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The film title originates from the story that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold—the two students responsible for the Columbine High School massacre—attended a school bowling class early that morning, at 6:00 AM, before they committed the attacks at school starting at 11:17 AM.
Later investigation showed that this was based on mistaken recollections, and Glenn Moore of the Golden Police Department concluded that they were absent from school on the day of the attack. Moore incorporates the concept of bowling in other ways as well.
For example, the Michigan Militia uses bowling pins for their target practice. When interviewing former classmates of the two boys, Moore notes that the students took a bowling class in place of physical education. Moore notes this might have very little educational value; the girls he interviews generally agree.
They note how Harris and Klebold had a very introverted lifestyle and a very careless attitude towards the game, and that nobody thought twice about it. Moore asks if the school system is responding to the real needs of their students or if they are reinforcing fear. Moore also interviews two young residents of Oscoda, Michigan; Moore suggests a culture of fear created by the government and the media.
He says that fear leads Americans to arm themselves, to gun-making companies' advantage. Moore suggests sarcastically that bowling could have been just as responsible for the attacks on the school as Marilyn Manson, or even President Bill Clinton, who launched bombing attacks on several countries around that time.
Free gun for opening a bank account
Michael Moore upon receiving his free gun at the bank. An early scene depicts how Moore discovered a bank in Michigan that would give customers a free hunting rifle when they made a deposit of a certain size into a time deposit account.
The film follows Moore as he goes to the bank, makes his deposit, fills out the forms, and awaits the result of a background check before walking out of the bank carrying a brand new Weatherby hunting rifle. Just before leaving the bank, Moore jokingly asks, "Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank?"
1 | introvert | íntrəv`ɚːt | 形 | 内向的な、内省的な They note how Harris and Klebold had a very introverted lifestyle |
2 | sarcastically | sɑrḱæstɪkli | 副 | 皮肉な方法で Moore suggests sarcastically that bowling could have been just as responsible for the attacks on the school as Marilyn Manson |
3 | recollection | rèkəlékʃən | 名 | 記憶力、回想、回顧 Later investigation showed that this was based on mistaken recollections |
4 | conclude | kənklúːd | 動 | 終わりにする、完結する Glenn Moore of the Golden Police Department concluded that they were absent from school on the day of the attack. |
5 | incorporate | ɪnkˈɔɚpərèɪt | 動 | 合体させる Moore incorporates the concept of bowling in other ways as well. |
6 | reinforce | rìːɪnfˈɔɚs | 動 | 補強する、増強する Moore asks if the school system is responding to the real needs of their students or if they are reinforcing fear. |
7 | jokingly | dʒ́oʊkɪŋli | 冗談に、しゃれて Moore jokingly asks, "Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank?" | |
8 | originate | ərídʒənèɪt | 動 | 起こる、始まる The film title originates from the story that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold—the two students responsible for the Columbine High School massacre |
9 | generally | dʒén(ə)rəli | 副 | 普通に、一般に Moore notes this might have very little educational value; the girls he interviews generally agree. |
10 | respond | rɪspάnd | 動 | 返答する、応答する Moore asks if the school system is responding to the real needs of their students |
11 | advantage | ədvˈænṭɪdʒ | 名 | 有利、好都合、強み He says that fear leads Americans to arm themselves, to gun-making companies' advantage. |
12 | responsible for | 連 | 原因となる、原因である | |
13 | as well | 連 | なおその上に、おまけに | |
14 | in place of | 連 | ・・・の代わりに | |
15 | nobody thought twice about it | 連 | 誰もそれについてよく考えなかった | |
16 | fear leads Americans to arm themselves | 連 | 恐れが武器を持つアメリカ人を導く | |
17 | they made a deposit of a certain size into a time deposit account | 連 | 彼らは、特定のサイズの保証金を定期預金口座にした。 An early scene depicts how Moore discovered a bank in Michigan that would give customers a free hunting rifle when they made a deposit of a certain size into a time deposit account. | |
18 | fill out | 連 | 空所を満たす | |
19 | hand out | 連 | 1.〔ビラ・印刷物を〕配る 2.〔盛んに〕忠告を与える 3.〔金を〕出す "Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank?" | |
20 | Michigan | míʃɪgən | 名 | ミシガン For example, the Michigan Militia uses bowling pins for their target practice. |
21 | Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold | 固 | Eric David Harris (April 9, 1981 – April 20, 1999) and Dylan Bennet Klebold (September 11, 1981 – April 20, 1999) were the two American high school seniors who committed the Columbine High School massacre. The pair killed 13 people and injured 24 others, three of whom were injured as they escaped the attack. The two then committed suicide in the library, where they had killed 10 of their victims. | |
22 | Bill Clinton | 固 | William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III; August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Inaugurated at age 46, he was the third-youngest president. | |
23 | Weatherby | 固 | Weatherby, Inc. is an American gun manufacturer founded in 1945 by Roy Weatherby. The company is best known for its high-powered magnum cartridges, such as the .257 Weatherby Magnum and the .460 Weatherby Magnum. |
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