As Max, it becomes clear he is highly intelligent. Lenny becomes
obsessed with learning the
identity of Max's
biological parents. After great difficulty, Lenny finally
locates Max's mother
prostitute and part-time porn star Linda Ash (Mira Sorvino).
Lenny makes an "appointment" with her. At first, Linda appears to be a
dumb blonde with a
crude sense of humor, along with
delusions of becoming an actress. Lenny does not sleep with her and
urges her to stop being a prostitute, but Linda becomes
furious and throws him out.
takes a while for Lenny to
befriend Linda. Then he begins her lifestyle
makeover. Lenny also
tricks her into telling him about the child she gave up for
adoption. He persuades Linda to quit her
profession and even
bribes her violent
pimp with basketball tickets to let Linda go.
1 | delusion | dɪlúːʒən | 名 | 惑わし、欺き
At first, Linda appears to be a dumb blonde with a crude sense of humor, along with delusions of becoming an actress. |
2 | pimp | pímp | 名 | ぽん引き、売春を斡旋する人、〔売春婦の〕ひも
He persuades Linda to quit her profession and even bribes her violent pimp with basketball tickets to let Linda go. |
3 | obsess | əbsés | 動 | 〔悪魔・妄想などが〕取り付く、取り付いて悩ます
As Max, it becomes clear he is highly intelligent. Lenny becomes obsessed with learning the identity of Max's biological parents. |
4 | identity | ɑɪdénṭəṭi | 名 | 1.同一性、一致
2.身元、正体 |
5 | locate | lóʊkeɪt | 動 | 1.〔建物・工場などを〕設立する、構える
Lenny finally locates Max's mother prostitute and part-time porn star Linda Ash. |
6 | prostitute | prάstət(j)ùːt | 名 | 売春婦 a male prostitute 男娼 |
7 | dumb | dˈʌm | 形 | 物の言えない、口の聞こえない
damn [dˈæm] (動) 罵る Damn! くそっ!、畜生!
dam1 [dˈæm] (名) ダム、堰(せき) dam2 〔家畜の〕雌親 |
8 | crude | krúːd | 形 | 1.天然のままの、加工していない
crude oil (原油) |
9 | urge | ˈɚːdʒ | 動 | 1.追い立てる、駆り立てる、急がせる
Lenny does not sleep with her and urges her to stop being a prostitute, but Linda becomes furious and throws him out. |
10 | furious | fjˈʊ(ə)riəs | 形 | 怒り狂った、猛烈に怒って |
11 | befriend | bɪfrénd | 動 | 友となる、助ける
It takes a while for Lenny to befriend Linda. |
12 | makeover | méɪkoʊvɚ | 名 | 1.作り変え、改造
Then he begins her lifestyle makeover. |
13 | trick | trík | 動 | 騙す、担ぐ (名)企み、策略、ぺてん
Lenny also tricks her into telling him about the child she gave up for adoption. |
14 | adoption | ədάpʃən | 名 | 1.採用 2.養子縁組 |
15 | profession | prəféʃən | 名 | 職業、専門職 |
16 | bribe | brάɪb | 動 | 賄賂を贈る、贈賄する、買収する
bride [brάɪd] (名) 花嫁、新婦
cf. bridegroom [brάɪdgrùːm] (名) 新郎、新婦 |
17 | biological parents |
| 連 | 生みの親、実の親 |
18 | take a while |
| 連 | 間を取る |
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