ジョン・カーター |
A Thern appears in the cave at that moment; Carter kills him but accidentally activates the Thern's powerful medallion, and is unwittingly transported to a ruined and dying planet, Barsoom (Mars). Because of his different bone density and the planet's low gravity, Carter is able to jump high and perform feats of incredible strength. He is captured by the Green Martian clan, the Tharks and their Jeddak (chieftan) Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe). Tars instructs Sola (Samantha Morton) to watch over Carter which resulted in her feeding him a liquid that enables him to understand the Martian language.
Elsewhere on Barsoom, the Red Martian city of Helium led by Tardos Mors (Ciarán Hinds) and the mobile scavenger city of Zodanga led by Sab Than (Dominic West) have been at war for a thousand years. Sab Than is armed with a special weapon obtained from Matai Shang (Mark Strong), the leader of the Therns. He proposes cease-fire and an end to the war by marrying the Princess of Helium Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins).
The Princess escapes in a Helium ship disguised as a soldier. When Tarkus wants John Carter to show off his jumping abilities, a Thark states the sightings of one ship from Helium and one ship from Zodanga scattering the Tharks to their hiding place. John Carter takes action and saves Dejah from falling. He does manage to kill some Zodanga soldiers and have a brief fight with Sab Than. Following the fight, which leads to Sab Than's ship retreating, John Carter is hailed as Dotar Sojat (which roughly translates to "My Right Arms") by Tars Tarkas due to his strength and skill.
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1 | clan | klˈæn | 名 | 一族、一門 He is captured by the Green Martian clan | ||
2 | scavenger | skˈævɪndʒɚ | 名 | 清掃動物、腐(肉)食動物(ハゲタカ、ジャッカルなど)
| ||
3 | medallion | mədˈæljən | 名 | 1.大メダル 2.〔肖像画などの〕円形の浮き彫り
ジャッキー・チェンのアメリカ・香港合作映画。不思議な力を持つメダルを巡ってジャッキーのアクションが繰り広げられるといった内容。1995年のレッド・ブロンクス以降のジャッキーのアメリカ進出映画のひとつだ。 Carter kills him but accidentally activates the Thern's powerful medallion, and is unwittingly transported to a ruined and dying planet, | ||
4 | unwittingly | ʌnˈwɪtɪŋli | 名 | 知らず知らず、無意識に | ||
5 | ruin | rúːɪn | 名 | 1.破綻、滅亡、破産 2.旧跡、荒地、廃墟 | ||
6 | density | dénsəṭi | 名 | 密集、濃度、〔人口〕密度 Because of his different bone density and the planet's low gravity, Carter is able to jump high and perform feats of incredible strength. | ||
7 | retreat | rɪtríːt | 名 | 後退する (名詞) 1.退却、後退 2.避暑地、静養先、潜伏場所 Following the fight, which leads to Sab Than's ship retreating | ||
8 | hail | héɪl | 動 | 1.あられ、雹が降る 2.〔悪口・石などを〕投げつけられる (名)あられ、雹 John Carter is hailed as Dotar Sojat (which roughly translates to "My Right Arms") by Tars Tarkas due to his strength and skill. | ||
9 | activate | ˈæktəvèɪt | 動 | 活動的にする、作動させる | ||
10 | transport | trænspˈɔɚt | 動 | 輸送する、運送する | ||
11 | dying | dάɪɪŋ | 形 | 死にかかっている | ||
12 | feat | fíːt | 名 | 1.手柄、偉業 2.妙技、早業、芸当 | ||
13 | Elsewhere | éls(h)wèɚ | 副 | どこかよそに、他の場所では | ||
14 | disguise | dɪsgάɪz | 動 | 変装させる、偽装する | ||
15 | sighting | sάɪṭɪŋ | 名 | 1.照準を合わせること 2.〔意外なもの、珍獣などの〕目撃(例)、発見(例) a Thark states the sightings of one ship from Helium and one ship from Zodanga scattering the Tharks to their hiding place. | ||
16 | translate | trænsléɪt | 動 | 訳す、翻訳する | ||
17 | at that moment | 連 | その瞬間 A Thern appears in the cave at that moment | |||
18 | watch over | 連 | 見守る、見張る、番をする Tars instructs Sola to watch over Carter which resulted in her feeding him a liquid that enables him to understand the Martian language. | |||
19 | obtain from | 連 | ・・・から得る、手に入れる Sab Than is armed with a special weapon obtained from Matai Shang | |||
20 | cease-fire | 連 | 停戦、休戦、「打ち方やめ!」の号令 He proposes cease-fire and an end to the war by marrying the Princess of Helium Dejah Thoris. | |||
21 | show off | 連 | 見せびらかす、引き立てる When Tarkus wants John Carter to show off his jumping abilities | |||
22 | have a brief fight | 連 | しばし戦いの場を持つ He does manage to kill some Zodanga soldiers and have a brief fight with Sab Than. |
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