あなたが寝てる間に… |
シンプルで軽快なラブストーリーだけに、さほど難しい英単語は今回出てこなかったけど、片思いの彼がアクシデントで記憶喪失になることから、 coma(昏睡状態)、amnesia(記憶喪失)などの難易度の高い英単語が登場した。
サンドラ演じるLucyが駅の発券係の仕事をしていたことからは、 transit(通行)やtoken(代用貨幣・トークン)、commuter(通勤者)といった単語が登場した。collectorが「収集」という意味だけでなく「集金」という意味でも使われることもわかった。
Lucyがひょんなことから嘘をつくはめになってしまったことから、overhear(ふと耳にする) や muse(物思いしながら心の中でつぶやく)、be caught up(巻き込まれる)、embarrass(恥ずかしい思いをさせる)、confess(白状する)、persuade(説得する)などの単語も出てきたね。シーン、シーンによって、それに合った英単語が出てくるのが面白い。 『あなたが寝てる閒に...』心に残る一本だ。
While You Were Sleeping is a 1995 romantic comedy film directed by Jon Turteltaub and written by Daniel G. Sullivan and Frederic Lebow.
It stars Sandra Bullock as Lucy, a Chicago Transit Authority token collector and Bill Pullman as Jack, the brother of a man whose life she saves, along with Peter Gallagher as Peter, the man who is saved, and Peter Boyle, Glynis Johns, and Jack Warden as members of Peter's family.
Lucy Moderatz (Sandra Bullock) is a lonely token collector on the Chicago Transit Authority who has a secret crush on a handsome commuter named Peter Callaghan (Gallagher), whose name Lucy does not know.
On Christmas day, she rescues him from an oncoming train after a mugger pushes him onto the tracks. He falls into a coma, and she accompanies him to the hospital, where a nurse overhears her musing aloud, "I was going to marry him." Misinterpreting her, the nurse tells his family that she is his fiancée.
At first she is too caught up in the panic to explain the truth. She winds up keeping the secret for a number of reasons: she is embarrassed, Elsie (Peter's grandmother) has a heart condition, and she quickly comes to love being a part of Peter's big and loving family.
One night, thinking she is alone while visiting Peter, she confesses about her predicament. Saul (Peter's godfather) overhears the truth and later confronts her, but tells her he will keep her secret, because the accident has brought the family closer.
With no family and few friends, Lucy becomes so captivated with the quirky Callaghans and their unconditional love for her that she cannot bring herself to hurt them by revealing that Peter does not even know her.
She spends a belated Christmas with them and then meets Peter's younger brother Jack (Pullman), who is supposed to take over his father's furniture business. He is suspicious of her at first, but he falls in love with her as they spend time together. They develop a close friendship and soon she falls in love with him as well.
After New Year's Eve, Peter wakes up. He does not know Lucy, so it is assumed that he must have amnesia. She and Peter spend time together, but she has already fallen in love with Jack. Saul persuades Peter to propose to her "again", and she agrees despite her feelings for Jack.
When Jack visits her the day before the wedding, she gives him a chance to change her mind, asking him if he can give her a reason not to marry Peter. He replies that he can not, leaving her disappointed.
On the day of the wedding, just as the priest begins the ceremony, Lucy finally confesses everything and tells the family she is in love with Jack rather than Peter.
Ashley Bartlett Bacon, Peter's real fiancée (who happens to be married herself), also arrives to stop the wedding. As the family argues, Lucy slips out unnoticed, unsure of her future.
Some time later, as Lucy collects tokens from passengers at the train station, Jack places an engagement ring in the token tray of her booth. With the entire Callaghan family watching, he walks into her booth and proposes to her.
In the last scenes of the film, they kiss at the end of their wedding, then leave on a CTA train for their honeymoon. She narrates that he fulfilled her dream of going to Florence, Italy, and explains that, when Peter asked when she fell in love with Jack, she replied, "it was while you were sleeping."
1日目 2/25(MON)
1日目 2/25(MON)
2日目 2/26(TUE)
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1 | mugger | ḿʌɡɚ | 名 | 〔戸外で人を襲う〕強盗 mug1 [ḿʌɡ] (動) 1.〔人を〕襲う (名) 1.マグカップ 2.悪党 mug1 [ḿʌɡ] (動)がり勉する On Christmas day, she rescues him from an oncoming train after a mugger pushes him onto the tracks. | ||
2 | coma | kóʊmə | 名 | 昏睡状態 fall into a coma 昏睡状態に陥る He falls into a coma | ||
3 | predicament | prɪdíkəmənt プレディカメント | 名 | 苦境、窮地 she confesses about her predicament. | ||
4 | commuter | kəmjúːtɚ | 名 | 〔特に定期利用の〕通勤者 commute [kəmjúːt] (他) 1.〔物・金〕交換する 2.〔支払方法〕切替える (自) 通勤(通学)する (名) 通勤(通学)者 a handsome commuter named Peter Callaghan | ||
5 | oncoming | ́ɔnk̀ʌmɪŋ | 形 | 近づいてくる、来るべき | ||
6 | accompany | əkˈʌmp(ə)ni | 動 | 1.〔人が別の人に〕同行する、ついていく 2.〔物事が同時に〕伴う、同時に起こる 3.伴奏をする she accompanies him to the hospital | ||
7 | overhear | òʊvɚhíɚ | 動 | 〔話してに気付かれずに〕ふと耳にする a nurse overhears her musing aloud, "I was going to marry him." | ||
8 | muse | mjúːz | 動 | 熟考する、黙想する、物思いに沈みながら心の中で言う | ||
9 | aloud | əlάʊd | 副 | 声を出して、大声で | ||
10 | misinterpret | mɪsɪnt́ɝprət | 動 | 誤解する、誤訳する、誤って解釈する Misinterpreting her, the nurse tells his family that she is his fiancée. | ||
11 | fiancée | fìːɑːnséɪ ○フィアンセイ ×フィアンセ ×フィアンシィー | 名 | フィアンセ、婚約中の女性 | ||
12 | embarrass | ɪmbˈærəs | 動 | 〔人前で〕恥ずかしい思いをさせる、困らせる she is embarrassed | ||
13 | confess | kənfés | 動 | 告白する、白状する、打ち明ける confession [kənféʃən] (名)自白、白状
サム・ロックウェルの声優を務める山寺宏一さんの吹き替えがまたぴったりなんだよね。 | ||
14 | confront | kənfrˈʌnt | 動 | 〔危険・死などに〕立ち向かう、大胆に立ち向かう | ||
15 | is caught up | 連 | 巻き込まれる At first she is too caught up in the panic to explain the truth. | |||
16 | catch up | 連 | 1.取り上げる 2.追いつく catch up with ・・・に追いつく 3.巻き込む | |||
17 | wind up | 連 | 1.〔ネジ・時計を〕巻く 2.〔精神的に〕引き締める 3.〔話・会などを〕結ぶ、終わらせる 4.〔店・会社などを〕畳む、解散する She winds up keeping the secret for a number of reasons wind(wínd)と wind(wάɪnd) wind には2つの発音がある。 wind(wínd) は、「風、呼吸」などの意。 wind(wάɪnd)は、「巻く、うねる」の意。 | |||
18 | have a heart condition | 連 | 心臓の状態が悪い Elsie (Peter's grandmother) has a heart condition |
3日目 2/27(WED)
1 | quirky | kwˈɚːki | 形 | 風変わりな、奇妙な With no family and few friends, Lucy becomes so captivated with the quirky Callaghans |
2 | amnesia | æmníːʒə | 名 | 記憶喪失 He does not know Lucy, so it is assumed that he must have amnesia. |
3 | captivate | kˈæptəvèɪt | 動 | 〔人を〕魅惑する、うっとりさせる |
4 | unconditional | `ʌnkəndíʃ(ə)nəl | 形 | 無条件の、無制限の their unconditional love for her that she cannot bring herself to hurt them by revealing that Peter does not even know her. |
5 | belated | bəléɪṭɪd | 形 | 1.〔手紙・報告書などが〕遅れた、遅れて到着した 2.遅すぎた、時期を逸した She spends a belated Christmas with them and then meets Peter's younger brother Jack. |
6 | assume | əsúːm | 形 | 〔証拠はないが〕事実だと考える、当然のことと思う、推測する、仮定する Assuming that・・・で、「もし・・・だったら、仮定するなら」 assumption [əsˈʌm(p)ʃən] (名)仮定、推測 |
7 | persuade | pɚswéɪd | 動 | 説得する Saul persuades Peter to propose to her "again", and she agrees despite her feelings for Jack. |
8 | be supposed to | 連 | ・・・するはずだ、・・・することになっている Peter's younger brother Jack, who is supposed to take over his father's furniture business. | |
9 | take over | 連 | 〔職務などを〕引き継ぐ、〔事業などを〕引き取る | |
10 | be suspicious of | 連 | 疑う、勘付く He is suspicious of her at first | |
11 | as well | 連 | 1.なおそのうえ、おまけに 2.同様に、上手く、上手に 3.(just) as well ・・・したほうがよい He speaks Russian as well. 彼はロシア語も話す(ロシア語も上手に話す)。 He speaks Russian as well as English. 彼は英語もロシア語も同様に上手に話す。 It would be as well to explain. 説明するほうが(何より)よいだろう。 It would be just as well for you to write [if you wrote] to him. 君が彼に手紙を出すほうがよりよいだろう。 They develop a close friendship and soon she falls in love with him as well. | |
12 | the day before | 連 | 前日 When Jack visits her the day before the wedding, she gives him a chance to change her mind |
4日目 2/28(THU)
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1 | priest | príːst | 名 | 聖職者、司祭 On the day of the wedding, just as the priest begins the ceremony
伝説のヴァンパイア・ハンター(プリースト)は、ある日ヒックスという青年から兄一家がヴァンパイアに襲われ、姪のルーシーが連れ去られたことを知らされ・・・というお話。 主役のプリーストは、『アイアンマン』でJ.A.R.V.I.Sの声を演じるポール・ベタニー。190cmを超える長身のイギリス俳優だ。1971年生まれ。 | ||
2 | argue | άɚgjuː | 動 | 論じる、主張する As the family argues, Lucy slips out unnoticed, unsure of her future. | ||
3 | unnoticed | `ʌnnóʊṭɪst | 形 | 気付かれない(まま) | ||
4 | tray | tréɪ | 名 | トレイ、盆、皿、箱 Jack places an engagement ring in the token tray of her booth. | ||
5 | booth | búːθ | 名 | 屋台、仕切り部屋、ブース
"フォーンブース"(電話ボックス)を巡るスリリングなサスペンス映画だ。 『セント・エルモス・ファイアー』のジョエル・シュマッカー | ||
6 | narrate | nˈæreɪt | 動 | 〔・・・を〕物語る、話す She narrates that he fulfilled her dream of going to Florence, Italy, and explains that, when Peter asked when she fell in love with Jack, she replied, "it was while you were sleeping." | ||
7 | fulfill | fʊlˈfɪl | 動 | 1.a 〔義務・職務などを〕全うする、遂行する b 〔約束などを〕守る、履行する c 〔命令・条件などを〕果たす、実行する 2.a 〔野望・野心などを〕全うする b 〔予言・夢などを〕実現する c 〔必要・要件などを〕満たす 3.〔期限・仕事などを〕終える | ||
8 | slip out | 連 | 抜け出る | |||
9 | Florence | flˈɔːrəns | Florence (Italian: Firenze [fiˈrɛntse] ( listen), alternative obsolete form: Fiorenza; Latin: Florentia) is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 2.5 million in the metropolitan area.
province [prάvɪns] (名) 1.〔カナダ・オーストラリア・スペインなどの〕州、省 2.〔the provinces〕 地方、田舎 3.〔学問・活動などを〕範囲、領域、分野、職分 populous [pάpjʊləs] (形) 人口密度の高い、人口の多い inhabitant [ɪnhˈæbɪtnt] (名) 1.〔家・場所などの〕住民、居住者 2.〔ある場所に生息する〕動物 expand [ɪkspˈænd] (動)広げる、拡張する、膨張する metropolitan [mètrəpάlətn] (形) 首都の、大都市の Tuscany [tˈʌskəni] (名) イタリア中部の地方 370,000 3 hundred seventy thousand 2.5 million 250万 | |||
10 | Italy | íṭəli | Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe.
parliamentary [pὰɚləménṭəri] (名) 議会 republic [rɪpˈʌblɪk] (名) 共和国 |
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