007/スカイフォール |
In Istanbul, MI6 agents James Bond and Eve Moneypenny chase a mercenary, Patrice, who has stolen a computer hard drive containing details of undercover agents placed in terrorist organisations by NATO states. Patrice wounds Bond in the shoulder and, as the two men fight atop a train, Eve inadvertently shoots Bond, allowing Patrice to escape. Bond falls into a river and goes missing, and is presumed to be dead.
In the aftermath of the operation, M, the head of MI6, comes under political pressure to retire from Gareth Mallory, the Intelligence and Security Committee Chairman. On her return from the meeting, MI6's servers are breached and M receives a taunting message via computer moments before the offices explode, killing a number of employees.
MI6 relocates to its emergency offices underground. Bond, having used his supposed death to retire, learns of the attack and returns to London. Although he fails a series of physical and psychological examinations, M approves his return to the field. Shrapnel taken from Bond's shoulder wound helps identify Patrice, and intelligence places him in Shanghai, where he is planning an assassination.
Bond is ordered to identify Patrice's employer, recover the stolen hard drive and kill Patrice. After Patrice kills his target, he and Bond fight. Patrice falls to his death before Bond can learn of his employer. Searching Patrice's equipment, Bond finds a gambling chip intended as payment for the assassination, which leads him to a casino in Macau.
Bond approaches Sévérine, whom he witnessed as an accomplice in the assassination, and asks to meet whomever she and Patrice work for. She warns him that he is about to be killed by her bodyguards, but promises to help Bond if he will kill her employer. Bond defeats his attackers and joins Sévérine on her boat.
They travel to an abandoned island off the coast of Macau, where they are taken prisoner by the crew and delivered to Raoul Silva. A former MI6 officer who had previously worked under M, Silva has turned to cyberterrorism, orchestrating the attacks on MI6. Silva kills Sévérine, but Bond overpowers his guards and captures Silva for removal to Britain.
To be continued...
1 | mercenary | mˈɚːsənèri | 名 | 傭兵 (形) 金銭目当ての、報酬目当ての In Istanbul, MI6 agents James Bond and Eve Moneypenny chase a mercenary |
2 | atop | ətάp | 副 | 頂上に (前) ・・・の頂上に the two men fight atop a train, Eve inadvertently shoots Bond, allowing Patrice to escape. |
3 | shrapnel | ʃrˈæpnl | 名 | 榴散弾、〔砲弾・爆弾の〕破片 Shrapnel taken from Bond's shoulder wound helps identify Patrice, and intelligence places him in Shanghai, where he is planning an assassination. |
4 | inadvertently | ̀ɪnədv́ɝtəntli | 副 | 不注意に、うっかり |
5 | presume | prɪzúːm | 動 | 仮定する、推定する。 |
6 | taunt | tˈɔːnt, tάːnt | 嘲る、冷やかす、詰る MI6's servers are breached and M receives a taunting message via computer moments before the offices explode, killing a number of employees. | |
7 | assassination | əs`æsənéɪʃən | 名 | 暗殺 |
8 | accomplice | əkάmplɪs | 名 | 共犯者、グル。 Bond approaches Sévérine, whom he witnessed as an accomplice in the assassination |
9 | defeat | dɪfíːt | 動 | 〔敵・相手を〕破る、負かす Bond defeats his attackers and joins Sévérine on her boat. |
10 | abandon | əbˈændən | 動 | 見捨てる They travel to an abandoned island off the coast of Macau |
11 | orchestrate | ɔɚkɪstrèɪt | 動 | 統合する、終結する、組織化する。 A former MI6 officer who had previously worked under M, Silva has turned to cyberterrorism, orchestrating the attacks on MI6. |
12 | overpower | oʊvəɻˈpaʊəɻ | 動 | 打ち勝つ、負かす、圧倒する。 Silva kills Sévérine, but Bond overpowers his guards and captures Silva for removal to Britain. |
13 | undercover | 動 | 秘密に行う、諜報活動に従事する。 Patrice, who has stolen a computer hard drive containing details of undercover agents placed in terrorist organisations by NATO states. | |
14 | breach | bríːtʃ | 動 | 破る、突破する (名)違反、不履行、絶交、突破口 |
15 | identify | ɑɪdénṭəfὰɪ | 動 | 相違ないと確認する、見分ける。 |
16 | intend | ɪnténd | 動 | 意図する、目論む、・・・するつもりである。 Bond finds a gambling chip intended as payment for the assassination, which leads him to a casino in Macau. |
17 | witness | wítnəs | 名 | 目撃者、証人。 |
18 | whomever | hùːmévɚ | 代 | 〔・・・する〕誰にでも |
19 | removal | rɪmúːv(ə)l | 名 | 1.移動 2.解任 3.除去 |
20 | Istanbul | ìstənbúːl | 名 | イスタンブル (トルコの首都はアンカラ) Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, constituting the country's economic, cultural, and historical heart. With a population of 13.9 million, the city forms one of the largest urban agglomerations in Europe and is the second-largest city in the world by population within city limits. Istanbul's vast area of 5,343 square kilometers (2,063 sq mi) is coterminous with Istanbul Province, of which the city is the administrative capital. Istanbul is a transcontinental city, straddling the Bosphorus—one of the world's busiest waterways—in northwestern Turkey, between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Its commercial and historical center lies in Europe, while a third of its population lives in Asia. agglomeration [əglὰməréɪʃən] 集まり、集団 coterminous [kòʊtˈɚːmənəs] 隣接する straddle [strˈædl] 両足を広げる、股を広げる constitute [kάnstət(j)ùːt] 構成する transcontinental [tr`ænskὰnṭənénṭl] 大陸横断の administrative [ədmínəstrèɪṭɪv] 管理の、経営上の waterway 水路 |
21 | Macau | məḱaʊ | 名 | マカオ。中華人民共和国の特別行政区のひとつ。 Macau, also spelled Macao, is one of the two special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the other being Hong Kong. Macau lies on the western side of the Pearl River Delta across from Hong Kong to the east, bordered by Guangdong province to the north and facing the South China Sea to the east and south. The territory's economy is heavily dependent on gambling and tourism, but also includes manufacturing. |
22 | come under | 連 | 〔影響・支配を〕受ける。 In the aftermath of the operation, M, the head of MI6, comes under political pressure to retire from Gareth Mallory | |
23 | learn of | 連 | 聞知する。聞いて知る。 Bond, having used his supposed death to retire, learns of the attack and returns to London. | |
24 | fall to death | 連 | 死に至る。 Patrice falls to his death before Bond can learn of his employer. | |
25 | be about to | 連 | ・・・するところ、まさに・・・しようとしている。 She warns him that he is about to be killed by her bodyguards | |
26 | NATO | 固 | NATO。北大西洋条約機構。アメリカ合衆国を中心とした北アメリカとヨーロッパ諸国による軍事同盟。 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, one of the 28 member states across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April 2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATO's "Partnership for Peace", with 15 other countries involved in institutionalized dialogue programs. The combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70% of the world's defence spending. intergovernmental [̀ɪntɚɡ̀ʌvɚnḿɛntəl] 政府間の mutual [mjúːtʃuəl] 相互間の alliance [əlάɪəns] 同盟関係 whereby [wɛəˈbaɪ] それによって institutionalize [ìnstət(j)úːʃənəlὰɪz] 制度化する dialogue [dάɪəl`ɔːg] 対話、意見交換 Brussels [brˈʌslz] フリュッセル。ベルギーの首都。 Belgium [béldʒəm] ベルギー。 Albania [ælbéɪniə] アルバニア Croatia [kroʊéɪʃə] クロアチア | |
27 | casino | kəsíːnoʊ | 固 | カジノ。ギャンブルを行う施設のこと。 In modern English, a casino is a facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities. The industry that deals in casinos is called the gaming industry. Casinos are most commonly built near or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping, cruise ships or other tourist attractions. accommodate [əkάmədèɪt] 収容する retail [ríːteɪl] 小売 |
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