berates Montcalm for making peace, revealing that his village was destroyed and his children killed by Munro's troops,
assisted by the Mohawk; though he regained his freedom under Mohawk
captivity, his wife remarried believing he was dead.
Montcalm, though
intending to honor the terms, would not mind if Magua were to deal with the British. The
retreating British soldiers and their families are ambushed by Magua's men. Magua
cuts out Munro's heart from his body, but not before promising to kill Munro's daughters to
extinguish his line.
Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, Uncas, Chingachgook, Duncan and a few others
flee in
canoes across Lake George and down a river to a cave behind a waterfall, but Magua and his men are soon upon them.
For their safety, Hawkeye
urges Cora and her sister to
submit if captured and promises he will find them later, then
leaps with his father and brother down the waterfall. Magua takes Duncan and the two sisters to a Huron village.
Magua negotiates his captives’ fate with the
sachem when they are interrupted by the arrival of an unarmed Hawkeye. With Duncan translating in French, Hawkeye convinces the chief that Magua is acting for his own
interests like the colonial powers, rather than for the good of the
The chief decides that Cora is to be burned alive to
atone for Magua's children, gives Alice to replace Magua’s wife so that both
bloodlines can continue and orders Duncan's return to the British to
placate them. Hawkeye is released in
recognition of his
bravery, but
pleads to take Cora’s place.
deliberately mistranslates, sacrificing himself instead so Hawkeye and Cora can escape,
whilst Magua
curses the sachem and departs with Alice and his men. From a safe distance, Hawkeye
mercifully shoots Duncan as he is burned alive.
Uncas, who had cared for Alice
ahead to intercept Magua's band, killing several warriors before
engaging Magua. Magua kills him, then
drops his body off the cliff. Rather than join Magua, Alice follows Uncas by jumping to her death. Seeing this, an
enraged Hawkeye and Chingachgook
set upon the Hurons and
slay several. Chingachgook kills Magua,
avenging his son. After a
ritual for Uncas with Cora and Hawkeye, Chingachgook announces that he is the last of the Mohicans.
1 | sachem | séɪtʃəm | 名 | 〔アメリカインディアンの〕酋長(しゅうちょう)
Magua negotiates his captives’ fate with the sachem when they are interrupted by the arrival of an unarmed Hawkeye.
sachem | |
2 | atone | ətóʊn | 動 | 罪滅ぼしをする
The chief decides that Cora is to be burned alive to atone for Magua's children, gives Alice to replace Magua’s wife so that both bloodlines can continue and orders Duncan's return to the British to placate them. |
3 | placate | pléɪkeɪt | 動 | 宥(なだ)める、慰める |
4 | ritual | rítʃuəl | 名 | 〔しばしば同じ形式で繰り返される〕儀式
After a ritual for Uncas with Cora and Hawkeye, Chingachgook announces that he is the last of the Mohicans.
5 | berate | bəréɪt | 動 | ひどく叱り付ける、がみがみ言う
Magua berates Montcalm for making peace, revealing that his village was destroyed and his children killed by Munro's troops, assisted by the Mohawk; though he regained his freedom under Mohawk captivity, his wife remarried believing he was dead. |
6 | assist | əsíst | 動 | 援助する、手伝う
(名)援助 |
7 | captivity | kæptívəṭi | 名 | 囚われの身、監禁、束縛 |
8 | retreat | rɪtríːt | 名 | 1.退却、後退
The retreating British soldiers and their families are ambushed by Magua's men. |
9 | extinguish | ɪkstíŋgwɪʃ | 動 | 1.〔火などを〕消す
extinguisher 1.消す人 2.消灯器、消火器
Magua cuts out Munro's heart from his body, but not before promising to kill Munro's daughters to extinguish his line. |
10 | flee | flíː | 動 | 逃げる、逃走する
Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, Uncas, Chingachgook, Duncan and a few others flee in canoes across Lake George and down a river to a cave behind a waterfall, but Magua and his men are soon upon them.
free (動)自由にする (形)自由な、無料の |
11 | canoe | kənúː | 名 | カヌー |
12 | urge | ˈɚːdʒ | 動 | 1.駆り立てる、追い立てる、急がせる
For their safety, Hawkeye urges Cora and her sister to submit if captured and promises he will find them later, then leaps with his father and brother down the waterfall. |
13 | submit | səbmít | 動 | 1.提出する、寄託する
2.服従する |
14 | leap | líːp | 動 | 跳ぶ、跳ねる、跳躍する、〔心が〕躍る
reap [ríːp] (動)収穫する |
15 | interest | íntrəst | 名 | interest1 興味、関心
interest2 利益、権利
With Duncan translating in French, Hawkeye convinces the chief that Magua is acting for his own interests like the colonial powers, rather than for the good of the tribe. |
16 | tribe | trάɪb | 名 | 種族、部族 |
17 | bloodline | bĺʌdl̀aɪn | 名 | 血統 |
18 | recognition | rèkəgníʃən | 名 | 1.認識、承認
Hawkeye is released in recognition of his bravery, but pleads to take Cora’s place. |
19 | bravery | bréɪv(ə)ri | 名 | 勇敢 |
20 | plead | plíːd | 動 | 弁論する、弁護する
plea [plíː] (名)嘆願、請願 ※名詞しかない |
21 | deliberately | dɪlíb(ə)rətli | 副 | 1.慎重に、ゆっくりと
Duncan deliberately mistranslates, sacrificing himself instead so Hawkeye and Cora can escape, whilst Magua curses the sachem and departs with Alice and his men. |
22 | mistranslate | mistrænsléɪt | 動 | 誤訳する |
23 | whilst | (h)wὰɪlst | 接 | =while
wrist [ríst] (名) 手首、リスト |
24 | curse | kˈɚːs | 動 | 呪う、ののしる |
25 | mercifully | mˈɚːsɪf(ə)li | 副 | 慈悲深く、情け深く
From a safe distance, Hawkeye mercifully shoots Duncan as he is burned alive. |
26 | throughout | θruːάʊt | 副 | 1.〔場所を表して〕至るところ、隅から隅まで
(前) 副詞と同じ意味
Her name is famous throughout the world.
throughout one's life
Uncas, who had cared for Alice throughout, races ahead to intercept Magua's band, killing several warriors before engaging Magua. |
27 | race | réɪs | 名 | race1 レース、競争
race2 1.人種、民族 2.品種 3.子孫 |
28 | ahead | əhéd | 副 | 前方に、前方へ |
29 | engage | ɪngéɪdʒ | 動 | engage A
engage B
4.婚約させる |
30 | enrage | ɪnréɪdʒ | 動 | ひどく怒らせる、激怒する
Rather than join Magua, Alice follows Uncas by jumping to her death. Seeing this, an enraged Hawkeye and Chingachgook set upon the Hurons and slay several. |
31 | slay | sléɪ | 動 | slay - slew - slain
slayer 〔人を〕死に至らしめる人 |
32 | avenge | əvéndʒ | 動 | 仕返しをする、復讐をする
Chingachgook kills Magua, avenging his son. |
33 | intend to |
| 連 | ・・・するつもりである、・・・する予定である |
34 | cut out |
| 連 | 切り抜く、切って外に出す |
35 | drop off |
| 連 | 1.〔ボタンなどが〕取れて外れる
Magua kills him, then drops his body off the cliff. |
36 | set upon |
| 連 | 攻撃する
Montcalm, though intending to honor the terms, would not mind if Magua were to deal with the British. |
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