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- One in ten people with autism has savant skills.
- 50% of savants have autism; the other 50% often have psychological disorders or mental illnesses.
- Prodigious savants have very significant disorder and disability, see Richard Wawro, Henriett Seth F., Jonathan Lerman.
According to Treffert, the term idiot savant (French for "learned idiot" or "knowledgeable idiot") was first used to describe the condition in 1887 by John Langdon Down, who is known for his description of Down Syndrome. The term "idiot savant" was later described as a misnomer because not all reported cases fit the definition of idiot, originally used for a person with a very severe mental retardation.
The term autistic savant was also used as a diagnosis for this disorder. Like idiot savant, the term autistic savant also became looked at as a misnomer because only one-half of those who were diagnosed at the time with savant syndrome had autism. Upon realization of the need for accuracy of diagnosis and dignity towards the individual, the term savant syndrome became widely accepted terminology.
1 | criteria | kɹaɪˈtɪə(ɹ).iː.ə | 名 | 基準、範疇 |
2 | misnomer | mìsnóʊmɚ | 名 | 誤った名前、不適切な名称 |
3 | retardation | rìːtɑɚdéɪʃən | 名 | 1.遅延、妨害 2.知能発達の遅れ |
4 | diagnosis | dὰɪəgnóʊsɪs | 名 | 診断 |
5 | diagnose | dάɪəgnòʊs | 動 | 診断する |
6 | accuracy | ˈækjʊrəsi | 名 | 正確さ、的確さ |
7 | significant | sɪgnífɪk(ə)nt | 形 | 重要な、意味深い |
8 | disability | dìsəbíləṭi | 名 | 1.無能、無力、無資格 2.(身体などの)障害 |
9 | offspring | ˈɑfsprɪŋ | 名 | 子、子孫 |
10 | term | tˈɚːm | 名 形 動 | 1.学期 2.用語 3.間柄 学期末の、期間の 名づける、呼ぶ |
11 | idiot | ídiət | 名 | 1.ばか、まぬけ 2.白痴 |
12 | knowledgeable | nάlɪdʒəbl | 形 | 知識のある、物知りの |
13 | realization | rìːəlɪzéɪʃən | 名 | 本当だとわかること |
14 | dignity | dígnəṭi | 名 | 威厳、尊厳、品位 |
John Langdon Down | John Langdon Haydon Down (18 November 1828 – 7 October 1896) was a British doctor best known for his description of a relatively common genetic disorder that is now called Down syndrome. genetic [dʒənéṭɪk] 遺伝子の、遺伝子上の relatively [réləṭɪvli] 相対的に、 比較的に、割合に |
Down Syndrome | Down syndrome (DS) or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. trisomy 三染色体性、トリソミー chromosomal [kròʊməsóʊm(ə)l] 染色体の chromosome [króʊməsòʊm] 染色体 |
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