、ちらりと見ること
a Canadian officer examines their passports and glances at the page of photographs showing people to stop. He allows them to pass. |
20 | allow | əlάʊ | 動 | 入るのを許可する |
21 | pan out |
| 蓮 | 金を生む、うまくいく |
22 | garbage bag |
| 蓮 | 厨芥袋
garbage bag |
A bin bag or bin liner (British English) or garbage bag, dinner sack or trash bag (American English) is a disposable bag used to contain rubbish (British English) or trash (American English). Such bags are useful to line the insides of waste containers to prevent the insides of the receptacle from becoming coated in waste material. Most bags these days are made out of plastic, and are typically green or black in color. |
23 | As it turns out |
| 蓮 | 結論から言うと、
turn out
4.〔鉄道など〕待避線、〔道路上の〕車の待避所 |
24 | walk down |
| 蓮 | 通る
they walk down the hall, their photos are added to the list. |
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