While Lawrence is such a magnetic presence that she holds your attention even as the story takes a dive, the actress also highlights the weakness of the script. Why a girl as savvy and street-smart as Elissa would stick around in situations long after the danger alarm has sounded makes less and less sense, even within the elastic logic of the genre. And Lawrence projects such kickass strength that she seems a match for any menace.
Sadly, Shue’s Sarah is denied the requisite redemptive “Get away from my daughter!” line in the climactic violence. But pretty much every other cliché of the formula is mined. What’s more irritating, however, is the absence of foreshadowing for key plot triggers like the extreme violence that preppy scum Tyler (Nolan Gerard Funk) and his buddies unleash upon Ryan, or the failure even to mention any investigation when it appears that more than one girl from the area has gone missing. And why is well-meaning cop Weaver (Gil Bellows) so trusting and protective of Ryan?
VIDEO: Jennifer Lawrence Moves Into 'The House at the End of the Street'
1 | vulnerability (image) | v`ʌln(ə)rəbíləṭi ヴァルネラビリティ | 名 | 傷つきやすいこと、弱み、脆弱性 |
2 | fret (image) | frét | 動 | いらいらさせる、悩ませる |
3 | deter (image) | dɪtˈɚː | 動 | (怖気付かせて)やめさせる、思いとどまらせる、妨げる |
4 | savvy (image) | sˈævi | 動 名 形 | 知る savvy? わかったか? (実践的な)知識 (事情に)精通している |
5 | elastic (image) | ɪlˈæstɪk | 形 | 弾力のある、伸縮自在の |
6 | requisite (image) | rékwəzɪt | 形 | 必須の、必要な |
7 | redemptive (image) | rɪdém(p)tɪv | 形 | 贖罪の redemption(名)贖罪 |
8 | cliché (image) | kliːʃéɪ | 名 | 決まり文句、陳腐な表現 |
9 | foreshadow (image) | fɔrʃ́ædoʊ | 名 | (将来のことを)予め示す、前兆となる |
10 | preppy (image) | prépi | 名 | prep schoolの学生、卒業生。金持ちの子弟が多い。(image) |
11 | unleash (image) | `ʌnlíːʃ | 動 | (革ひもを)外す、束縛を解く |
12 | loner (image) | lóʊnɚ | 名 | 他人と関わらず一人で行動する人。一匹狼。 |
13 | aura (image) | ˈɔːrə | 名 | 1.発散物、発気 2.雰囲気、気配、オーラ |
14 | slut (image ※注意) | slˈʌt | 名 | だらしない女、身持ちの悪い女、売春婦 high school slut (image ※注意) |
15 | belated (image) | bəléɪṭɪd | 形 | 遅れた、遅れて到着した |
16 | creep (image ※注意) | kríːp | 動 名 | 這って(這うように)行く 徐行、腹這い |
17 | weird (image ※注意) | wíɚd | 形 | 異様な、気味の悪い |
18 | magnetic (image) | mægnéṭɪk | 形 | 1.磁石の、磁気を帯びた 2.魅力のある人 |
19 | menace (image ※注意) | ménəs | 名 | 脅迫、威嚇 |
20 | climactic (image) | klɑɪmˈæktɪk | 形 | クライマックスの、ピークの |
21 | scum (image) | skˈʌm | 名 | 1.浮きカス、浮き泡 2.人間のくず |
22 | well-meaning (image) | 形 | 善意の |
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