私が、生きる肌 |
While Robert disposes of Zeca’s body, Marilia tells Vera that she is the mother of both Zeca and Robert by different men, a fact she has not shared with them. Robert was adopted by Marilia’s employers but was ultimately raised by her. Zeca later left to live in the streets and smuggle drugs, while Robert went to medical school and married a woman named Gal. When Zeca came back years later, he fell in love with Gal and they attempted to elope together, only to be involved in a terrible car crash. Gal was left badly burnt, and thereafter lived in total darkness and without any mirrors.One day, while hearing her daughter Norma singing in the garden, Gal accidentally saw her own reflection in the window, and, traumatized by the sight, jumped to her death.
In the present day, Robert comes back and spends the night with Vera. During the night, he dreams of his past, specifically the night of a wedding six years earlier, where he finds Norma unconscious on the ground. Norma, taking medication for psychosis, and in shock, thinks that her father has raped her and develops a phobia for all men. She eventually kills herself in the same manner that her mother did.
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1 | elope | ɪlóʊp | 動 | 駆け落ちする | ||
2 | smuggle | smˈʌgl | 動 | 密輸入(出)する | ||
3 | phobia | fóʊbiə | 名 | 恐怖症
スティーヴン・スピルバーグ制作総指揮、フランク・マーシャル監督、ジェフ・ダニエルズ主演。1990年公開。 | ||
4 | dispose | dɪspóʊz | 動 | (自)処分する、始末する (他)1.配列する、配置する 2.その気にさせる While Robert disposes of Zeca’s body | ||
5 | employer | ɪmplˈɔɪɚ | 名 | 雇い主 | ||
6 | ultimately | ˈʌltəmətli | 副 | 最終的に、遂に ultimate (形) 最後の究極の | ||
7 | raise | réɪz | 動 | raise A 1.〔ものを高く〕持ち上げる、〔沈んだものを〕引き上げる 2.〔声を〕荒げる 3.〔家賃・利子・給料 名声 温度・血圧〕上げる 4.〔埃を〕立てる、〔反乱・騒動を〕起こす 5.〔倒れたものを〕起こす 6.〔質問・意義などを〕あげる、提出する 7.〔包囲・禁止などを〕解く 8.〔パンを〕ふくらませる 9.〔死者を〕蘇らせる raise B 1.〔高いもの・目につくものを〕建てる 2.〔子供を〕育てる、〔家畜を〕飼う、〔野菜を〕栽培する 3.〔金を〕調達する・工面する、〔軍を〕集める・募る Robert was adopted by Marilia’s employers but was ultimately raised by her. | ||
8 | thereafter | ðèɚˈæftɚ | 副 | その後、それ以来 | ||
9 | traumatize | trάʊmətὰɪz | 動 | 外傷を与える、精神的苦痛を与える | ||
10 | sight | sάɪt | 名 | 1.視力、視覚、視界 2.見ること、一見 3.光景、風景、眺め 4.[the sight]名所、観光地 5.見解、見方、判断、[a sight]もの笑いの種 6.〔銃などの〕照準 | ||
11 | specifically | spɪsífɪkəli | 副 | 明確に、はっきりと | ||
12 | unconscious | `ʌnkάnʃəs | 形 | 意識を失った、意識不明の、気絶した | ||
13 | psychosis | sɑɪkóʊsɪs | 名 | 精神病、精神異常 | ||
14 | be adopted by | 連 | ・・・に養われる | |||
15 | be involved in | 連 | ・・・に携わる | |||
16 | jump to one's death | 連 | 飛び降り自殺する | |||
17 | in the same manner | 連 | 同じ方法で manner [mˈænɚ] (名) 1.方法、仕方 2.態度、物腰 3.行儀、作法 4.風習 |
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