E.T. |
The alien learns to speak English by repeating what Gertie says as she watches Sesame Street and, at Elliott's urging, dubs itself "E.T." E.T. reads a comic strip where Buck Rogers, stranded, calls for help by building a makeshift communication device, and is inspired to try it himself.
He gets Elliott's help in building a device to "phone home" by using a Speak & Spell toy. Michael notices that E.T.'s health is declining and that Elliott is referring to himself as "we".
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1 | intoxication | ɪntὰksɪkéɪʃən | 名 | 酔い、興奮、夢中 At school the next day, Elliott begins to experience a psychic connection with the alien, including exhibiting signs of intoxication due to the alien drinking beer | ||
2 | makeshift | ˈmeɪkˌʃɪft | 形 | 当座しのぎの、間に合わせの calls for help by building a makeshift communication device, and is inspired to try it himself. | ||
3 | urge | ɚːdʒ | 動 | 駆り立てる、追い立てる、しきりに勧めて・・・させる The alien learns to speak English by repeating what Gertie says as she watches Sesame Street and, at Elliott's urging, dubs itself "E.T." | ||
4 | comic strip | 連 | 〔新聞・雑誌などの〕続き漫画 E.T. reads a comic strip
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5 | Speak & Spell toy | 連 | ||||
6 | Sesame Street | 個 |
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