Inside the structure, a snake-like creature kills Millburn, and
sprays a
corrosive fluid that melts Fifield's helmet. Fifield falls face-first into a puddle of dark liquid. When the crew return, they find Millburn's corpse. David separately discovers a control room containing a surviving Engineer in stasis, and a star map highlighting Earth. Meanwhile, Holloway
sickens rapidly. He is rushed back to Prometheus, but Vickers refuses to let him aboard, and at his
urging, burns him to death with a
Later, a medical scan reveals that Shaw, despite being
sterile, is pregnant. Fearing the worst, she uses an automated surgery table to
extract a
squid-like creature from her
abdomen. Shaw then discovers that Weyland has been in stasis aboard Prometheus. He explains that he wants to ask the Engineers to prevent his death from old age.As Weyland prepares to leave for the structure, Vickers addresses him as "Father".
mutated Fifield attacks the Prometheus's
hangar bay and kills several crew members before he is killed. The Prometheus's captain, Janek,
speculates that the structure was an Engineer military installation that lost control of a
virulent biological weapon, the dark liquid. He also determines that the structure houses a spacecraft. Weyland and a team return to the structure, accompanied by Shaw. David wakes the Engineer from stasis and speaks to him in an attempt to explain what Weyland wants.
The Engineer responds by decapitating David and killing Weyland and his team, before reactivating the spacecraft. Shaw flees and warns Janek that the Engineer is planning to release the liquid on Earth, convincing him to stop the spacecraft. Janek ejects the lifeboat and
rams Prometheus into the alien craft, while Vickers flees in an escape pod. The Engineer's disabled spacecraft crashes onto the ground; its
wreckage crushes Vickers. Shaw goes to the lifeboat and finds her alien
offspring is alive and has grown to gigantic size.
David's still-active head warns Shaw that the Engineer has survived. The Engineer forces open the lifeboat's airlock and attacks Shaw, who releases her alien offspring onto the Engineer; it
thrusts a
tentacle down the Engineer's throat,
subduing him. Shaw recovers David's remains, and with his help, launches another Engineer spacecraft. She intends to reach the Engineers' homeworld in an attempt to understand why they wanted to destroy humanity.
In the lifeboat, an alien creature bursts out of the Engineer's chest.
1 | corrosive | kəróʊsɪv | 形 | 1.腐食性の
Inside the structure, a snake-like creature kills Millburn, and sprays a corrosive fluid that melts Fifield's helmet.
corrosive substance sign |
A corrosive substance is one that will destroy and damage other substances with which it comes into contact. It may attack a great variety of materials, including metals and various organic compounds, but people are mostly concerned with its effects on living tissue. |
2 | sicken | sík(ə)n | 動 | 病気になる、吐き気を催す
Holloway sickens rapidly. He is rushed back to Prometheus |
3 | sterile | stérəl | 形 | 〔人・動物が〕不妊の、〔土地が〕不毛の、やせた
⇔ fertile [fˈɚːṭl] (形) 肥沃な
Later, a medical scan reveals that Shaw, despite being sterile, is pregnant. Fearing the worst, she uses an automated surgery table to extract a squid-like creature from her abdomen.
sterile |
fertile |
4 | abdomen | ˈæbdəmən | 名 | 〔人間・哺乳類の〕腹部、〔昆虫、甲殻類の〕腹部
abdomen |
The abdomen (less formally called the belly, stomach, or tummy), in vertebrates such as mammals, constitutes the part of the body between the thorax (chest) and pelvis. The region enclosed by the abdomen is termed the abdominal cavity. |
5 | hangar | hˈæŋ(g)ɚ | 名 | 〔飛行機の〕格納庫、納屋
hunger [hˈʌŋgɚ] (名) 飢え、飢餓
A mutated Fifield attacks the Prometheus's hangar bay and kills several crew members before he is killed.
hangar |
A hangar is a closed structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft in protective storage. Most hangars are built of metal, but other materials such as wood and concrete are also used. |
6 | virulent | vír(j)ʊlənt
ヴァララント | 形 | 猛毒のある
Janek, speculates that the structure was an Engineer military installation that lost control of a virulent biological weapon, the dark liquid.
virulent |
Two American researchers whose efforts to deliberately re-engineer the H5N1 avian flu virus to be more virulent and deadly to humans are now asking that a government-advised moratorium on their controversial research be lifted. According to TIME, the duo alleges that precise details about how it developed the deadly flu strain must be made public, and that its controversial research be allowed to continue for the sake of “public health.” |
7 | subdue | səbd(j)úː | 動 | 〔敵・国などを〕征服する
The Engineer forces open the lifeboat's airlock and attacks Shaw, who releases her alien offspring onto the Engineer; it thrusts a tentacle down the Engineer's throat, subduing him.
subdue |
To subdue is to hold back, put down, or defeat. A Doberman can be subdued with a bone, but subduing a yapping toy poodle can be a mail carrier's greatest daily challenge. |
8 | spray | spréɪ | 動 | しぶきを飛ばす、スプレーする
spray2 小枝 |
9 | fluid | flúːɪd | 名 | 液体 (形)流動性の |
10 | urge | ˈɚːdʒ | 動 | 駆り立てる
Vickers refuses to let him aboard, and at his urging, burns him to death with a flamethrower. |
11 | flamethrower | fléɪmθroʊɚ | 名 | 火炎放射器 |
12 | extract | ɪkstrˈækt | 動 | 1.〔歯などを〕抜く、抜き取る
3.〔知識・情報・金などを〕聞き出す |
13 | squid | skwíd | 名 | イカ(体の細いジンドウイカ、スミイカなど)
squid |
A squid is a type of marine cephalopod with ten limbs. |
14 | mutate | mjúːteɪt | 動 | 変化する、突然変異する |
15 | speculate | spékjʊlèɪt | 動 | 1.〔確実な根拠なくあれこれと〕思索する、推測する
2.〔株・土地などに〕投機する |
16 | wreckage | rékɪdʒ | 名 | 〔集合的に〕難破貨物、漂流物
The Engineer's disabled spacecraft crashes onto the ground; its wreckage crushes Vickers. |
17 | offspring | ˈɑfsprɪŋ | 名 | 〔人・動物の〕子、子孫
Shaw goes to the lifeboat and finds her alien offspring is alive and has grown to gigantic size. |
18 | thrust | θrˈʌst | 動 | 〔力強く・素早く〕押す、突っ込む |
19 | tentacle | ténṭəkl | 名 | 触手、触覚 |
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