13日の金曜日 PART2 |
Friday the 13th Part 2 is a 1981 slasher film directed by Steve Miner, who also directed its sequel, Friday the 13th Part III. A sequel to the 1980 film Friday the 13th, it is the second film in the Friday the 13th film series.
It was a moderate box-office hit, opening on May 1, 1981 in first place. The film was the first to feature Jason Voorhees (Warrington Gillette, doubled by Steve Daskawisz) as the main antagonist, a trend which would be repeated for the rest of the series.
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1 | sequel | síːkwəl | 名 | 〔小説・映画などの〕続き、続編 Friday the 13th Part 2 is a 1981 slasher film directed by Steve Miner, who also directed its sequel, Friday the 13th Part III. | ||
2 | antagonist | æntˈægənɪst | 名 | 敵役、敵対者 The film was the first to feature Jason Voorhees (Warrington Gillette, doubled by Steve Daskawisz) as the main antagonist, a trend which would be repeated for the rest of the series. | ||
3 | moderate | mάdərət ○マデラット ×モデレイト | 形 | 節度のある It was a moderate box-office hit, opening on May 1, 1981 in first place. | ||
4 | doubled | d́ʌbəld | 形 | 2倍大きい、多い | ||
5 | box-office | 固 | A box office is a place where tickets are sold to the public for admission to an event. Patrons may perform the transaction at a countertop, through an unblocked hole through a wall or window, or at a wicket. By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The term can also mean factors which may influence this amount, as in the phrases "good box office" and "bad box office" wicket [wíkɪt] 小門、切符売り場、窓口 context [kάntekst] 1.前後関係、脈絡 2.環境 synonym [sínənìm] 同意語、類義語 patron [péɪtrən] 後援者、パトロン transaction [trænsˈækʃən] 処理、業務 extension [ɪksténʃən] 拡張、延長 frequently [fríːkwənt] しばしば、たびたび
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