The film opens in a California forest as a group of alien
botanists collect
flora samples. U.S. government agents appear on the scene, and the aliens flee in their spaceship,
mistakenly leaving one of their own behind.
The scene shifts to a
suburban home, where a 10-year-old boy named Elliott is trying to
hang out with his 16-year-old brother Michael and his friends. As he returns from picking up a pizza, Elliott discovers that something is hiding in their
tool shed.
The creature promptly flees upon being discovered. Despite his family's disbelief, Elliott lures the alien from the forest to his bedroom using a
trail of Reese's Pieces candy. Before he goes to sleep, Elliott realizes the alien is
imitating his movements. Elliott
feigns illness the next morning to stay home from school and play with the alien.
Later that day, Michael and their five-year-old sister Gertie meet the alien. They decide to keep him hidden from their mother. When they ask it about its origin, the alien
levitates several balls to represent its solar system and then demonstrates its powers by
reviving a dead flower plant.
1 | botanist | bάṭənɪst | 名 |
The film opens in a California forest as a group of alien botanists collect flora samples.
2 | flora | flˈɔːrə | 名 |
flora |
3 | feign | féɪn | 動 |
Elliott feigns illness the next morning to stay home from school and play with the alien.
4 | levitate | lévətèɪt | 動 |
When they ask it about its origin, the alien levitates several balls to represent its solar system and then demonstrates its powers by reviving a dead flower plant.
levitate |
5 | suburban | səbˈɚːb(ə)n | 形 |
The scene shifts to a suburban home, where a 10-year-old boy named Elliott is trying to hang out with his 16-year-old brother Michael and his friends.
suburban |
6 | imitate | ímətèɪt | 動 |
Elliott realizes the alien is imitating his movements.
7 | mistakenly | mɪstéɪkənli | 副 |
the aliens flee in their spaceship, mistakenly leaving one of their own behind.
8 | trail | tréɪl | 名 |
Despite his family's disbelief, Elliott lures the alien from the forest to his bedroom using a trail of Reese's Pieces candy.
9 | revive | rɪvάɪv | 動 | 生き返る、蘇る |
10 | leaving one of their own behind |
| 連 |
11 | hang out |
| 連 |
12 | tool shed |
| 連 |
tool shed |
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