スリーデイズ |
Using his forensic skills, he manages to put together what really happened. It turns out that the killer of Lara's boss was really just a mugger—as she claimed in open court—and a series of coincidences led to Lara's conviction. He remembers Lara saying a button popped off as she passed the mugger, and notices that it is raining just as it had been the night of the murder.
He tosses a piece of paper in the current where the button would have fallen off, and it leads into a gutter. He searches the gutter but is unable to find the button to prove Lara's innocence. It turns out the button was there, buried under grime, and the detective just missed it.
The last shot of this detective shows him turning back to think, implying that there is a possibility of him taking a second look and locating the button, which would've led to the exoneration of Lara. However, that is left open to audience speculation.
1 | forensic | fərénsɪk | 形 | 法廷の Using his forensic skills, he manages to put together what really happened. |
2 | grime | grάɪm | 名 | 〔皮膚などについた〕汚れ、埃、アカ It turns out the button was there, buried under grime, and the detective just missed it. |
3 | exoneration | ɪgzάnərèɪt | 名 | 〔非難・罪などから〕免れさせる、解放する there is a possibility of him taking a second look and locating the button, which would've led to the exoneration of Lara. However, that is left open to audience speculation. |
4 | mugger | ḿʌɡɚ | 名 | 〔戸外で人などを襲う〕強盗 It turns out that the killer of Lara's boss was really just a mugger |
5 | coincidence | koʊínsədns | 名 | 同時発生 as she claimed in open court—and a series of coincidences led to Lara's conviction. |
6 | conviction | kənvíkʃən | 名 | 確信、説得力 and a series of coincidences led to Lara's conviction. |
7 | gutter | gˈʌṭɚ | 名 | とい、排水溝、溝 it leads into a gutter. |
8 | bury | béri | 動 | 葬る、埋葬する、埋める |
9 | imply | ɪmplάɪ | 動 | 暗に意味する、ほのめかす The last shot of this detective shows him turning back to think, implying that there is a possibility of him taking a second look and locating the button |
10 | speculation | spèkjʊléɪʃən | 名 | 〔確実な根拠なしの〕思索、推測、憶測 |
11 | end up | 連 | 〔最後には〕・・・になる、終わる At the end of the film, the family ends up safe in Caracas, Venezuela. | |
12 | put together | 連 | まとめる、寄せ集める、組み立てる | |
13 | turn out | 連 | 1.追い出す、解雇する、外に出す 2.生産する 3.〔ガス・火などを〕消す 4.〔結果として・・・と〕なる、〔結局・・・することが〕わかる | |
14 | open court | 連 | 公開裁判 | |
15 | pop off | 連 | 1.〔ボタンなどが〕弾け飛ぶ 2.急に出て行く、そっと出て行く 3.死ぬ、急死する 4.ぽんぽん言う、減らず口をたたく He remembers Lara saying a button popped off as she passed the mugger | |
16 | fall off | 連 | 〔・・・から〕落ちる、離れる He tosses a piece of paper in the current where the button would have fallen off | |
17 | Caracas | kərάːkəs | 固 | ベネズエラの首都 |
18 | Venezuela | vènəzwéɪlə | 固 | 南米北部の共和国 |
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