Carrie White is a shy, friendless teenage girl abused by her unstable Christian fundamentalist mother Margaret. The girls at Bates High School also harass Carrie, with Chris Hargensen being especially cruel.
Carrie experiences her first period while showering after gym class, and, because of her sheltered life, becomes hysterical, thinking she is dying. Chris and another popular girl, Sue Snell notice Carrie's horror.
Rather than help, they and the other girls throw tampons and sanitary pads at her before Miss Collins intervenes. As Carrie becomes more frantic, a light bulb bursts just before Miss Collins makes the other girls leave.
Miss Collins brings Carrie to Principal Morton's office. While consoling her, Principal Morton repeatedly calls Carrie "Cassie", unintentionally emphasizing how overlooked she is.
When Carrie corrects the principal, an ashtray from the principal's desk flips onto the floor. While Carrie is walking home, a neighborhood boy crashes his bicycle immediately after taunting her.
Margaret receives a call from Miss Collins about the locker room incident and tells Carrie that the "curse of blood" is punishment for sin. She locks Carrie in a closet and forces her to pray. That night, a miserable Carrie stares at her bedroom mirror until it shatters.
The next day, English teacher Mr. Fromm reads a poem to the class written by Sue's athletic boyfriend Tommy Ross. Fromm invites the class to critique Tommy's work, but mocks Carrie when she calls it "beautiful", which irks Tommy, who defends Carrie. Sue, feeling guilty for teasing Carrie, convinces Tommy to take Carrie to the prom.
Miss Collins berates the girls who tormented Carrie, subjecting them to a week-long boot-camp-style detention, threatening them with suspension from school and the prom if they do not attend. All the girls show remorse except for Chris, who throws a fit to Miss Collins and is banned from the prom.
Carrie suspects she may have telekinesis, and researches it in the library. Tommy asks Carrie to prom, but she fears another trick. After a pep talk from Miss Collins, Carrie accepts Tommy's invitation.
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