13日の金曜日 PART3 |
She stabs him and hangs him, but he remains alive. When she recognizes him as the man who attacked her, Ali awakens from his earlier attack only to be dismembered and killed by Jason upon attacking him.
Chris picks up an axe and brings it down on his skull. Terrified after he staggers after her for a few steps, Chris then watches Jason fall to the ground presumably dead at her feet. Chris pushes a canoe out onto the lake, where she falls asleep before awakening, frightened.
She sees Jason in the house and tries to flee when he comes after her, only to realize that his coming after her was just her imagination. The decayed body of Pamela Voorhees suddenly leaps from the lake and pulls her under the water, which also turns out only to be a dream.
A period of time later, the police arrive and take a clearly hysterical and disturbed Chris from the property as the camera pans over to Jason, dead on the floor of the barn, and showing the lake is at peace again.
1 | stagger | stˈægɚ | 動 | (自)〔殴られたり、疲労や飲みすぎなどで〕よろめく (他)よろめかす、ぐらぐらさせる Terrified after he staggers after her for a few steps |
2 | dismember | dìsmémbɚ | 動 | 手足を切断する Ali awakens from his earlier attack only to be dismembered and killed by Jason upon attacking him. |
3 | presumably | prɪzúːməbli | 副 | 思うに、たぶん Chris then watches Jason fall to the ground presumably dead at her feet. presumable (形)ありそうな |
4 | canoe | kənúː | 動 | カヌーでこぐ |
5 | decay | dɪkéɪ | 動 | (自)1.腐る 2.虫歯になる 3.衰退する (他)1.腐らせる 2.虫歯にする 3.衰退させる (名)1.腐敗 2.虫歯 3.衰退 The decayed body of Pamela Voorhees suddenly leaps from the lake and pulls her under the water, which also turns out only to be a dream. |
6 | leap | líːp | 動 | leap - leaped・leapt・lope - leaped・leapt・lopen 跳ぶ、跳ねる |
7 | awaken | əwéɪk(ə)n | 動 | =awake (他)起こす (自)起きる |
8 | hysterical | hɪstérɪk(ə)l | 形 | ヒステリーの、病的に興奮した A period of time later, the police arrive and take a clearly hysterical and disturbed Chris from the property as the camera pans over to Jason, dead on the floor of the barn, and showing the lake is at peace again. |
9 | disturb | dɪstˈɚːb | 動 | かき乱す、妨害する |
10 | property | prάpɚṭi | 名 | 1.資産 2.所有物 3.特性・特質 |
11 | bring it down on his skull | 連 | 彼の頭の上でそれを降ろす Chris picks up an axe and brings it down on his skull. | |
12 | turn out | 連 | 1.解雇する、追い出す 2.生産する、製造する 3.〔ガス・火などを〕消す 4.〔結局・・・であると〕わかる |
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