During the French and Indian War in 1757, Mohican Chingachgook (Russell Means) with his sons, Uncas (Eric Schweig) and
adopted white Nathaniel Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), visit the Cameron
frontier household. Friend Jack Winthrop (Edward Blatchford) tells them he is gathering
militia for the British army.
General Webb agrees to
grant the militia leave if their homes are attacked, in return for their
reinforcement of Colonel Edmund Munro (Maurice Roëves) at Fort William Henry. Newly arrived Major Duncan Heyward (Steven Waddington) and native Magua (Wes Studi) are tasked with escorting Munro's daughters, Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and Alice (Jodhi May), from Albany to their father at the
Duncan wishes to marry Cora, but she
professes friendship only. Magua leads the group into an
ambush by his Huron party. Hawkeye, Uncas and Chingachgook
come across the attack as Magua escapes and save Duncan, Cora and Alice, deciding to
escort them to the fort.
Along the way the Cameron home is found
razed and its
occupants murdered. The group arrive to find the fort under
siege by the French, but sneak in. Munro is surprised at his daughters’ arrival; he had
warned them to
stay away, but Magua
schemed to reunite the family.
The fort can only hold for three more days, so a messenger is sent to General Webb for help. To Duncan's
chagrin, Cora and Hawkeye are
drawn to each other, so he
resentfully denies that the razing of the Cameron
homestead took place.
therefore refuses to let Jack and the militia leave to
defend their homes. Hawkeye secretly helps them escape anyway, but is arrested for
sedition and
sentenced to hang despite Cora's
The French General Montcalm (Patrice Chéreau)
generously offers all in the fort safe passage to Albany if they surrender and vow to never fight again. Munro reluctantly accepts after Montcalm shows Webb’s
intercepted message, showing that no aid is
1 | militia | mɪlíʃə | 名 | 市民兵、民兵
Friend Jack Winthrop tells them he is gathering militia for the British army. |
2 | fort | fˈɔɚt | 名 | 1.砦、城砦(じょうさい)、堡塁(ほうるい)
Newly arrived Major Duncan Heyward and native Magua are tasked with escorting Munro's daughters, Cora and Alice, from Albany to their father at the fort. |
3 | raze | réɪz | 動 | 〔町・家などを〕完全に倒壊させる、破壊する
Along the way the Cameron home is found razed and its occupants murdered. |
4 | siege | síːdʒ | 名 | 〔城・都市などの〕包囲攻撃、〔警察などの〕包囲作戦、包囲期間
The group arrive to find the fort under siege by the French |
5 | chagrin | ʃəgrín | 名 | 無念、悔しさ
To Duncan's chagrin, Cora and Hawkeye are drawn to each other |
6 | sedition | sɪdíʃən | 名 | 〔反政府的な〕扇動、治安妨害
Hawkeye secretly helps them escape anyway, but is arrested for sedition and sentenced to hang despite Cora's pleas. |
7 | plea | plíː | 名 | 1.嘆願、請願
2.弁解、口実、言い訳 |
8 | adopt | ədάpt | 動 | 1.採用する
During the French and Indian War in 1757, Mohican Chingachgook with his sons, Uncas and adopted white Nathaniel Hawkeye, visit the Cameron frontier household.
adapt [ədˈæpt] (動)
1.適合させる 2.改造する、脚色する |
9 | frontier | frʌntíɚ | 名 | 国境、辺境、フロンティア
× fronteer |
10 | household | hάʊshòʊld | 名 | 〔雇い人も含めて一軒の家に住んでいる〕家族、一家、世帯
(形)家族の、一家の |
11 | grant | grˈænt | 動 | 1.〔嘆願・請願などを〕叶えてやる、承諾する
take it for granted 当然のように思う、決め込む
General Webb agrees to grant the militia leave if their homes are attacked, in return for their reinforcement of Colonel Edmund Munro at Fort William Henry. |
12 | reinforcement | rìːɪnfˈɔɚsmənt
リィーンフォース | 名 | 補強、強化、増援
reinforce [rìːɪnfˈɔɚs] (動)補強する、増強する、強化する |
13 | profess | prəfés | 動 | 〔・・・だと〕公言する、名言する |
14 | ambush | ˈæmbʊʃ | 名 | 待ち伏せ、待ち伏せ攻撃
Magua leads the group into an ambush by his Huron party. |
15 | escort | éskɔɚt | 動 | 護衛する、護送する
(名)1.〔女性に〕付き添う男性 2.護衛、護送
Hawkeye, Uncas and Chingachgook come across the attack as Magua escapes and save Duncan, Cora and Alice, deciding to escort them to the fort. |
16 | occupant | άkjʊp(ə)nt | 名 | 占有者、現住者
occupation [ὰkjʊpéɪʃən] (名)1.職業 2.占有 |
17 | warn | wˈɔɚn | 動 | 警告する、注意する
Munro is surprised at his daughters’ arrival; he had warned them to stay away, but Magua schemed to reunite the family.
worn1 [wˈɔɚn] (形) 使い古した、擦り切れた
worn2 [wˈɔɚn] (動) wear の過去分詞 wear-wore-worn |
18 | scheme | skíːm | 名 | 計画、案 |
19 | drawn | drˈɔːn | 動 | draw の過去分詞 draw - drew - drawn
draw [drˈɔː] (動) 引っ張る、けん引する |
20 | resentfully | rɪzéntf(ə)li
リゼントフリィ | 副 | 怒って、敵意を持って
he resentfully denies that the razing of the Cameron homestead took place.
recent [ríːsnt] (形) 最近の |
21 | homestead | h́oʊmst̀ɛd | 名 | 家屋敷、農家
homestead |
22 | therefore | ðéɚfɔɚ | 副 | それゆえに、従って
Munro therefore refuses to let Jack and the militia leave to defend their homes. |
23 | defend | dɪfénd | 動 | 守る、守備する
offend [əfénd] (動)
defense [dɪféns] (名) 守備、守り
offense [əfénd] (名) 1.違反 2.攻撃
defend(守る)に対して、offend(攻撃する)でスペルが似ているが、攻撃の方は"f"がひとつ多くつく。 |
24 | sentence | sénṭəns | 動 | 刑を宣告する、判決を下す
(名)1.文章 2.判決 3.〔・・・の〕刑
be under sentence of ・・・の刑に処せられる
a life sentence 終身刑 |
25 | generously | dʒ́ɛnɚəsli | 副 | 気前良く、寛大にも
generously [dʒén(ə)rəs] (形) 気前のよい、寛大な
The French General Montcalm generously offers all in the fort safe passage to Albany if they surrender and vow to never fight again. |
26 | intercept | ìnṭɚsépt | 動 | 1.〔人・ものを〕途中で捕らえる、横取りする
3.〔光・熱などから〕遮る intercept A from B
Munro reluctantly accepts after Montcalm shows Webb’s intercepted message, showing that no aid is forthcoming. |
27 | forthcoming | f`ɔɚθkˈʌmɪŋ | 形 | 1.やがて来ようとする、今度の
2.外交的な、社交的な |
28 | come across |
| 連 | 1.横切る 2.頭に浮かぶ 3.ふと出くわす |
29 | stay away |
| 連 | 1.離れている、近寄らない 2.留守にする、欠席する |
30 | take place |
| 連 | 1.〔事件が〕起こる 2.〔行事が〕開催される |
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