スリーデイズ |
John consults Damon Pennington (Liam Neeson), a former convict who successfully escaped from prison seven times. Damon advises John to study the prison where his wife is, saying "every prison has a key". Damon also warns him that the initial escape from the prison will be easy compared with avoiding capture after the escape.
To that end, John must obtain false passports, new social security numbers, and a "truckload of cash" to have a chance of success. Damon also suggests going to an unpopular foreign country for Americans so that authorities will be unlikely to look for them there. John learns Pittsburgh's time to lock-down the city's exits after a call is made to do so: 15 minutes for the city center and 35 minutes for all interstates, secondary roads, and stations or airports.
Damon Pennington tells John to ask himself if he can really "be that guy" who knocks over an old lady or shoots a guard if it's the difference between escape or getting caught.
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1 | truckload | tŕʌkl̀oʊd | 名 | トラック1台分の積み荷 To that end, John must obtain false passports, new social security numbers, and a "truckload of cash" to have a chance of success. | ||
2 | interstate | ̀ɪntɚst́eɪt | 名 | 州間高速自動車道 (形)各州間の John learns Pittsburgh's time to lock-down the city's exits after a call is made to do so: 15 minutes for the city center and 35 minutes for all interstates, secondary roads, and stations or airports. | ||
3 | altercation | `ɔːltɚkéɪʃən | 名 | 口論、議論 Lara Brennan is convicted of murdering her boss after an altercation at work and after a trial is sentenced to life in prison. | ||
4 | sentence | sénṭəns | 動 | 1.宣言する 2.判決を下す (名)文章 | ||
5 | obsess | əbsés | 動 | 〔悪魔・妄想などが〕取り付く、取り付いて悩ます obsession [ɑbséʃən] (名)取り付くこと、強迫観念 Following the failure of her appeal, Lara's husband John Brennan, a professor at a community college, becomes obsessed with the idea of breaking her out of jail, while their son Luke ceases to acknowledge her during their prison visits.
幸せな家庭を築いていたシャロン(ビヨンセ 派遣社員リサは、バイオハザードでクリスを演じるアリ・ラーター。ビヨンセvs.アリの女の戦いが見所?! | ||
6 | cease | síːs | 動 | 〔物事が〕やむ、終わる | ||
7 | acknowledge | əknάlɪdʒ | 動 | 1.認める 2.知らせる 3.感謝する | ||
8 | convict | kənvíkt | 名 | 囚人 (動)有罪と宣告する John consults Damon Pennington, a former convict who successfully escaped from prison seven times. | ||
9 | initial | ɪníʃəl | 形 | 初めの、最初の (名)頭文字 Damon also warns him that the initial escape from the prison will be easy compared with avoiding capture after the escape. | ||
10 | avoid | əvˈɔɪd | 動 | 1.避ける、回避する 2.無効にする | ||
11 | capture | kˈæptʃɚ | 動 | 1.〔抵抗・困難を排して〕捕まえる、ぶんどる 2.〔商品などを〕獲得する 3.〔心・関心・注意などを〕引く、魅了する 4.〔画像や言葉などを〕とらえる、保存する | ||
12 | obtain | əbtéɪn | 動 | 獲得する、得る | ||
13 | false | fˈɔːls○フォールス ×ファルス | 形 | 1.間違った、誤った 2.偽の、模造の、いんちきの、不正の | ||
14 | secondary | sék(ə)ndèri | 形 | 第2の、二流の | ||
15 | community college | 連 | 二年生の公立短期大学 | |||
16 | break out | 連 | 1.〔火事・戦争・暴動などが〕突発的に起こる 2.〔吹き出物・汗などが〕出る 3.脱走する、脱出する 4.急に・・・しだす | |||
17 | compare with | 連 | 比較する、照らし合わせる | |||
18 | lock-down | 連 | 封鎖する | |||
19 | knock over | 連 | ひっくり返す、倒す Damon Pennington tells John to ask himself if he can really "be that guy" who knocks over an old lady or shoots a guard if it's the difference between escape or getting caught. | |||
20 | difference between | 連 | ・・・の間での違い |
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