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The American Prospect published a piece by Garance Franke-Ruta criticizing the film for ignoring the role that municipal governance plays in crime in the United States, and ignoring African-American urban victims of violence while focusing on the unusual events of Columbine.
"A decline in murders in New York City alone—from 1,927 in 1993 to 643 in 2001—had, for example, a considerable impact on the declining national rate. Not a lot of those killers or victims were the sort of sports-hunters or militiamen Moore goes out of his way to interview and make fun of."
Weapons of mass destruction
After the release of the film, Lockheed Martin spokesperson Evan McCollum clarified that the plant no longer produces missiles (the plant manufactured parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles with a nuclear warhead in the mid-1980s), but rockets used for launching satellites: I provided specific information to Moore about the space launch vehicles we build to launch spacecraft for NASA, NOAA, the Dept. of Defense and commercial customers, including DirecTV and EchoStar. Erik Möller argues that Moore's question was not limited to the Littleton-area Lockheed Martin facility: First, note the word "our" in Moore's question.
Moore is not from Colorado -- his question is generic, not meant to refer specifically to the Lockheed Martin plant in question. ... Of course, critics [David Hardy, et al.] have conveniently ignored the fact that Lockheed Martin does supply weapons of mass destruction to the US military, and that the company is the nation's largest military contractor. As of 2008, Lockheed Martin is the world's largest defense contractor by revenue, which Moore states in the film.
Matt Stone
Being from Littleton, Matt Stone agreed to talk with Moore about his hometown and the shooting. Although he did not feel that Moore mischaracterized him or his statements in the film, he harbors ill feelings about the cartoon "A Brief History of the United States of America". Both Stone and his fellow South Park producer Trey Parker feel that the cartoon was done in a style very similar to theirs. Also, its proximity to Stone's interview may have led some viewers to believe, incorrectly, that they created the cartoon. As a result, Moore was depicted as a gibbering, overweight, hot-dog-eating buffoon who ultimately commits a suicide bombing against the protagonists in their 2004 film, Team America: World Police.
Charlton Heston interview
For the final scene of the film, Moore visited Charlton Heston in his home and asked him about American firearm violence. Heston's response included the suggestion that the United States had a "history of violence" and more "mixed ethnicity" than other countries. Moore then asked Heston if he would like to apologize for leading NRA rallies in Flint, Michigan (Moore's own hometown) after the shooting death of a six-year-old girl at Buell Elementary School and in Littleton after the Columbine shooting, upon which Heston walked out of the interview. Moore was criticized for his perceived ambush of the actor.
1 | militiamen | məĺɪʃəmɪn | 名 | 民兵、市民兵 Not a lot of those killers or victims were the sort of sports-hunters or militiamen Moore goes out of his way to interview and make fun of." |
2 | ballistic | bəlístɪk | 形 | 弾道の、飛行物体の After the release of the film, Lockheed Martin spokesperson Evan McCollum clarified that the plant no longer produces missiles (the plant manufactured parts for intercontinental ballistic missiles with a nuclear warhead in the mid-1980s) |
3 | warhead | ẃɔrh̀ɛd | 名 | 〔魚雷・ミサイルなどの〕弾頭 |
4 | gibber | dʒíbɚ | 動 | 1.〔驚いたり怖がったりして〕わけのわからないことを早口で言う 2.〔猿が〕キャッキャいう As a result, Moore was depicted as a gibbering, overweight, hot-dog-eating buffoon who ultimately commits a suicide bombing against the protagonists in their 2004 film, Team America: World Police. |
5 | buffoon | bəfúːn | 名 | 1.道化師 2.おどけ者 |
6 | ethnicity | eθnísəṭi | 名 | 民族性、民族的帰属 Heston's response included the suggestion that the United States had a "history of violence" and more "mixed ethnicity" than other countries. |
7 | municipal | mjuːnìsəpˈæləṭi | 名 | 1.地方自治体 2.市政機関 The American Prospect published a piece by Garance Franke-Ruta criticizing the film for ignoring the role that municipal governance plays in crime in the United States, and ignoring African-American urban victims of violence while focusing on the unusual events of Columbine. |
8 | clarify | klˈærəfὰɪ | 動 | 1.〔液体などを〕澄ませる、浄化する 2.〔意味などを〕明確にする、はっきり説明する |
9 | intercontinental | ɪntɚk̀ɑntəńɛntəl | 形 | 大陸間の |
10 | harbor | hάɚbɚ | 動 | 1.〔罪人などを〕匿う 2.〔感情などを〕心に抱く (名)1.港 2.避難所、隠れ家 he harbors ill feelings about the cartoon |
11 | proximity | prɑksíməṭi | 名 | 近接 Also, its proximity to Stone's interview may have led some viewers to believe, incorrectly, that they created the cartoon. |
12 | incorrectly | ɪnkɚ́ɛktli | 副 | 間違って、不正確に |
13 | protagonist | proʊtˈægənɪst | 名 | 〔物語の〕主役 |
14 | ambush | ˈæmbʊʃ | 名 | 待ち伏せ Heston walked out of the interview. Moore was criticized for his perceived ambush of the actor. |
15 | prospect | prάspekt | 名 | 予想、見通し |
16 | ignore | ɪgnˈɔɚ | 動 | 無視する |
17 | governance | gˈʌvɚnəns | 名 | 統治、管理、支配 |
18 | urban | ɚːb(ə)n | 形 | 都会の |
19 | victim | víktɪm | 名 | 犠牲者 |
20 | decline | dɪklάɪn | 動 | A 1.丁寧に断る B 1.傾く、下を向く 2.〔地位・名誉などが〕衰える、減退する 3.〔物価などが〕下落する |
21 | considerable | kənsídərəbl | 形 | 1.〔量・数が〕かなりの、相当な 2.考慮に入れるべき、重要な |
22 | Dept. | dɪpάɚtmənt | 名 | department (部署)の略 |
23 | generic | dʒənérɪk | 形 | 1.属の 2.一般的な |
24 | specifically | spɪsífɪkəli | 副 | 明確に、はっきりと |
25 | conveniently | kənvíːnjəntli | 副 | 便利に、都合よく、都合の良いことに |
26 | contractor | kάntræktɚ|kəntrˈæktə | 名 | 契約者、請負人、土建業者 |
27 | revenue | révən(j)ùː | 名 | 歳入、総所得 |
28 | mischaracterize | 動 | 文字を間違える | |
29 | fellow | féloʊ | 名 | 男、奴、仲間、同僚 |
30 | ultimately | ʌltəmətli | 副 | 最後に、遂に、結局 |
31 | rally | rˈæli | 動 | 1.〔ある目的のために〕集まる、結集する 2.奮い起こす、集中する、回復する Moore then asked Heston if he would like to apologize for leading NRA rallies in Flint, Michigan (Moore's own hometown) after the shooting death of a six-year-old girl at Buell Elementary School |
32 | perceive | pɚsíːv | 動 | 認める、気付く、理解する |
33 | in New York City alone | 連 | ニューヨークだけで | |
34 | go out of his way | 連 | 頑張る、努力する | |
35 | make fun of | 連 | からかう =poke fun at | |
36 | no longer | 連 | もはや・・・でない =not ...any longer | |
37 | et al. | eṭˈæl | 連 | 及びその他の者、及びその他の箇所に |
38 | walk out of | 連 | 歩いて出る、突然立ち去る | |
39 | NASA | 固 | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958 with a distinctly civilian (rather than military) orientation encouraging peaceful applications in space science. | |
40 | NOAA | 固 | The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA; pronounced /ˈno(ʊ).ə/, like "Noah") is a scientific agency within the United States Department of Commerce focused on the conditions of the oceans and the atmosphere. NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts seas and skies, guides the use and protection of ocean and coastal resources, and conducts research to improve understanding and stewardship of the environment. | |
41 | DirecTV | 固 | DirecTV, LLC, stylized as DIRECTV, is an American direct broadcast satellite service provider and broadcaster based in El Segundo, California. Its satellite service, launched on June 17, 1994, transmits digital satellite television and audio to households in the United States and Latin Americ. | |
42 | EchoStar | 固 | EchoStar Corporation is a global satellite services provider and developer of hybrid video delivery technologies. EchoStar is the owner and operator of the satellite fleet for closely affiliated Dish Network. | |
43 | A Brief History of the United States of America | 固 | マイケル・ムーアの作品のひとつ(2003) | |
44 | NRA | 固 | The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization[5] founded in 1871 that promotes firearm ownership, as well as police training, firearm safety, marksmanship, hunting and self-defense training in the United States. | |
45 | Flint, Michigan | 固 | Flint is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan, located along the Flint River, 66 miles ( 106 km) northwest of Detroit. According to the 2010 census, Flint has a population of 102,434, making it the seventh largest city in Michigan | |
46 | Buell Elementary School | 固 | The shooting of Kayla Rolland occurred at Buell Elementary School in Mount Morris Township, Michigan, United States on February 29, 2000. Six-year-old Dedric Darnell Owens fatally shot classmate Kayla Renee Rolland (May 12, 1993 – February 29, 2000) in a stairwell before he was taken into police custody. Buell Elementary School closed in 2002. It was part of the Beecher Community School District. |
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