Winter's Bone is a 2010 American independent drama film, an adaptation of Daniel Woodrell's 2006 novel of the same name. Written and directed by Debra Granik, the film stars Jennifer Lawrence as a teenaged girl in the rural Ozarks of the United States who, to protect her family from eviction, must locate her missing father.
The film explores the interrelated themes of close and distant family ties, the power and speed of gossip, self-sufficiency, and poverty as they are changed by the pervasive underworld of illegal methamphetamine labs.
1 | eviction | ɪvíkʃən | 名 | 追い立て protect her family from eviction |
2 | pervasive | pɚvéɪsɪv | 形 | 広がる、普及する poverty as they are changed by the pervasive underworld of illegal methamphetamine labs. |
3 | methamphetamine | m̀ɛθæmf́ɛtəmin | 名 | メタンフェタミン |
4 | rural | rˈʊ(ə)rəl | 形 | 田舎の、田舎じみた the film stars Jennifer Lawrence as a teenaged girl in the rural Ozarks of the United States |
5 | interrelated | ɪntɚrɪĺeɪtɪd | 形 | 相互に関係にある interrelate (動)相互に関係する The film explores the interrelated themes of close and distant family ties |
6 | poverty | pάvɚṭi | 名 | 貧乏、貧困 |
7 | self-sufficiency | śɛlfsəf́ɪʃənsi | 名 | 自給自足 |
8 | Ozarks | ́oʊz̀ɑrks | 名 | アーカンサス洲、ミズーリ州、オクラホマ州に渡る低山地 |
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