In 1966, George W. Bush (Josh Brolin)
endures an
alcohol-fueled initiation by his fellow
Yale University students as a
Delta Kappa Epsilon pledge. During the
hazing, Bush successfully
recalls the names and nicknames of many of the
fraternity members, and
states that his family's political legacy is one in which he has no interest.
A little later, after Bush is jailed in
New Jersey for
rowdiness following a football game, his father,
George H. W. Bush (James Cromwell), states that he will help Bush, but
for the last time.
Following his graduation from Yale, Bush takes a job at an
oil patch back in his home state of
Texas, but he quits after only a few weeks. Shortly after this, "Junior" reveals his real
aspirations in a
father-son talk: working in professional baseball,
in some capacity.
afterwards, Bush is accepted into
Harvard Business School with the help of his father. Later that night after drinking heavily, Bush crashes his car into his family estate and challenges his father to a
fistfight. His brother, Jeb (Jason Ritter)
intervenes and stops the fight.
1 | fraternity | frətˈɚːnəṭi | 名 |
During the hazing, Bush successfully recalls the names and nicknames of many of the fraternity members, and states that his family's political legacy is one in which he has no interest.
2 | rowdiness | ŕaʊdinəs | 名 |
A little later, after Bush is jailed in New Jersey for rowdiness following a football game
3 | endure | ɪnd(j)ˈʊɚ, en‐ | 動 |
In 1966, George W. Bush (Josh Brolin) endures an alcohol-fueled initiation by his fellow Yale University students as a Delta Kappa Epsilon pledge.
4 | pledge |
| 名 | 固い約束 |
5 | haze |
| 動 |
haze 1
(名)もや、霞 (動)もやをかぶる、ぼんやりとなる
haze 2
6 | aspiration | `æspəréɪʃən | 名 |
"Junior" reveals his real aspirations in a father-son talk: working in professional baseball, in some capacity.
7 | intervene | ìnṭɚvíːn | 動 |
Bush crashes his car into his family estate and challenges his father to a fistfight. His brother, Jeb (Jason Ritter) intervenes and stops the fight.
8 | recall |
| 動 | 思い出す |
9 | state |
| 動 |
state 1
state 2
10 | afterward | ˈæftɚwɚd | 副 |
Soon afterwards, Bush is accepted into Harvard Business School with the help of his father.
11 | fistfight |
| 動 |
拳で戦う。 (名)素手で戦うこと。
12 | New Jersey | n(j)ùːdʒˈɚːzi | 名 |
New Jersey |
New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north and east by the U.S. state of New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey is the fourth-least extensive, but the 11th-most populous and the most densely populated of the 50 United States. New Jersey lies mostly within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York City and Philadelphia. It is also the second-wealthiest U.S. state by 2011 median household income.
sprawl [sprˈɔːl] (動)
densely [d́ɛnsli] (副) 濃く、密集して
dense (形) 密集した density (名) 人口密度
the fourth-least extensive 四番目に小さい広さ
the 11th-most populous 11番目に人口が多い
metropolitan areas 首都圏
the second-wealthiest U.S. state 二番目に裕福な州
median household income 中流世帯収入
13 | Texas |
| 名 |
Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States . |
14 | alcohol-fueled initiation |
| 連 |
alcohol [ˈælkəh`ɔːl] (名) アルコール
fuel [fjúːəl](動)1.燃料を補給する 2.刺激する
initiation [ɪnìʃiéɪʃən](名)
1.開始、創業 2.入会、入門 (名)燃料
15 | for the last time |
| 連 | 最後に、それを終わりとして |
16 | oil patch |
| 連 |
patch [pˈætʃ] (名) 1.あて布、パッチ 2.一区画
17 | father-son talk |
| 連 |
18 | in some capacity |
| 連 |
19 | Yale University |
| 個 |
Yale University is a private Ivy League research university located in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States.
Connecticut [kənéṭɪkət] (名) コネティカット州
institution [ìnstət(j)úːʃən] (名) 制度、学会、施設
20 | Delta Kappa Epsilon |
| 個 |
Delta Kappa Epsilon (ΔΚΕ; also pronounced D-K-E or "Deke") is one of the oldest and largest fraternities in the world with 51 active chapters in the United States and Canada. Delta Kappa Epsilon was founded at Yale College in 1844 by 15 men of the sophomore class part of whom hadn't been invited to join the two existing societies among others who had been invited to join. They therefore formed their own fraternity to establish a fellowship "where the candidate most favored was he who combined in the most equal proportions the gentleman, the scholar, and the jolly good fellow."
fraternity [frətˈɚːnəṭi] 兄弟の間柄、友愛、共同体
sophomore [sάfmɔɚ]〔4年生大学・高校の〕2年生
freshmen = 1年生
Delta [déltə] (名) ギリシャ語アルファベットの第4字。
Kappa [kˈæpə] ギリシャ語アルファベットの第10字。
Epsilon [épsəlὰn] ギリシャ語アルファベットの第5字。
candidate [kˈændɪdèɪt] 1.候補者 2.・・・しそうな人
jolly [dʒάli] 楽しい、愉快な
therefore [ðéɚfɔɚ] それゆえに、従って
combine [ḱɑmbaɪn] 結合する
21 | George H. W. Bush |
| 個 |
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–1993). A Republican, he had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–1989), a congressman, an ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence; he is currently the oldest surviving former President and Vice President and the last surviving former President who is a veteran of World War II. Bush is often referred to as "George H. W. Bush", "Bush 41", "Bush the Elder", and "George Bush, Sr." to distinguish from his son, former President George W. Bush.
serve [sˈɚːv] 仕える、務める
Republican [rɪpˈʌblɪk(ə)n] [R~]共和党員
congressman [kάŋgrəsmən] 国会議員
ambassador [æmbˈæsədɚ] 大使
distinguish [dɪstíŋ(g)wɪʃ] 区別する
22 | Harvard Business School |
| 個 |
Harvard Business School (HBS) is the graduate business school of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. The school offers a large full-time MBA program, doctoral programs, and many executive education programs. It owns Harvard Business School Publishing, which publishes business books, leadership articles, online management tools for corporate learning, case studies, and the monthly Harvard Business Review.
doctoral [dάktərəl] 博士の
graduate [grˈædʒuèɪt] 卒業生のための
Boston [bˈɔːstən|bˈɔs] ボストン。州都。
Massachusetts [m`æsətʃúːsɪts] マサチューセッツ州
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