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Early in the film, Moore links the violent behavior of the Columbine shooters to the presence of a large defense establishment manufacturing rocket technology in Littleton. It is implied that the presence of this facility within the community, and the acceptance of institutionalized violence as a solution to conflict, contributed to the mindset that led to the massacre.
Moore conducts an interview with Evan McCollum, Director of Communications at a Lockheed Martin plant near Columbine, and asks him: "So you don't think our kids say to themselves, 'Dad goes off to the factory every day, he builds missiles of mass destruction.' What's the difference between that mass destruction and the mass destruction over at Columbine High School?" McCollum responds: "I guess I don't see that specific connection because the missiles that you're talking about were built and designed to defend us from somebody else who would be aggressors against us."
Climate of fear
Moore attempts to contrast this with the attitude prevailing in Canada, where (he states) gun ownership is at similar levels to the U.S. He illustrates his thesis by visiting neighborhoods in Canada near the Canada–U.S. border, where he finds front doors unlocked and much less concern over crime and security.
In this section, a montage of possible causes for gun violence are stated by several social pundits. Many claim links with violence in television, cinema, and computer games; towards the end of the montage, however, the same people all change their claims to Marilyn Manson's responsibility.
Following this is an interview between Moore and Marilyn Manson. Manson shares his views about the United States' climate with Moore, stating that he believes U.S. society is based on "fear and consumption", citing Colgate commercials that promise "if you have bad breath, [people] are not going to talk to you" and other commercials containing fear-based messages, and that the media, under heavy government influence, had deliberately asserted his influence on the acts of Klebold and Harris as being far greater than that of President Clinton, who ordered more bombings on Kosovo on April 20, 1999, than any other day during his Balkans campaign.
When Moore asks Manson what he would say to the students at Columbine, Manson replies, "I wouldn't say a single word to them; I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did."
Moore follows up his climate of fear thesis by exploring the popular explanations as to why gun violence is so high in the United States. He examines Marilyn Manson as a cause, but states that German citizens listen to Marilyn Manson more per capita and that the country has a larger Goth population than does the United States, with less gun violence (Germany: 381 incidents per year).
He examines violent movies, but notes that they have the same violent movies in other countries, showing The Matrix with French subtitles (France: 255 incidents per year). He also examines video games, but observes that many violent video games come from Japan (Japan: 39 incidents per year). He concludes his comparisons with the suggestion that the United States' violent history is the cause, yet negating that with the violent histories of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom (UK: 68 incidents per year). Moore ends his segment with gun-related-deaths-per-year statistics of a few major countries:
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1 | mindset | ḿaɪnds̀ɛt | 名 | 〔習性となった〕考え方、思考傾向 the acceptance of institutionalized violence as a solution to conflict, contributed to the mindset that led to the massacre. | ||
2 | aggressor | əgrésɚ | 名 | 侵略者(国) "I guess I don't see that specific connection because the missiles that you're talking about were built and designed to defend us from somebody else who would be aggressors against us." | ||
3 | pundit | pˈʌndɪt | 名 | 賢者、専門家、権威者 In this section, a montage of possible causes for gun violence are stated by several social pundits. | ||
4 | Goth | gάθ | 名 | 1.ゴート族(ゲルマン民族の一派) 2.無教養な野蛮人 German citizens listen to Marilyn Manson more per capita and that the country has a larger Goth population than does the United States, with less gun violence (Germany: 381 incidents per year). | ||
5 | negate | nɪgéɪt | 動 | 否定する、打ち消す He concludes his comparisons with the suggestion that the United States' violent history is the cause, yet negating that with the violent histories of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom (UK: 68 incidents per year). | ||
6 | institutionalize | ìnstət(j)úːʃənəlὰɪz | 動 | 制度化する | ||
7 | conflict | kάnflɪkt | 名 | 〔比較的長い〕争い、闘争、戦闘 | ||
8 | contribute | kəntríbjʊt | 動 | 1.寄付する 2.貢献する | ||
9 | prevail | prɪvéɪl | 動 | 優勢である、流行している、蔓延る Moore attempts to contrast this with the attitude prevailing in Canada | ||
10 | thesis | θíːsɪs | 名 | 1.学位論文、卒業論文 2.論題、題目 He illustrates his thesis by visiting neighborhoods in Canada near the Canada–U.S. border, where he finds front doors unlocked and much less concern over crime and security. | ||
11 | consumption | kənsˈʌm(p)ʃən | 名 | 消費 he believes U.S. society is based on "fear and consumption", citing Colgate commercials that promise "if you have bad breath, [people] are not going to talk to you" | ||
12 | assert | əsˈɚːt | 動 | 断言する、力説する other commercials containing fear-based messages, and that the media, under heavy government influence, had deliberately asserted his influence on the acts of Klebold and Harris as being far greater than that of President Clinton, who ordered more bombings on Kosovo on April 20, 1999, than any other day during his Balkans campaign. | ||
13 | explanation | èksplənéɪʃən | 名 | 説明、釈明 Moore follows up his climate of fear thesis by exploring the popular explanations as to why gun violence is so high in the United States. | ||
14 | subtitle | śʌbt̀aɪtəl | 1.小見出し、副題、サブタイトル 2.〔複数形で〕映画の字幕スーパー He examines violent movies, but notes that they have the same violent movies in other countries, showing The Matrix with French subtitles (France: 255 incidents per year). | |||
15 | incident | ínsədnt | 名 | 出来事 | ||
16 | observe | əbzˈɚːv | 動 | 観察する、観測する He also examines video games, but observes that many violent video games come from Japan (Japan: 39 incidents per year). | ||
17 | conclude | kənklúːd | 動 | 終わりにする、完結する | ||
18 | imply | ɪmplάɪ | 動 | 1.含む、伴う、含蓄する 2.暗示する、仄めかす | ||
19 | facility | fəsíləṭi | 名 | 1.a 施設、設備 b トイレ、手洗い bathing facilities 海水浴の設備 educational facilities 教育施設 2.便、便宜 facilities of communication 交通の便 give a person facilities for 人に・・・のための便宜を与える 3.容易さ、手早さ with facility すらすらと、容易に 4.才、器用さ、腕前 have facility in speaking [writing] 口が立つ、[文才がある] | ||
20 | acceptance | əkséptəns | 名 | 受理、受諾、容認 | ||
21 | missile | mísl | 名 | ミサイル、飛び道具 'Dad goes off to the factory every day, he builds missiles of mass destruction.' | ||
22 | mass | mˈæs | 名 | 密集、多数、大部分、大衆 | ||
23 | destruction | dɪstrˈʌkʃən | 名 | 破壊、大量殺人、絶滅、駆除 | ||
24 | specific | spɪsífɪk | 形 | 明確な、具体的な | ||
25 | defend | dɪfénd | 動 | 1.〔国・人などを〕守る 2.〔意義・主張などが〕正しいと主張する | ||
26 | contrast | kάntræst | 動 | 対照する、対比する (名)対比 | ||
27 | illustrate | íləstrèɪt, ɪlˈʌstreɪt | 動 | 説明する、例証する | ||
28 | montage | mɑntάːʒ | 名 | モンタージュ[技法] | ||
29 | climate | klάɪmət | 名 | 1.気候 2.土地、地方 3.風潮、風土、雰囲気、情勢 Manson shares his views about the United States' climate with Moore | ||
30 | cite | sάɪt | 動 | 1.引用する 2.言及する、〔例を〕あげる 3.表彰する 4.召喚する | ||
31 | deliberately | dɪlíb(ə)rətli | 副 | 1.慎重に 2.故意に、計画的に、わざと 3.ゆっくりと | ||
32 | end | énd | 動 | 終える、終わる、終わりにする、帰する Moore ends his segment with gun-related-deaths-per-year statistics of a few major countries: | ||
33 | segment | ségmənt | 名 | 区切り、区分 | ||
34 | statistics | stətístɪks | 名 | 統計(学) | ||
35 | go off | 連 | 出発する | |||
36 | much less concern over crime and security. | 連 | 犯罪とセキュリティに対してあまり注意を払わない | |||
37 | "I wouldn't say a single word to them; I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did." | 連 | (マリリン・マンソンの言葉) 私は彼らに一言も声をかけないだろう。 私は彼らが言わなければならないことを聞くだろう。それは誰もしなかったことだ。 | |||
38 | follow up | 連 | どこまでも追求する | |||
39 | per capita | pɚ(ː)kˈæpəṭə | 副 | 一人あたりで、頭割りで | ||
40 | Littleton | 固 | Littleton is a Home Rule Municipality contained in Arapahoe, Douglas, and Jefferson counties in the U.S. state of Colorado. Littleton is a suburb of the Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Statistical Area. Littleton is the county seat of Arapahoe County and the 20th most populous city in the state of Colorado. The population was 41,737 at the 2010 census. | |||
41 | Lockheed Martin | 固 | Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) is an American global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technology company with worldwide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta in March 1995. It is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, in the Washington Metropolitan Area. Lockheed Martin employs 123,000 people worldwide. Marillyn Hewson is the current president and Chief Executive Officer. | |||
42 | Colgate | 固 | The Colgate-Palmolive Company is an American multinational consumer products company focused on the production, distribution and provision of household, health care and personal products, such as soaps, detergents, and oral hygiene products (including toothpaste and toothbrushes). Under its "Hill's" brand, it is also a manufacturer of veterinary products. The company's corporate offices are on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. | |||
43 | Kosovo | 固 | Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. In antiquity, the Dardanian kingdom, and later Roman province of Dardania was located in the region. It was part of Serbia in the Middle Ages, during which time many important Serbian Orthodox Christian monasteries, some of which are now UNESCO World Heritage sites, were built. | |||
44 | The Matrix | 固 |
It depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called "the Matrix", created by sentient machines to subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Computer programmer "Neo" learns this truth and is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, which involves other people who have been freed from the "dream world". |
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