Then, later at her house, Laurie sees Michael outside in the yard staring into her room. Laurie is startled but then dismisses it thinking it was a neighbor.
Meanwhile, Dr. Loomis goes to the local cemetery and is guided by the grounds keeper to the grave plot of Judith Myers. The grounds keeper becomes angry when he discovers a missing headstone and looks down at his papers.
He then looks up at Dr. Loomis and tells him that the missing headstone belongs to Judith Myers. Upon hearing that news, Dr. Loomis mutters under his breath, "He came home." Later on, Annie's father, Sheriff Leigh Brackett (Charles Cyphers) is approached by Loomis, and the two quietly look for Michael.
That night, Laurie babysits a boy named Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews), while Annie babysits a girl named Lindsey Wallace (Kyle Richards) across the street from the Doyle house.
Michael methodically stalks Annie and kills Lindsey's dog. When Annie gets a call from her boyfriend Paul to pick him up, she takes Lindsey to the Doyle house.
Annie gets in her car to pick up Paul but she is killed by Michael who strangles and slits her throat with a knife. Meanwhile at the Doyle House, Tommy spots Michael carrying Annie's body back into the house.
He thinks Michael is the bogeyman and tries to tell Laurie, who dismisses his claims. Later, Lynda and her boyfriend Bob enter the house unaware that Michael is inside.
They retire to the bedroom, where they have sex. Afterwards, Michael impales Bob into the wall with a kitchen knife, then strangles Lynda with a telephone cord as she talks on the phone with Laurie. The disturbing disruption to the phone call concerns Laurie even further.
1 | mutter | mˈʌṭɚ | 動 | (はっきりしない低い声で)ぶつぶつ言う |
2 | methodically | məθάdɪk(ə)li メサディカリィ | 副 | 整然として、規則正しく methodical 整然とした、几帳面な |
3 | strangle (image ※注意) | strˈæŋgl | 動 | 絞め殺す、窒息死させる |
4 | impale (image ※注意) | ɪmpéɪl | 動 | 突き刺す、刺し貫く(on) |
5 | coverall (image) | ḱʌvɚ̀ɔl | 名 | 上下が一緒になった作業服 ※overalls(オーバーオール)と違って袖がある。 overall は、「端から端まで」という意味。 |
6 | cemetery (image) | sémətèri | 名 | (教会墓地でない)共同墓地 ※churchyard 教会付属の墓地 graveyard [ɡŕeɪvj̀ɑrd] 墓地 |
7 | grave (image) | gréɪv | 名 動 動 | 1-1.墓 2.[the grave]死 2-重要な、威厳のある 3-(心に)刻む |
8 | plot (image) | plάt | 名 動 | A 1.陰謀、策略 2.脚本、プロット B 地所 企む、構想を練る |
9 | headstone (image) | h́ɛdst̀oʊn | 名 | 墓石 |
10 | stalk (image) | stˈɔːk | 名 動 動 | 1)茎、軸、グラスの足など 2)気取って闊歩する、蔓延する 跡をつける そっと追跡すること、闊歩 |
11 | slit | slít | 動 名 | (長いまっすぐな切れ目を)入れる、切り開く 切り口、裂け目、スリット |
12 | spot | spάt | 動 名 | 1.見抜く、見分ける 2.しみをつけて汚す 場所、地点、斑点 |
13 | afterward | ˈæftɚwɚd | 副 | 後に、後で、その後 |
14 | disruption | dɪsrˈʌpʃən | 名 | 崩壊、分裂、中断 |
15 | belong to | 連 | 属する | |
16 | later on | 連 | 後ほど I'll tell it to you later on. 後でお話ししましょう ※⇔ earlier on 前もって、早くから as I said earlier on 前に[もって]言っておいたように |
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