ジョン・カーター |
After the sudden death of John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), a former American Civil War Confederate Army captain, Carter's nephew, Edgar Rice Burroughs (Daryl Sabara), attends the funeral. As per Carter's instructions, the body is put in a tomb that can be unlocked only from the inside. His attorney hands over Carter's personal journal for Burroughs to read, in the hope of finding clues explaining Carter's cause of death.
Meanwhile, the mysterious Therns are secretly keeping watch on Burroughs' goal. The anecdote recounts back to the Arizona Territory, where Union Colonel Powell (Bryan Cranston) arrests Carter. Powell, knowing about Carter's military background, seeks his help in fighting the Apache.
Carter escapes his holding cell, but fails to get far with U.S. cavalry soldiers in close pursuit. After a run-in with a band of Apaches, Carter and a wounded Powell are chased until they take to hiding in a cave that turns out to be the object of Carter's earlier searching, the "Spider Cave of Gold".
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1 | anecdote | ˈænɪkdòʊt | 名 | 〔特定の人物・事件にまつわる〕逸話 The anecdote recounts back to the Arizona Territory, where Union Colonel Powell arrests Carter. | ||
2 | cavalry | kˈæv(ə)lri | 名 | 騎兵隊 Carter escapes his holding cell, but fails to get far with U.S. cavalry soldiers in close pursuit.
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3 | confederate | kənfédərət | 名 | 同盟国、共謀者 (形)同盟した、連合した After the sudden death of John Carter, a former American Civil War Confederate Army captain | ||
4 | tomb | túːm | 名 | 〔墓石のついた立派な〕墓 As per Carter's instructions, the body is put in a tomb that can be unlocked only from the inside.
tomb = 墓、raid = 急襲・侵入 で、"墓に侵入する人"って感じの意味。ハリソン・フォード | ||
5 | nephew | néfjuː | 名 | 甥 Carter's nephew, Edgar Rice Burroughs, attends the funeral. | ||
6 | attend | əténd | 動 | 出席する、参列する | ||
7 | funeral | fjúːn(ə)rəl | 名 | 葬式、葬儀 | ||
8 | instruction | ɪnstrˈʌkʃən | 名 | 1.教授、教育、教え 2.命令、指令 | ||
9 | attorney | ətˈɚːni | 名 | 代理人、弁護士 His attorney hands over Carter's personal journal for Burroughs to read, in the hope of finding clues explaining Carter's cause of death. | ||
10 | journal | dʒˈɚːnl | 名 | 1.日誌、日記 2.雑誌、定期刊行物 | ||
11 | Apache | əpˈætʃi | 名 | [the Apache]アパッチ族(北米インディアン) apache [əpˈæʃ] (名) 〔パリなどの〕暴力団、ならず者 Powell, knowing about Carter's military background, seeks his help in fighting the Apache. | ||
12 | pursuit | pɚsúːt | 名 | 1.追跡、遂行 2.〔継続する〕仕事、研究、職業 | ||
13 | put in | 連 | 1.〔・・・を〕入れる、差し込む 2.〔設備などを〕取り付ける 3.〔管理員などを〕入れる、置く 4.〔言葉などを〕差し込む、はさむ 5.〔要求書・嘆願書などを〕申請する 6.〔打撃などを〕加える 7.〔仕事などを〕行う 8.〔時を〕過ごす 9.〔種を〕捲く、植える 10.〔選挙で政党・政府を〕選出する | |||
14 | hand over | 連 | 手渡す、引き渡す handover 譲渡 | |||
15 | run in | 連 | 1.駆け込む、〔人の家に〕ちょっと立ち寄る 2.〔攻撃して〕突っ込む、肉薄する 3.〔新車などを〕慣らし運転する 4.逮捕する、拘留する After a run-in with a band of Apaches, Carter and a wounded Powell are chased until they take to hiding in a cave that turns out to be the object of Carter's earlier searching, the "Spider Cave of Gold". | |||
15 | turn out | 連 | 他動詞+副詞 1.〔外へ〕追い出す、追い払う、解雇する 2.〔足指などを〕外に向ける 3.〔人に〕良い服装をさせる、盛装させる 4.〔・・・の〕中身を開ける、ひっくり返す 5.〔部屋・容器などを空にして〕掃除する 6.作り出す、生産する、製造する 7.〔ガス・火などを〕消す 自動詞+副詞 〔結局〕・・・であることがわかる | |||
16 | Arizona |
It is the sixth most extensive and the 15th most populous of the 50 states. Its capital and largest city is Phoenix. The second largest city is Tucson, followed in population by eight cities of the Phoenix metropolitan area: Mesa, Chandler, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Tempe, Peoria, and Surprise. |
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