ジョン・カーター |
When Carter awakens, he is guided to Dejah's room. After the servant girls leave, Dejah gives Carter his medallion and tells him to go back to Earth. As Dejah leaves with Sab Than, Carter is captured by Shang in the form of a servant girl.
In different Zodangan forms, Shang explains to Carter the purpose of Therns and how they manipulate the civilizations of different planets. Carter is able to make an escape thanks to Woola as he and Sola go back to the Tharks requesting their help. There, they discover Tarkas has been overthrown by Tal Hajus. Tarkas, Carter, and Sola are put on trial in a Colosseum battle with two enormous vicious creatures, the four-armed Great White-Apes.
After defeating them and easily killing Hajus, Carter becomes the leader of the Tharks. The Thark army charges on Helium and defeats the Zodangan army by killing Sab Than, while Shang escapes.
Carter marries Dejah and becomes prince of Helium. On their first night, Carter decides to stay forever on Mars and throws away his medallion. Seizing this opportunity, Shang, in the form of a Helium Guard, sends him back to Earth. Carter embarks on a long quest, looking for clues of the Therns' presence on Earth and hoping to find one of their medallions; after several years he appears to die suddenly and asks for unusual funeral arrangements — consistent with his having found a medallion, since his return to Mars would leave his Earth body in a coma-like state.
He makes Burroughs his protector, giving him clues about how to open the tomb. The film reverts to the present, where Burroughs runs back to Carter's tomb and opens it, only to find it empty. Shang, in the form of a man with a bowler hat, then appears, having followed Burroughs. But as he prepares to kill Burroughs, Carter appears and shoots Shang, killing him. Carter then tells Burroughs that he never found a medallion.
Instead, he devised a scheme to lure a Thern into revealing himself in order to get that Thern's medallion. Carter takes Shang's medallion, whispers the code, and is then transported back to Barsoom.
1 | manipulate | mənípjʊlèɪt | 動 | 1.〔機械・道具などを〕手で巧みに操縦する 2.〔市場などを〕巧みに操作する 3.〔計算・帳簿などを〕誤魔化す manipulated - manipulated In different Zodangan forms, Shang explains to Carter the purpose of Therns and how they manipulate the civilizations of different planets. |
2 | revert | rɪvˈɚːt | 動 | 〔元の状態・習慣などに〕帰る、逆戻りする reverted - reverted reverse [rɪvˈɚːs] (名) 逆転、反対 The film reverts to the present |
3 | overthrow | òʊvɚθróʊ | 1.〔政府などを〕転覆させる、廃止する、打倒する 2.〔野球・クリケットなど〕暴投する overthrow - overthrew - overthrown There, they discover Tarkas has been overthrown by Tal Hajus. | |
4 | vicious | víʃəs | 形 | 悪意のある、意地の悪い、性悪の more vicious - most vicious Tarkas, Carter, and Sola are put on trial in a Colosseum battle with two enormous vicious creatures, the four-armed Great White-Apes. |
5 | defeat | dɪfíːt | 動 | 1.〔敵・相手を〕打ち負かす 2.〔計画・希望などを〕挫折させる defeated - defeated |
6 | seize | síːz | 動 | ぎゅっと掴む、捕まえる、逮捕する seized - seized Seizing this opportunity, Shang, in the form of a Helium Guard, sends him back to Earth. |
7 | embark | ɪmbάɚk, em‐ | 動 | 1.〔船・飛行機などに〕乗船させる、荷物を積み込む 2.〔事業などに人を〕乗り出させる embarked - embarked Carter embarks on a long quest |
8 | funeral | fjúːn(ə)rəl | 名 | 葬式、葬儀 asks for unusual funeral arrangements |
9 | coma | kóʊmə | 名 | 昏睡(状態) since his return to Mars would leave his Earth body in a coma-like state. |
10 | devise | dɪvάɪz | 動 | 〔方法を〕工夫する、考案する devised - devised Instead, he devised a scheme to lure a Thern into revealing himself in order to get that Thern's medallion. |
11 | lure | lˈʊɚ | 動 | 誘惑する lured - lured (名)誘惑 |
12 | civilization | sìvəlɪzéɪʃən | 名 | 文明(文化的・技術的・科学的に発達した社会) |
13 | Colosseum | kὰləsíːəm | 名 | コロセウム(ローマの円形大演技場) |
14 | instead | ɪnstéd | 副 | その代わりとして、それよりも |
15 | be guided to | 連 | 誘導される When Carter awakens, he is guided to Dejah's room. | |
16 | Shang in the form of a servant girl | 連 | 召使いの女に扮したシャン As Dejah leaves with Sab Than, Carter is captured by Shang in the form of a servant girl. | |
17 | put on | 連 | 1.〔衣類を〕着る、〔帽子を〕かぶる、〔手袋を〕はめる、〔化粧を〕する 2.ふりをする、装う 3.〔体重を〕増す、〔速度を〕出す、〔得点など〕重ねる 4.〔水道・ガスなど〕開く、〔ラジオ・電灯など〕つける、〔音楽などを〕かける Sola are put on trial in a Colosseum battle with two enormous vicious creatures | |
18 | throw away | 連 | 投げ捨てる、破棄する Carter decides to stay forever on Mars and throws away his medallion. | |
19 | ask for | 連 | 求める、要求する | |
20 | bowler hat | 連 | 山高帽 bowl [bóʊl] (名) ボウル、鉢 Shang, in the form of a man with a bowler hat |
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