ドライヴ |
The Driver, wearing a silicone mask disguise from his job as a stunt double, follows Nino to the Pacific Coast Highway in his car and T-Bones Nino's car onto a beach. With Nino wounded and weakened, the Driver drowns him in the Pacific Ocean.
The Driver speaks to Bernie on Nino's phone and they arrange to meet at a Chinese restaurant. The Driver makes a final phone call to Irene to tell her he is leaving, and says that meeting her and Benicio was the best thing that has ever happened to him.
At the restaurant, Bernie promises only Irene and Benicio's safety, in exchange for the money, but warns the Driver that he cannot guarantee the safety of the Driver himself.
In the parking lot, Bernie stabs the Driver in the abdomen as he pulls the money from the trunk of his car. The Driver survives and fatally stabs Bernie in the neck, leaving his corpse and the satchel of money behind as he drives away.
That evening, Irene knocks on the Driver's apartment door, with no response. The Driver drives off into the night.
1 | abdomen | ˈæbdəmən | 名 | 1.〔人間・哺乳類の〕腹部 2.〔昆虫の〕腹部 In the parking lot, Bernie stabs the Driver in the abdomen as he pulls the money from the trunk of his car. |
2 | satchel | sˈætʃəl | 名 | かばん、学生かばん The Driver survives and fatally stabs Bernie in the neck, leaving his corpse and the satchel of money behind as he drives away. |
3 | drown | drάʊn | 動 | 溺れ死にさせる With Nino wounded and weakened, the Driver drowns him in the Pacific Ocean. drone [dróʊn|drˈəʊn] (名) 無人飛行機 |
4 | corpse | kˈɔɚps | 名 | 〔特に人間の〕死体、死骸 |
5 | silicone | síləkòʊn | 名 | シリコーン(合成樹脂の一種) The Driver, wearing a silicone mask disguise from his job as a stunt double |
6 | disguise | dɪsgάɪz | 動 | 変装させる、偽装させる (名)変装、偽装 |
7 | wound | wúːnd | 動 | 〔刃物・銃などで人を〕傷つける wind の過去・過去分詞形 風に当てる、風を通す wind - wound - wound |
8 | weaken | wíːk(ə)n | 動 | 弱くする、弱める weaken - weakened - weakened |
9 | guarantee | g`ærəntíː | 動 | 保証人になる、保証する (名) 保証、保証書 Bernie promises only Irene and Benicio's safety, in exchange for the money, but warns the Driver that he cannot guarantee the safety of the Driver himself. |
10 | stab | stˈæb | 動 | 〔尖ったもので〕刺す |
11 | stunt double | 連 | A stunt double is a type of body double, specifically a skilled replacement used for dangerous film or video sequences, in movies and television (such as jumping out of a building, jumping from veh icle to vehicle, or other similar actions), and for other sophisticated stunts (especially fight scenes). Stunt doubles may be used in cases where an actor's physical condition precludes a great amount of physical activity (such as when the actor is too old to perform extended dubs choreography), or when an actor is contractually prohibited from performing stunts. Stunt doubles are sometimes referred to as "stunties". sophisticate [səfístəkèɪt] (動)慣れさせる preclude [prɪklúːd] (形) 〔事を〕起こらないようにする choreography [k`ɔːriάgrəfi] (名)〔バレエなど〕振り付け sequence [síːkwəns] (名) 連続、続発、シークエンス sequel [síːkwəl] (名) 〔映画などの〕続編 dub [dˈʌb] dub1 (動)1. 〔ナイト爵を〕授ける 2.あだ名をつける dub2(動)〔吹き替えのためめ〕追加録音する extend [ɪksténd] (動)〔土地・建物などを〕広げる、拡大する | |
12 | in exchange for | 連 | ・・・と交換に、・・・と引き換えに | |
13 | T-Bone | 1.焼く 2.Tボーン、"T"のアルファベットのように見えることから。 The T-bone and porterhouse are steaks of beef cut from the short loin. Both steaks include a "T-shaped" bone with meat on each side. |
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