13日の金曜日 |
続編(13日の金曜日 PART2)、パート3(13日の金曜日 PART3)くらいまで面白かった記憶はあるんだけど、その後は「もう、好きにやって」みたいになってしまった。改めて全部観て整理したいなとは思うんだけど。マイケル・ベイによるリメイク版が2009年に公開されたが面白くなかったなあ。結局、「昔は良かった」になってしまう。何か現代に面白いホラー映画はないものか。
Friday the 13th is a 1980 American slasher film directed by Sean S. Cunningham and written by Victor Miller. The film concerns a group of teenagers who are murdered one by one while attempting to re-open an abandoned campground, and stars Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Kevin Bacon, Jeannine Taylor, Mark Nelson and Robbi Morgan.
It is considered one of the first "true" slasher movies. Prompted by the success of John Carpenter's Halloween, the film was made on an estimated budget of $550,000. Released by Paramount Pictures in the United States and Warner Bros..
When originally released, the film received negative reviews from film critics, it grossed over $39.7 million at the box office in the United States. It developed a cult following in the years that followed and it has become one of the most profitable slasher films in cinema history.
It was also the first movie of its kind to secure distribution in the USA by a major studio, Paramount Pictures. The film's box office success led to Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981), a long series of sequels, a crossover with the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise and a 2009 series reboot.
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1 | slasher | sĺæʃɚ | 名 | 〔ナイフ・カミソリなどで〕切りつける人、恐怖映画 Friday the 13th is a 1980 American slasher film directed by Sean S. Cunningham | ||
2 | abandoned | əbˈændənd | 形 | 1.見捨てられた 2.〔車・家などが〕放棄された 3.〔人・行為が〕放埓な、阿婆擦れの The film concerns a group of teenagers who are murdered one by one while attempting to re-open an abandoned campground | ||
3 | secure | sɪkjˈʊɚ | 形 | 安全な、危険のない It was also the first movie of its kind to secure distribution in the USA by a major studio | ||
4 | sequel | síːkwəl | 名 | 〔小説・映画などの〕続き、続編 The film's box office success led to Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981), a long series of sequels, a crossover with the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise and a 2009 series reboot. | ||
5 | profitable | prάfɪṭəbl | 形 | 儲けの多い、有利な It developed a cult following in the years that followed and it has become one of the most profitable slasher films in cinema history. | ||
6 | crossover | 動 | 越えて渡る | |||
7 | reboot | 動 | 再起動する | |||
8 | one by one | 連 | ひとりずつ | |||
9 | gross over | 連 | 総額で・・・になる。 When originally released, the film received negative reviews from film critics, it grossed over $39.7 million at the box office in the United States. | |||
10 | A Nightmare on Elm Street | 固 | エルム街の悪夢 13日の金曜日が"ジェイソン"なら、エルム街の悪夢は"フレディ"。夢の中に現れる鉄の爪を持つ殺人鬼"フレディ"と女子高生ナンシーの戦いを描く。キャラクターとしては13日の金曜日のジェイソンの方が知名度が高いが、実際に演じる俳優はフレディを一貫して演じたロバート・イングランドの方が有名だ(まあ、ジェイソンは素顔がマスクみたいなもんで俳優は目立たなくて仕方ないが)。ちなみに、このエルム~でナンシーを演じたヘザー・ランゲンカンプ(当時19歳くらいかな)はなかなかの美少女で当時人気を博した。 ※リンクは画像ページにつながります Each link leads to the image page.
revolve [rɪvάlv] ぐるぐる回る |
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