ボーン・レガシー |
Byer deploys a UAV (drone) to eliminate Number Three and Cross. Cross hears the drone's approach and leaves moments before a missile destroys the cabin with Number Three inside. When the drone returns, he tapes a thermal blanket and metal bowl to his thigh, masking the signal from a tracking device beacon implanted in his thigh.
He shoots the drone down with his sniper rifle. Cross removes the tracker and force feeds it to a wolf from a pack hunting him. When a second drone kills the wolf and destroys the transmitter, Byer assumes Cross is dead. Byer engineers the death of other Outcome agents with poisoned yellow chems.
Hirsch dies of an apparent heart attack before he can testify before the U.S. Senate. An indoctrinated Dr Donald Foite kills all but one of his top-level colleagues. When security guards break into the lab, Foite turns his gun on himself, leaving geneticist Dr Marta Shearing as the sole survivor.
When a crack team of CIA assassins attack Shearing at her isolated house, they are eliminated by Cross. He sees her as his last link to the chems so he can retain his enhanced capabilities and alleviate chem withdrawal. Shearing reveals that, without his knowledge, Cross has been genetically modified by a tailored virus to retain the physical benefits without needing to take the green chems.
He still requires regular doses of blue chems to maintain his intelligence, but he is running out. Cross confides that he is Private First Class Kenneth J. Kitsom (reportedly killed by a roadside bomb in the Iraq War) and that his recruiter had to lie about his substandard IQ to satisfy the US Army's minimum requirements.
Without his enhanced intelligence, they stand no chance of survival. Cross and Shearing travel to the Philippines, where the chems are manufactured, to try to infect him with another virus so he will not need the blue chems. Too late, Byer ascertains their intention.
1 | thigh | θάɪ | 名 | もも、太腿 he tapes a thermal blanket and metal bowl to his thigh, masking the signal from a tracking device beacon implanted in his thigh. |
2 | indoctrinate | ɪndάktrɪnèɪt | 動 | 〔教義などを〕教え込む、吹き込む An indoctrinated Dr Donald Foite kills all but one of his top-level colleagues. |
3 | geneticist | dʒənéṭɪsist | 名 | 遺伝学者 When security guards break into the lab, Foite turns his gun on himself, leaving geneticist Dr Marta Shearing as the sole survivor. |
4 | alleviate | əlíːvièɪt | 動 | 〔苦痛・苦悩を〕楽にする、緩和する He sees her as his last link to the chems so he can retain his enhanced capabilities and alleviate chem withdrawal. |
5 | tailor | téɪlɚ | 動 | 1.〔服を〕仕立てる 2.適合させる Cross has been genetically modified by a tailored virus to retain the physical benefits without needing to take the green chems. |
6 | dose | dóʊs | 名 | 〔薬の〕一服、〔服用の〕1回分 He still requires regular doses of blue chems to maintain his intelligence |
7 | ascertain | `æsɚtéɪn | 動 | 確認する Too late, Byer ascertains their intention. |
8 | deploy | dɪplˈɔɪ | 動 | 〔部隊・兵力などを〕展開する Byer deploys a UAV (drone) to eliminate Number Three and Cross. |
9 | drone | dróʊn | 名 | 1.〔ミツバチなどの〕雄 2.のらくら者 3.無線操縦の無人機 |
10 | eliminate | ɪlímənèɪt | 動 | 除く、除去する、削除する |
11 | tape | téɪp | 動 | 1.テープでくくる、絆創膏を貼る 2.テープに録音する |
12 | thermal | θˈɚːm(ə)l | 形 | 熱の、温度の (名)防寒用下着 |
13 | beacon | bíːk(ə)n | 名 | かがり火、のろし |
14 | implant | ɪmplˈænt | 動 | 植えつける、吹き込む |
15 | feed | fíːd | 動 | 〔動物に〕餌を与える、〔動物や人に〕与える Cross removes the tracker and force feeds it to a wolf from a pack hunting him. |
16 | assume | əsúːm|əs(j)úːm | 動 | 当然のことと思う、思い込む、決め込む Byer assumes Cross is dead. |
17 | engineer | èndʒəníɚ | 動 | 1.〔工事の〕監督をする 2.巧みに工作する、企む Byer engineers the death of other Outcome agents with poisoned yellow chems. |
18 | apparent | əpˈærənt | 形 | 1.明白な、はっきりとした 2.一見・・・らしい apparently (副) 聞くところによると・・・ Hirsch dies of an apparent heart attack before he can testify before the U.S. Senate. |
19 | testify | téstəfὰɪ | 動 | 証言する |
20 | retain | rɪtéɪn | 動 | 1.保つ、保持する 2.忘れないで記憶している |
21 | withdrawal | wɪðdrˈɔːəl | 名 | 1.引っ込めること、引っ込むこと 2.〔現金・出資金などの〕払い戻し 3.撤回、取消し |
22 | genetically | dʒəńɛtɪkli | 副 | 遺伝的に、遺伝学的に |
23 | substandard | sɐbˈstændɝd | 形 | 標準以下の、非標準的な his recruiter had to lie about his substandard IQ to satisfy the US Army's minimum requirements. |
24 | manufacture | m`æn(j)ʊfˈæktʃɚ | 動 | 1.製造する 2.〔嘘を〕でっちあげる Cross and Shearing travel to the Philippines, where the chems are manufactured, to try to infect him with another virus so he will not need the blue chems. |
25 | infect | ɪnfékt | 動 | 〔病気を〕移す、感染させる |
26 | intention | ɪnténʃən | 名 | 意図、意向 |
27 | IQ | ɪntélədʒənskwóʊʃənt | 名 | Intelligence Quotient の略。 Intelligence = 知能・理解力 Quotient = 指数 An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation "IQ" comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern. score [skˈɔɚ] (名) 得点、記録 derive [dɪrάɪv] (動) 由来する assess [əsés] (動) 評価する、査定する abbreviation [əbrìːviéɪʃən] (名) 省略 coin [kˈɔɪn] (動) 〔新語など〕造り出す |
28 | Iraq War | ɪrάːk(or ɪrˈæk) wˈɔɚ | The Iraq War was an armed conflict in Iraq that consisted of two phases. The first was an invasion of Ba'athist Iraq starting on 20 March 2003 by an invasion force led by the United States. It was followed by a longer phase of fighting.... conflict [kάnflɪkt] (名) 戦争、紛争、論争 invasion [ɪnvéɪʒən] (名) 侵入、侵略 Ba'athist バアス党政権 consist of ・・・から成る |
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