プロメテウス |
As a hovering spacecraft departs an Earth-like world, a humanoid alien drinks a dark bubbling liquid, then starts to disintegrate. The alien's remains cascade into a waterfall. His DNA triggers a biogenetic reaction.
In 2089, archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway discover a star map in Scotland that matches others from several unconnected ancient cultures.
They interpret this as an invitation from humanity's forerunners, the "Engineers". Peter Weyland, the elderly CEO of Weyland Corporation, funds an expedition to follow the map to the distant moon LV-223 aboard the scientific vessel Prometheus.
The ship's crew travels in stasis while the android David monitors their voyage. Arriving in 2093, they are informed of their mission to find the Engineers. Mission director Meredith Vickers orders the crew to avoid making contact without her permission.
The Prometheus lands near a large artificial structure, which a team explores. Inside they find numerous stone cylinders, a large, monolithic statue of a humanoid head, and the decapitated corpse of a large alien, thought to be an Engineer; Shaw recovers its head. Other bodies are found, leading the crew to surmise that the species is extinct.
Crew members Millburn and Fifield grow uncomfortable with the true nature of the mission and attempt to return to Prometheus, but are left stranded in the structure when they get lost. The expedition is cut short when a rapidly-approaching storm forces the crew to return to the ship.
David secretly takes a cylinder from the structure, while the remaining ones begin leaking a dark liquid. Back in the ship's lab, the Engineer's DNA is found to match that of humans. David investigates the cylinder and the dark liquid inside. He then intentionally taints a drink with the substance and gives it to an unsuspecting Holloway. Shortly after, Shaw and Holloway have sex.
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1 | archaeologist | ὰɚkiάlədʒist アーキアラジスト | 名 | 考古学者 archaeology 考古学 In 2089, archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway discover a star map in Scotland that matches others from several unconnected ancient cultures.
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2 | forerunner | f́ɔr̀ʌnɚ | 名 | 先駆者、先人 They interpret this as an invitation from humanity's forerunners, the "Engineers".
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3 | monolithic | mὰnəlíθɪk | 形 | 1.一枚岩の 2.〔組織・団体などが〕一致団結している、完全に統一された Inside they find numerous stone cylinders, a large, monolithic statue of a humanoid head
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4 | decapitate | dɪkˈæpətèɪt | 動 | 〔特に処刑人として人の〕首を切る the decapitated corpse of a large alien | ||
5 | surmise | sɚmάɪz | 動 | 〔想像に基づいて〕推量する、推測する leading the crew to surmise that the species is extinct. | ||
6 | taint | téɪnt | 動 | 1.汚す、汚染させる 2.〔・・・を〕腐らせる、〔道徳的に〕堕落させる (名)腐敗、汚れ、汚点 He then intentionally taints a drink with the substance and gives it to an unsuspecting Holloway. Shortly after, Shaw and Holloway have sex. | ||
7 | hover | hˈʌvɚ | 動 | 〔鳥が羽ばたいて〕空中に停止する、〔ヘリコプターが〕空中で停止する、ホバリングする As a hovering spacecraft departs an Earth-like world, a humanoid alien drinks a dark bubbling liquid, then starts to disintegrate.
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8 | disintegrate | dɪsínṭəgrèɪt | 動 | 〔・・・を〕崩壊(分解・風化)させる | ||
9 | biogenetic | bάɪoʊdʒəneṭɪk | 形 | 生物発生的な、生物発生の The alien's remains cascade into a waterfall. His DNA triggers a biogenetic reaction. | ||
10 | interpret | ɪntˈɚːprɪt | 動 | 1.解釈する、説明する 2.通訳する | ||
11 | expedition | èkspədíʃən | 名 | 1.遠征、旅行、探検旅行 2.遠征隊、探検隊
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12 | cylinder | sílɪndɚ | 名 | 円筒、円柱
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13 | corpse | kˈɔɚps | 名 | 〔特に人間の〕死体、死骸 | ||
14 | extinct | ɪkstíŋ(k)t | 形 | 1.〔火・希望などが〕消えた、〔火山が〕活動を停止した 2.〔生命・動物など〕死に絶えた、絶滅した | ||
15 | leak | líːk | 動 | 1.〔船・屋根など〕漏る、〔水・ガス・光など〕漏れ出る 2.〔秘密などが〕漏れる | ||
16 | intentionally | ɪnt́ɛnʃənəli | 副 | 故意に | ||
17 | substance | sˈʌbstəns | 名 | 物質、物、実体、中身 | ||
18 | unsuspecting | `ʌnsəspéktɪŋ | 形 | 疑わない、怪しまない |
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