レオン |
今週はリュック・ベッソン監督・脚本、ジャン・レノ、ナタリー・ポートマン、ゲーリー・ロールドマン出演の『レオン』をお送りした。うーん、英語学習を通じて映画のシーンを思い出して、なんだか泣けてきたな。エンディングのスティングによる曲 "Shape of my Heart"がまた良かったよね。ほんとに良い映画だ。また改めてDVDで観たい。
Léon: The Professional (French: Léon; Original U.S.: The Professional) is a 1994 English-language French thriller film written and directed by Luc Besson.
It stars Jean Reno as the titular mob hitman; Gary Oldman as corrupt DEA agent Norman Stansfield; a young Natalie Portman, in her feature film debut, as Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl who is taken in by the hitman after her family is murdered; and Danny Aiello as Tony, the mobster who gives the hitman his assignments.
Leone "Léon" Montana (Jean Reno) is a hitman (or "cleaner", as he refers to himself) living a solitary life in New York City's Little Italy. His work comes from a mafioso named Tony (Danny Aiello), who operates from the "Supreme Macaroni Company" restaurant.
Léon spends his idle time engaging in calisthenics, nurturing a houseplant that early on he describes as his "best friend", and (in one scene) watching old Gene Kelly musicals.
One day, Léon sees Mathilda Lando (Natalie Portman), a twelve-year-old girl who is smoking a cigarette and sporting a black eye. Mathilda lives with her dysfunctional family in an apartment down the hall.
Her abusive father and self-absorbed stepmother have not noticed that Mathilda stopped attending class at her school for troubled girls. Mathilda's father (Michael Badalucco) attracts the ire of corrupt DEA agents, who have been paying him to stash cocaine in his apartment.
After they discover some of the drugs missing, DEA agents storm the building, led by sharply dressed drug addict Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). During the raid, Stansfield quickly becomes unhinged and murders Mathilda's entire family one by one, except for Mathilda, who was missing only because she was out shopping. Mathilda returns from her shopping trip as the group clean up the carnage, and realizes what happened just in time to continue down the hall, where a reluctant Léon gives her shelter.
Mathilda quickly discovers that Léon is a "cleaner", or hit man. She begs him to take care of her and to teach her his skills as a cleaner. She wants to avenge the murder of her four-year-old brother, telling Léon that he was the only one of her family she loved.
Léon shows her how to use guns, including a scoped rifle. In return, she runs his errands, cleans his apartment, and teaches him how to read. Several times Mathilda tells Léon "I love you", but he offers no response.
Then one day after Mathilda has learned how to shoot, she fills a bag with guns from Léon's collection and sets out to kill Stansfield.
She bluffs her way into the DEA office by posing as a delivery girl, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a bathroom. Mathilda learns from Stansfield and one of his men that Léon has killed one of the corrupt DEA agents in Chinatown that morning. Léon, after discovering her plan in a note left for him, rescues Mathilda, shooting two more of Stansfield's men in the process.
Stansfield, now enraged that Léon has killed more of his men, goes to find Tony, then beats him to find out where Léon is.
When Mathilda returns home from grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team sent by Stansfield takes her hostage and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and grabs Mathilda.
Back in his apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Mathilda by smashing a hole in an air shaft. He reassures her and tells her that he loves her and that she has given him "a taste for life", moments before the police come for him.
In the chaos that follows, Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer. He goes unnoticed save for Stansfield, who recognizes him and follows him downstairs, sneaks up behind him, and shoots him in the back.
As Léon falls, he places an object in Stansfield's hands that he says is "from Mathilda", and dies. Opening his hands to see the object, Stansfield discovers that it is the pin from a grenade. He then opens Léon's vest to find a cluster of active grenades, which detonate moments later, the huge explosion killing him instantly.
Mathilda heads to Tony's place as Léon had instructed her before he died. Tony refuses to give her the money he had saved for Léon, offering her instead to give her money when she needs it—the same con he plied on Léon. Tony tells her school should be her priority for now. Mathilda asks Tony to give her a job, insisting that she can "clean" like Léon. Tony sternly says he "ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!" With nowhere else to go, Mathilda returns to a private school from her past.
She recounts her story to the headmistress, who readmits her. Mathilda then walks into a field near the school with Léon's houseplant in hand. She digs a hole and plants it, as she had told Léon he should, to give it roots.
mob | 暴徒、野次馬連 the titular mob hitman 義理で凶暴な殺し屋をやっている | abusive | 口汚い abusive father 口汚い父親 |
mafioso | マフィアのメンバー "Supreme Macaroni Company" restaurantの主、トニーのこと。 | absorb | 吸収する self-absorbed stepmother 自分のことに夢中な継母 |
calisthenics | 体操(準備・美容の) リヴィングで体操をしていたマチルダの義姉のことかと思ったら違った。 | addict | 中毒の drug addict Norman Stansfield. 薬物中毒者のノーマン・スタンフィールド |
nurture | 世話をする レオンが大切にしている鉢植えの世話のこと。 | raid | 不意の襲撃、〔警察の〕手入れ |
dysfunctional | 機能していない dysfunctional family 家族として機能していないマチルダの家族を指して。 | beg | 頼む マチルダがレオンに自分の世話を頼むとき。 |
ire | 怒り マチルダの父親が汚職警官から怒りを買った。 | avenge | 〔正義の〕復讐 マチルダの実の弟の死に対する正当な復讐。 |
stash | こっそりしまう、隠す ire → コカインを隠していたことで。 | enrage | ひどく怒らす、激怒させる |
unhinged | 混乱する("hinge" 『ちょうつがい』を外すことから) スタンフィールドが半狂乱になる様。 | smash | 強打する |
carnage | 大虐殺 マチルダの家族が皆殺しにされたjこと。 | reassure | 不安をなくす |
errand | 使い マチルダがレオンの使いに出るシーンで。 | unnoticed | 気付かれない |
bluff | 騙して切り抜ける マチルダが復讐のために汚職警官がいるオフィスに潜入する際に。 | grenade | 手榴弾 |
infiltrate | 潜入する スタンフィールド率いる警察組織がレオンのアパートを襲撃する際に。 | cluster | 房 (レオンがジャケットの内側に手榴弾をたくさん仕込んでいたことを指して) |
con | ペテン トニーがレオンにさせた仕事のこと。 | detonate | 大爆発させる レオンが仕込んだたくさんの手榴弾でスタンフィールドもろとも大爆発したシーンで。 |
ply | 仕事を営む、強いる トニーがレオンにさせた仕事について。 | sternly | 厳しく マチルダがトニーに「12歳のお前に仕事はない」ときつく言われたこと。 |
readmit | 再入院させる マチルダが行き場所がなくなり学校に戻ったことを指して。 | recount | 物語る マチルダがレオンとのことを校長先生に物語った。 |
Léon: The Professional (French: Léon; Original U.S.: The Professional) is a 1994 English-language French thriller film written and directed by Luc Besson.
It stars Jean Reno as the titular mob hitman; Gary Oldman as corrupt DEA agent Norman Stansfield; a young Natalie Portman, in her feature film debut, as Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl who is taken in by the hitman after her family is murdered; and Danny Aiello as Tony, the mobster who gives the hitman his assignments.
Leone "Léon" Montana (Jean Reno) is a hitman (or "cleaner", as he refers to himself) living a solitary life in New York City's Little Italy. His work comes from a mafioso named Tony (Danny Aiello), who operates from the "Supreme Macaroni Company" restaurant.
Léon spends his idle time engaging in calisthenics, nurturing a houseplant that early on he describes as his "best friend", and (in one scene) watching old Gene Kelly musicals.
One day, Léon sees Mathilda Lando (Natalie Portman), a twelve-year-old girl who is smoking a cigarette and sporting a black eye. Mathilda lives with her dysfunctional family in an apartment down the hall.
Her abusive father and self-absorbed stepmother have not noticed that Mathilda stopped attending class at her school for troubled girls. Mathilda's father (Michael Badalucco) attracts the ire of corrupt DEA agents, who have been paying him to stash cocaine in his apartment.
After they discover some of the drugs missing, DEA agents storm the building, led by sharply dressed drug addict Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). During the raid, Stansfield quickly becomes unhinged and murders Mathilda's entire family one by one, except for Mathilda, who was missing only because she was out shopping. Mathilda returns from her shopping trip as the group clean up the carnage, and realizes what happened just in time to continue down the hall, where a reluctant Léon gives her shelter.
Mathilda quickly discovers that Léon is a "cleaner", or hit man. She begs him to take care of her and to teach her his skills as a cleaner. She wants to avenge the murder of her four-year-old brother, telling Léon that he was the only one of her family she loved.
Léon shows her how to use guns, including a scoped rifle. In return, she runs his errands, cleans his apartment, and teaches him how to read. Several times Mathilda tells Léon "I love you", but he offers no response.
Then one day after Mathilda has learned how to shoot, she fills a bag with guns from Léon's collection and sets out to kill Stansfield.
She bluffs her way into the DEA office by posing as a delivery girl, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a bathroom. Mathilda learns from Stansfield and one of his men that Léon has killed one of the corrupt DEA agents in Chinatown that morning. Léon, after discovering her plan in a note left for him, rescues Mathilda, shooting two more of Stansfield's men in the process.
Stansfield, now enraged that Léon has killed more of his men, goes to find Tony, then beats him to find out where Léon is.
When Mathilda returns home from grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team sent by Stansfield takes her hostage and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and grabs Mathilda.
Back in his apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Mathilda by smashing a hole in an air shaft. He reassures her and tells her that he loves her and that she has given him "a taste for life", moments before the police come for him.
In the chaos that follows, Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer. He goes unnoticed save for Stansfield, who recognizes him and follows him downstairs, sneaks up behind him, and shoots him in the back.
As Léon falls, he places an object in Stansfield's hands that he says is "from Mathilda", and dies. Opening his hands to see the object, Stansfield discovers that it is the pin from a grenade. He then opens Léon's vest to find a cluster of active grenades, which detonate moments later, the huge explosion killing him instantly.
Mathilda heads to Tony's place as Léon had instructed her before he died. Tony refuses to give her the money he had saved for Léon, offering her instead to give her money when she needs it—the same con he plied on Léon. Tony tells her school should be her priority for now. Mathilda asks Tony to give her a job, insisting that she can "clean" like Léon. Tony sternly says he "ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!" With nowhere else to go, Mathilda returns to a private school from her past.
She recounts her story to the headmistress, who readmits her. Mathilda then walks into a field near the school with Léon's houseplant in hand. She digs a hole and plants it, as she had told Léon he should, to give it roots.
1日目 2/18(月)
1日目 2/18(月)
1 | mob | mάb | 名 | 暴徒、野次馬連 It stars Jean Reno as the titular mob hitman |
2 | titular | títʃʊlɚ | 形 | 名だけの、名義上の |
3 | corrupt | kərˈʌpt | 形 | 〔道徳的に〕墜落した、頽廃した、不道徳な、汚職の Gary Oldman as corrupt DEA agent Norman Stansfield 【似ている】 collapse [kəlˈæps] (動)崩れる、崩壊する |
4 | mobster | mάbstɚ | 名 | 暴力団の一員 |
5 | assignment | əsάɪnmənt | 名 | 1.宿題、課題 2.与えられた仕事、〔任命された〕職位、地位 Danny Aiello as Tony, the mobster who gives the hitman his assignments. |
6 | take in | 連 | 取り入れる、泊める、置く a young Natalie Portman, in her feature film debut, as Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl who is taken in by the hitman after her family is murdered |
2日目 2/19(火)
1 | mafioso | 名 | 1.米国のマフィア犯罪組織のメンバー (a member of the Mafia crime syndicate in the United States) 2.シチリアマフィアの一員 (a member of the Sicilian Mafia) His work comes from a mafioso named Tony (Danny Aiello), who operates from the "Supreme Macaroni Company" restaurant. | |
2 | calisthenics | k`æləsθénɪks | 名 | =callisthenics 美容(健康)体操、柔軟体操 Léon spends his idle time engaging in calisthenics, nurturing a houseplant that early on he describes as his "best friend", and (in one scene) watching old Gene Kelly musicals. |
3 | nurture | nˈɚːtʃɚ | 動 | 1.〔子供を〕養育する、育てる 2.〔植物などを〕大事に育てる |
4 | dysfunctional | dɪsf́ʌŋkʃənəl | 形 | 機能障害性の、機能していない Mathilda lives with her dysfunctional family in an apartment down the hall. |
5 | ire | άɪɚ | 名 | 怒り、憤り Mathilda's father (Michael Badalucco) attracts the ire of corrupt DEA agents, who have been paying him to stash cocaine in his apartment. |
6 | stash | stˈæʃ | 動 | こっそりしまう、隠す、蓄える |
7 | unhinge | `ʌnhíndʒ | 動 | 1.蝶番(ちょうつがい)を外す、引き離す 2.〔精神を〕混乱させる、〔人を〕発狂させる hinge [híndʒ] (名・動) ちょうつがい(をつける)、決定(する) During the raid, Stansfield quickly becomes unhinged |
8 | carnage | kάɚnɪdʒ | 名 | 大虐殺 cf. massacre [mˈæsəkɚ] (名)大虐殺 Mathilda returns from her shopping trip as the group clean up the carnage |
9 | solitary | sάlətèri | 形 | 孤独の、孤立した、寂しい Leone "Léon" Montana (Jean Reno) is a hitman (or "cleaner", as he refers to himself) living a solitary life in New York City's Little Italy. |
10 | supreme | sʊpríːm | 形 | 1.〔地位・権力など〕最高位の、最高権威の 2.〔程度・品質など〕最高の、最優秀の 3.絶大の、この上ない、極度の 4.最後の、終局の |
11 | macaroni | m`ækəróʊni | 名 | マカロニ (イタリア料理で使われる麺類。パスタのひとつ。) |
12 | idle | άɪdl | 形 | 1.仕事のない、遊んでいる 2.〔機械・工場・金など〕遊んでいる 3.〔時間が〕暇な、空いている 4.根拠のない、くだらない、無意味な (動)遊んで過ごす、のらくらする、ぶらつく |
13 | houseplant | 名 | 室内に置かれる鉢植えの植物 | |
14 | abusive | əbjúːsɪv | 形 | 〔言葉・人など〕口汚い Her abusive father and self-absorbed stepmother have not noticed that Mathilda stopped attending class at her school for troubled girls. |
15 | absorb | əbsˈɔɚb | 動 | 1.吸収する、吸い上げる 2.〔注意・時間などを〕奪う |
16 | addict | ˈædɪkt | 名 | 1.〔麻薬などの〕中毒者、常習者 2.熱中している人、大のファン (動)〔麻薬などを〕中毒にさせる、常習させる After they discover some of the drugs missing, DEA agents storm the building, led by sharply dressed drug addict Norman Stansfield. |
17 | raid | réɪd | 名 | 1.不意の襲撃、奇襲、空襲 2.〔警察の〕手入れ 3.〔略奪を目的とする〕侵入 |
18 | one by one | 連 | 一人づつ、ひとつづつ、次々に and murders Mathilda's entire family one by one, except for Mathilda | |
19 | shopping trip | 連 | 買い物 | |
20 | down the hall | 連 | ホールの下で and realizes what happened just in time to continue down the hall, where a reluctant Léon gives her shelter. |
3日目 2/20(水)
| ||||
1 | errand | érənd | 名 | 使い、使い走り、用事 In return, she runs his errands, cleans his apartment, and teaches him how to read. | ||||
2 | bluff | blˈʌf | 動 | 〔はったり・こけおどしで〕騙す、騙して切り抜ける She bluffs her way into the DEA office by posing as a delivery girl, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a bathroom. | ||||
3 | beg | bég | 動 | 頼む、請う I beg your pardon. ごめんなさい。失礼ですが、・・・。すみません、・・・。 She begs him to take care of her and to teach her his skills as a cleaner. | ||||
4 | avenge | əvéndʒ | 動 | 〔正当な〕仕返しをする、復讐をする revenge [rɪvéndʒ] (動)仕返しする、復讐する 【avengeとrevengeの違い】 revengeは、個人的な憎しみ・悪意を動機とした仕返し avenge は、不正・悪事に対して正義感からの正当な仕返し She wants to avenge the murder of her four-year-old brother, telling Léon that he was the only one of her family she loved.
最近多いアメコミヒーローもの。 出演は、ロバート・ダウニーJr(アイアンマン)、クリス・エヴァンス(ファンタスティック・フォー)、ジェレミー・レナー(ハート・ロッカー)、スカーレット・ヨハンソン(ロスト・イン・トランスレーション)など。 | ||||
5 | scope | skóʊp | 名 | 〔知力・研究・活動などの〕範囲、視野 Léon shows her how to use guns, including a scoped rifle. 【似ている】 scoop [skúːp] (名) 1.シャベル(shovel)、スコップ(schop) 2.特ダネ、スクープ | ||||
6 | rifle | rάɪfl | 名 | ライフル銃
A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the barrel walls.
barrel [bˈærəl] (名) 1.樽、1バレル(量) 2.(ものの)胴体 helical [hélɪk(ə)l] (形) 螺旋状の groove [grúːv] (名) 1.〔レコードなどの〕溝 2.楽しい時 rifle2(動)〔金庫・バッグなどを〕くまなく探して中身を盗む A thief rifled my wallet 泥棒が財布の中身を盗んで行った。 | ||||
7 | enrage | ɪnréɪdʒ | 動 | ひどく怒らす、激怒させる Her remarks enraged me. 彼女の言葉にかっときた。 now enraged that Léon has killed more of his men, goes to find Tony, then beats him to find out where Léon is. | ||||
8 | In return | 連 | 見返りに | |||||
9 | set out | 連 | 出発する、・・・し始める Then one day after Mathilda has learned how to shoot, she fills a bag with guns from Léon's collection and sets out to kill Stansfield. | |||||
10 | in the process | 連 | in the prpcess of ~の処理中に Léon, after discovering her plan in a note left for him, rescues Mathilda, shooting two more of Stansfield's men in the process. |
4日目 2/21(木)
| ||
1 | infiltrate | ɪnfíltreɪt | 動 | 1.染み込む、浸透する 2.〔スパイ・サボタージュの目的で〕〔地域・組織に〕潜入する When Mathilda returns home from grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team sent by Stansfield takes her hostage and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and grabs Mathilda. | ||
2 | con | con1 (副)反対して (名)反対、反対論、反対票 con2 (動)〔繰り返し〕勉強する、暗記する con3 (動)騙す、ペテンにかける (名)詐欺、ペテン con4 (名)convict (囚人・受刑者)の略
the same con he plied on Léon. | ||||
3 | ply | plάɪ | 動 | 1.〔仕事などを〕精を出す、〔商売を〕営む 2.〔船が川などを〕往復する 3.〔ものなどを〕強いる、〔質問などを〕浴びせる | ||
4 | readmit | r̀iədḿɪt | 動 | 再入院させる She recounts her story to the headmistress, who readmits her. | ||
5 | grocery | gróʊs(ə)ri | 名 | 食料雑貨店、食料品店
| ||
6 | create | kriéɪt | 動 | 1.〔新しいものを〕創造する 2.〔独創的なものを〕考案する Back in his apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Mathilda by smashing a hole in an air shaft. | ||
7 | smash | smˈæʃ | 動 | 〔強い力で粉々に〕粉砕する、強打する、ぶつける | ||
8 | reassure | rìːəʃˈʊɚ | 動 | 1.〔人の〕不安をなくす、〔人に〕新たに自信を持たせる 2.再保証する assure [əʃˈʊɚ] (動) 1.保証する、請け負う、確かに・・・だと言う 2.安心させる、納得させる、確信させる He reassures her and tells her that he loves her and that she has given him "a taste for life", moments before the police come for him. | ||
9 | disguise | dɪsgάɪz | 動 | 変装させる、偽装する In the chaos that follows, Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer. | ||
10 | unnoticed | `ʌnnóʊṭɪst | 形 | 気付かれていない He goes unnoticed save for Stansfield, who recognizes him and follows him downstairs, sneaks up behind him, and shoots him in the back. | ||
11 | place | pléɪs | 動 | 置く (名)場所 As Léon falls, he places an object in Stansfield's hands that he says is "from Mathilda", and dies. | ||
12 | object | άbdʒɪkt | 名 | 1.物・物体 2.対象 3.目標 4.目的語 | ||
13 | grenade | grɪnéɪd | 名 | 手榴弾、手投げ弾 Opening his hands to see the object, Stansfield discovers that it is the pin from a grenade.
| ||
14 | cluster | klˈʌstɚ | 名 | 1.〔ブドウ・サクランボなど花の〕房 2.〔同種類のもの・人の〕集団、群れ He then opens Léon's vest to find a cluster of active grenades, which detonate moments later, the huge explosion killing him instantly.
hollow [hάloʊ] (名) へこみ、穴、うつろ munition [mjuːníʃən] (名) 軍需品、爆薬 bomblet クラスター爆弾から放たれる小さい爆弾の一つ dispenser [dɪˈspɛnsə] (名)1.容器 2.薬剤師 3.分配者 retain [rɪtéɪn] (動) 保持する、維持する | ||
15 | detonate | déṭənèɪt | 動 | 〔爆薬を猛烈な音と勢いで〕爆発させる | ||
16 | instantly | ínstəntli | 副 | 直ちに、即座に | ||
17 | instead | ɪnstéd | 名 | その代わり (副)代わりとして instead of ・・・の代わりに Tony refuses to give her the money he had saved for Léon, offering her instead to give her money when she needs it | ||
18 | insist | ɪnsíst | 動 | 1.主張する、言い張る 2.強要する、要求する Mathilda asks Tony to give her a job, insisting that she can "clean" like Léon. | ||
19 | sternly | st́ɝnli | 副 | 厳格に、厳しく Tony sternly says he "ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!" With nowhere else to go, Mathilda returns to a private school from her past. | ||
20 | recount | rɪkάʊnt | 動 | 詳しく話す、物語る | ||
21 | headmistress | h́ɛdm̀ɪstrəs | 名 | headmaster (校長)の女性系 | ||
22 | NYPD | 連 | New York Police Department の略
| |||
23 | air shaft | 連 | 〔鉱山・トンネルなどの〕通風縦坑 | |||
24 | sneak out | 連 | 密かに、こっそりと離れる leave furtively and stealthily furtive [fˈɚːṭɪv] (形) ひそかな、こそこそする stealth [stélθ] (名) こっそりすること、忍び | |||
25 | sneak up | 連 | 密かに気付かれないで進む advance stealthily or unnoticed. | |||
26 | head to | 連 | ・・・に向かう Mathilda heads to Tony's place as Léon had instructed her before he died. | |||
27 | nowhere else | 連 | その他に場所はどこにもない else (副) 1.〔anywhereなど疑問副詞の後に置いて〕他に、その他に You had better go somewhere else. どこか他の場所に行った方が良い。 2.〔通例or elseで〕でなければ、さもないと He must be joking, or else he is mad. 彼はふざけているに違いない、でなければ気が狂っている。 else (形) その他の、他の Do you want somewhere else? 他に何かいりますか? |
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