Chris tells her delinquent boyfriend, Billy Nolan, that she wants revenge on Carrie. She goes with Billy and other kids to a farm, where Billy kills a pig. After draining the pig's blood into a bucket, Chris has Billy place the bucket above the school's stage.
Chris makes a deal with her friend, Norma Watson, and Billy's friend, Freddy, to rig the prom king and queen election so that Tommy and Carrie will win. As Carrie prepares for the evening, her mother tells her everyone will laugh at her.
Carrie leaves with Tommy. Though her classmates are surprised to see Carrie at the prom, they treat her as an equal. Sue, who was unable to attend due to lacking a date, sneaks into the prom to ensure everything goes well for Carrie.
To Carrie's surprise, she and Tommy are named prom king and queen. As the couple approaches the stage, Sue discovers Chris holding a rope attached to the bucket of pig's blood. Miss Collins forces Sue out, believing she is there for mischief.
As the crown is placed on Carrie's head, Chris pulls the rope and Carrie is drenched in pig's blood. As the crowd looks on in silence, Tommy is knocked unconscious by the bucket and Carrie sees the whole room laughing and jeering at her, when it is implied that only a few of Chris's friends are actually doing so.
Carrie's telekinesis takes over, closing the doors to the gym and turning on a fire hose. Chris and Billy's friends are knocked out by the fire hose along with many other people and Miss Collins is killed by a falling ceiling rafter.
Principal Morton and Mr. Fromm are electrocuted, which causes a fire in the gym. Leaving her classmates inside the school as it burns, Carrie walks home covered in blood. Chris and Billy intend to run her over with Billy's car, but Carrie flips the car over, killing them both.
At home, Carrie breaks down in her mother's arms. However, by this time Margaret has gone completely mad; believing the devil has taken over Carrie, Margaret brings the girl to her knees and stabs Carrie in the back. Carrie falls down the stairs and is cornered in the kitchen by her mother, but sends kitchen knives flying at her mother, killing her. Overcome with guilt and grief, Carrie uses her last ounce of strength to collapse the house upon her and her mother.
Some time later, Sue, the only survivor of the prom, dreams of visiting the plot where Carrie's house stood. As she places flowers on the ground, a bloody hand grabs Sue's wrist. Sue wakes up screaming in her mother's arms.
1 | delinquent | dɪlíŋkwənt | 形 | 非行の、過失を犯した a delinquent boyfriend 非行少年のボーイフレンド |
2 | rig | ríg | 動 | 1.<船に>策具を装備する、艤装する、<車に>装備する 2.装う、装飾する 3.供給する、準備する 4.間に合わせに造る、急ごしらえする rig the prom king and queen election so that Tommy and Carrie will win. 【悪巧み】トミーとキャリーのカップルが優勝するように仕向けるキング&クイーン投票を準備する。 |
3 | jeer | dʒíɚ | 動 | 嘲る、バカにする jeer-jeered-jeered Carrie sees the whole room laughing and jeering at her キャリーは、みんなが自分のことを嘲笑っているかのように(体育館全体を)見る。 ※嘲るの類語 ridicule、sneer 〔at〕、scoff 〔at〕、mock 〔at〕、make fun of、laugh at. |
4 | rafter | rˈæftɚ | 名 | たるき ceiling rafter 天井のたるき |
5 | electrocute | ɪléktrəkjùːt | 動 | 感電死させる、電気で殺す
Principal Morton and Mr. Fromm are electrocuted
6 | ounce | άʊns | 名 | オンス(重さの単位) 1オンス=28.349g |
7 | declare | dɪkléɚ | 動 | 宣言する、はっきり述べる ※ declaration 宣言 |
8 | slam | slˈæm | 動 | 1.(ドア・窓)バタンと閉める(閉まる) 2.(もの)どんと置く 3.(ボールなど)打つ 4.酷評する ※slum dunk 強力なダンクシュート ※スラム街のスラムは、slum [slˈʌm] |
9 | shut | ʃˈʌt | 動 | 閉める、閉じる shut - shut - shut |
10 | Satan | séɪtn | 名 | 【キリスト教】魔王、サタン |
11 | insist | ɪnsíst | 動 | 主張する、言い張る |
12 | revenge | rɪvéndʒ | 動 名 | 復讐する〔on, for〕 ※人に対しては on ※行為に対しては for ※in [out of] revenge for… …の返報[腹いせ]に ※I'll take [have my] revenge on him for this insult. この侮辱に対してはやつに復讐してやる. 復讐 insult [ínsʌlt] 侮辱・無礼 |
13 | drain | dréɪn | 動 | 排出させる After draining the pig's blood into a bucket 豚の血をバケツに流し込んだ後 |
14 | sneak | sníːk | 動 | こそこそ入る、うろうろする |
15 | ensure | ɪnʃˈʊɚ | 動 | 確実にする、保証する |
16 | name | néɪm | 動 名 | 名づける、任命する、指名する 名前 |
17 | mischief | místʃɪf | 名 | いたずら、わるさ |
18 | crown | krάʊn | 名 | 王冠 ※clown [klάʊn]道化師、ピエロ |
19 | place | pléɪs | 動 名 | 置く、据える 場所、地位 |
20 | drench | dréntʃ | 動 | びしょ濡れにする、ざぶりと水に浸す |
21 | crowd | krάʊd | 名 | 群集 ※cloud [klάʊd] 雲 |
22 | unconscious | `ʌnkάnʃəs | 形 | 意識を失った、気絶した |
23 | imply | ɪmplάɪ | 動 | 暗示する、ほのめかす |
24 | hose | hóʊz | 名 動 | ホース ホースで洗う |
25 | stab | stˈæb | 動 | 刺す、突き刺す |
26 | overcome | òʊvɚkˈʌm | 動 | 打ち勝つ、負かす |
27 | collapse | kəlˈæps | 動 | 潰れる、崩壊する |
28 | plot | plάt | 名 動 | 1)A.1.策略 2.構想、プロット 2)地所、小地面 企む、構想を練る plot - plotted - plotted |
29 | grab | grˈæb | 動 | ひっ掴む、ひっ捕らえる |
30 | wrist | ríst | 名 | 手首 |
31 | make a deal with | 連 | 取り引きする | |
32 | look on | 連 | 傍観する、眺める | |
33 | take over | 連 | 引き継ぐ、引き取る | |
34 | turn on | 連 | 1.栓をひねって(水・ガスなどを)出す 2.興奮させる、性的に刺激する | |
35 | intend to | 連 | ~しようと思う、~の予定でいる | |
36 | run over | 連 | (車で人を)引く | |
37 | break down | 連 | 泣き崩れる | |
38 | fall down | 連 | 崩れ落ちる | |
39 | be cornered in | 連 | ~の中に追い詰められる、切羽詰る |
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