私が、生きる肌 |
Back in the present day, Vera's new relationship with Robert dismays Marilia, who does not trust her. Fulgencio, one of Robert's colleagues, reads a news story about the missing Vicente and recognizes him as one of their sex change patients.
He accuses Robert of falsifying Vicente's consent and of experimenting on him. Vera arrives to support Robert, asserting her willing participation. During the night, Robert and Vera try to have sex, but Vera tells him that she is still sore from being raped, and goes downstairs to get some lubricant.
She takes Robert's gun from his desk and goes upstairs, killing both Robert and Marilia. Vera returns to her mother's dress shop for the first time as a woman, tearfully telling her lesbian ex-colleague Cristina, whom she had loved as a young boy, of her kidnapping and forced sex change, before revealing her identity to her mother.
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1 | falsify | fˈɔːlsəfὰɪ | 動 | 1.〔書類などを〕変造する、偽造する 2.〔事実・記録などを〕偽る、曲げる He accuses Robert of falsifying Vicente's consent and of experimenting on him. | ||
2 | lubricant | lúːbrɪk(ə)nt | 名 | 潤滑油 Vera tells him that she is still sore from being raped, and goes downstairs to get some lubricant. | ||
3 | dismay | dɪsméɪ, dɪz‐ | 動 | 〔人を〕うろたえさせる、心配させる、狼狽させる (名)狼狽、うろたえ Vera's new relationship with Robert dismays Marilia, who does not trust her. | ||
4 | assert | əsˈɚːt | 動 | 断言する、力説する Vera arrives to support Robert, asserting her willing participation. assort [əsˈɔɚt] (動) 分類する、品を各種取り揃える assault [əsˈɔːlt] (動) 急襲する (名)急襲 | ||
5 | sore | sˈɔɚ | 形 | 1.〔炎症・傷の患部などが〕ひりひりする 2.悲しむ 3.怒って、腹を立てて | ||
6 | trust | trˈʌst | 動 | 信用する (名)信頼 | ||
7 | colleague | kάliːg | 名 | 同僚 Fulgencio, one of Robert's colleagues, reads a news story about the missing Vicente and recognizes him as one of their sex change patients. | ||
8 | patient | péɪʃənt | 名 | 患者 (形)忍耐強い | ||
9 | accuse | əkjúːz | 動 | 告発する、責める accusation [`ækjʊzéɪʃən](名)告訴 | ||
10 | consent | kənsént | 名 | 1.同意・承諾 2.〔意見・感情の〕一致 (動)承諾する、同意する | ||
11 | experiment | ɪkspérəmənt | 動 | 実験する (名)実験
第二次世界大戦中のアメリカ海軍による極秘実験により、未来へとタイムスリップしてしまうというお話。 ジョン・カーペンター製作総指揮のSFアドベンチャー。マイケル・パレ、ナンシー・アレン(ロボコップ)出演。リメイク版もある | ||
12 | willing | wílɪŋ | 形 | 自発的な | ||
13 | participation | pɑɚtìsəpéɪʃən | 名 | 参加、関与 | ||
14 | tearfully | tíɚf(ə)li | 副 | 涙ながらに、泣きながら Vera returns to her mother's dress shop for the first time as a woman, tearfully telling her lesbian ex-colleague Cristina, whom she had loved as a young boy, of her kidnapping and forced sex change, before revealing her identity to her mother . | ||
15 | lesbian | lézbiən | 名 | 〔女性間の〕同性愛者 | ||
16 | identity | ɑɪdénṭəṭi | 名 | 1.同一であること、同一性 2.本人であること、身元、正体 |
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