Boarding a room at the home of the town's richest family, the Van Tassels, Crane develops an attraction to their daughter Katrina, while he is plagued by nightmares of his mother's horrific torture when he was a child.
Delving further into the mystery with the aid of the orphaned Young Masbath, whose father Jonathan was a victim of the Horseman, Crane discovers within the Western Woods the Horseman's grave, as well as his entry point into the natural world from the supernatural — the gnarled Tree of the Dead.
1 | skeptical | sképtɪk(ə)l | 形 | 懐疑的な、疑い深い |
2 | delve | délv | 動 | (書物など)研究する、詮索する |
3 | gnarl | nάɚl ※ナール | 名 | (木の)ふし、こぶ |
4 | remain | rɪméɪn | 動 | 1.残る、存続する、生き残る 2.後に残る、後に残って 3.(+ing)・・・し続ける remaining highly skeptical about the supernatural elements in the case その事件における超常現象的な要素について高い疑いを残しながら |
5 | board | bˈɔɚd | 動 | 板で囲う、板を張る Boarding a room at the home of the town's richest family 町で一番の金持ちの家で部屋に板を打ちつけ |
6 | plague | pléɪg | 動 名 | 1.(疫病に)かからせる 2.悩ます、うるさがらせる 1.疫病、伝染病 2.(有害動物の)異常大発生 while he is plagued by nightmares of his mother's horrific torture when he was a child. 彼が子供の頃母親から受けた恐ろしいお仕置きの悪夢にうなされている間 |
7 | horrific | hɔːrífɪk | 形 | 恐ろしい、ものすごい |
8 | torture | tˈɔɚtʃɚ | 名 | 拷問、責め苦 |
9 | further | ˈɔɚf(ə)n | 副 | 1.(距離・空間・時間が)遠くに 2.(程度が)かなり進んで 3.なおその上に、さらにまた |
10 | orphan | ˈɔɚf(ə)n | 名 | 孤児 |
11 | on sight | 連 | 見てすぐ、即座に = at sight | |
12 | as well as | 連 | 1.・・・と同じようにうまく 2.・・・はもちろん、・・・も・・・も |
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