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セント・エルモス・ファイアー |
He pressures Leslie to marry him, but Leslie isn't convinced that she's ready. Meanwhile, at Kevin and Kirby’s apartment, Kirby tells Kevin of his love for Dale. Billy later comes over to stay, saying he can't deal with his wife.
After a shopping trip with the girls, Jules invites Kevin over to her apartment where he is incredulous at its extravagance. Jules asks Kevin why he has never made a pass at her, and accuses him of being gay and in love with Alec.
Kevin visits Alec and Leslie for dinner. Alec confesses to Kevin that while buying lingerie for Leslie, he had sex with the lingerie saleswoman. Leslie then tries on the red slip Alec bought, and the two end up fooling around, leaving Kevin to cook dinner. Later Kevin, in a conversation with a prostitute, asks her why she has never tried to solicit him. She responds that she thought he was gay.
Billy visits Wendy at the welfare office where she works, and joins her for dinner with her relatives. Wendy borrows money from her father (to give to Billy), who pressures her to get married. While drunk, Billy climbs onto the roof where Wendy follows him and they discuss after-college life with Wendy revealing she is a virgin. They later kiss on the couch, but after he teases her about her leggings, she tells him they should not see each other anymore.
During Halloween at St. Elmo’s Bar, Jules reveals to Leslie that she is having an affair with her married boss. Meanwhile, Billy, while playing saxophone, sees his wife with another man in the crowd and attacks him. Billy is fired and thrown out of the bar where he and his wife fight, then kiss.
The girls have lunch at a soup kitchen where Wendy is working. Wendy and Leslie confront Jules over her affair with her boss. She tells them not to worry and leaves. Wendy and Leslie to talk about their relationships. Meanwhile, Billy, who is house-sitting for Mr. Kim, a wealthy Korean businessman, is caught by his boss with a woman, and fired.
In drenching rain, Kirby follows Dale to a house party, and reveals his feelings for her. She tries to rebuff him, but fails. Billy returns to his old frat house at the college, where he ends up playing ball and asking for a job. He visits his wife and baby. She says she wants an annulment but Billy refuses, promising he will change.
Kirby takes a job working for Mr. Kim. He invites Dale to a party he is secretly holding at Mr. Kim’s house. At the party, Wendy attends with a bookish-looking man named Howie (played by Jon Cutler), and Jules gets drunk.
Alec then “announces” to the gathering that he and Leslie are engaged, upsetting her, as she had not consented. She confronts him about her suspicions of his infidelity, and Alec at first plays dumb. Enraged, he attacks Kevin, wrongly thinking Kevin had told Leslie about his misbehavior.
1 | incredulous | ìnkrédʒʊləs インクレジュラス | 形 | 容易に信じない、疑り深い he is incredulous at its extravagance. 彼はその無節制を容易に信じない be incredulous about ・・・を容易に信じない |
2 | extravagance | ɪkstrˈævəg(ə)ns イクストラヴァガンス | 名 | 1.浪費、贅沢 2.無節制 |
3 | lingerie | lὰːndʒəréɪ, ‐ríː ラーンジェリィ | 名 | (婦人・子供用の)下着、ランジェリー Alec confesses to Kevin that while buying lingerie for Leslie, アレックは、レスりーに買っている間のことをケヴィンに白状する。 |
4 | solicit | səlísɪt サリシィット | 動 | 1.懇請(こんせい)する、せがむ 2.(贈賄して悪事に)誘う 3.(売春婦が客を)誘う she has never tried to solicit him. She responds that she thought he was gay. 彼女は決して彼を誘おうとしなかった。彼女は彼がゲイだと思っていたと答える。 |
5 | rebuff | rɪbˈʌf | 動 | (好意的な申し出に対して)すげなく断る、はねつける She tries to rebuff him, but fails. 彼女は彼をはねのけようとするが失敗する。 |
6 | frat | frˈæt | 形 | 友好会の、支部として使われた、共同の Billy returns to his old frat house at the college ビリーは大学での古い共同住居に戻る。 【似ている!】 flat (形)平らな (名)平ら |
7 | annulment | ənˈʌlmənt | 名 | (婚姻の)無効宣言、取り消し She says she wants an annulment but Billy refuses, promising he will change. annul (動)無効にする、取り消す 【似ているけど】 anal [éɪnl] (形)肛門の ※発音注意 |
8 | infidelity | ìnfədéləṭi インファデラティ | 名 | 無信心、無信仰、不義の容疑 She confronts him about her suspicions of his infidelity 彼女は、彼の不義の疑いについて彼に立ち向かう。 |
9 | Meanwhile | míːn(h)wὰɪl | 副 | 一方で、その間 Meanwhile, at Kevin and Kirby’s apartment, Kirby tells Kevin of his love for Dale. 一方で、ケヴィンとカービーのアパートでは、カービーがケヴィンにデイルへの愛を話す。 |
10 | accuse | əkjúːz | 動 | 1.告発する、訴える 2.非難する、責める Jules asks Kevin why he has never made a pass at her, ジュールスはなぜ彼は彼女を口説かないのかとケヴィンに尋ねる。 【名詞形は】 accusation [`ækjʊzéɪʃən(名) 告発、告訴 【似ているけど】 acquisition [`ækwəzíʃən](名) 獲得、習得 |
11 | confess | kənfés | 動 | 告発する、白状する |
12 | prostitute | prάstət(j)ùːt | 名 | 売春婦 Later Kevin, in a conversation with a prostitute, 後でケヴィンは売春婦との会話の中で・・・ |
13 | relatives | ŕɛlətɪvz | 名 | 親戚、近親者の集まり (He) joins her for dinner with her relatives (彼は)彼女の近親者が集まるディナーに参加する。 |
14 | couch | kάʊtʃ | 名 | カウチ、ソファー They later kiss on the couch 彼らは後でソファーでキスをする。 |
15 | tease | tíːz | 動 | いじめる、からかう、悩ます he teases her about her leggings, 彼は彼女の下着姿を見てからかう。 |
16 | legging | ĺɛɡɪŋz | 名 | レギンス ※発音は"レギングス" 他、足を保護するもの。脚絆(きゃはん)、ゲートル、すねあて |
17 | saxophone | sˈæksəfòʊn | 名 | サックスフォン Billy, while playing saxophone, sees his wife with another man in the crowd and attacks him. ビリーはサックスを演奏している間、人ごみに彼の妻が他の男といるのを見て、彼を攻撃する。 |
18 | confront | kənfrˈʌnt | 動 | 直面する、大胆に立ち向かう Wendy and Leslie confront Jules over her affair with her boss. ウェンディとレスりーは、ジュールスが彼女のボスと情事を持っていることに対して彼女に立ちはだかる。 【名詞形は】 confrontation (名) 政治的な対立、衝突 |
19 | wealthy | wélθi | 形 | 裕福な、富裕な Billy, who is house-sitting for Mr. Kim, a wealthy Korean businessman, is caught by his boss with a woman, and fired. 裕福なビジネスマンである韓国人のキムさんの代わりに留守番をしていたビリーは、彼のボスに捕らえられ首になる。 |
20 | drench | dréntʃ | 動 | びしょ濡れにする、ざぶりと水に浸す In drenching rain, Kirby follows Dale to a house party |
21 | consent | kənsént | 動 | 同意する、承諾する Alec then “announces” to the gathering that he and Leslie are engaged, upsetting her, as she had not consented. アレックはそれから、彼とレスリーが婚約したことをみんなに公表する。しかしレスリーは同意せず納得しない。 |
22 | suspicion | səspíʃən | 名 | 容疑、疑り、訝り |
23 | misbehavior | m̀ɪsbəh́eɪvjɚ | 名 | 無品行 Enraged, he attacks Kevin, wrongly thinking Kevin had told Leslie about his misbehavior. 怒って、彼はケヴィンを攻撃する。ケヴィンは誤った考えで彼の無品行についてレスリーに話す。 |
24 | studio apartment | 連 | 一間のアパート、ワンルームマンション Alec, at the studio apartment he shares with Leslie | |
25 | better-paying job | 連 | もっと給料の良い仕事 he is trying to get a better-paying job | |
26 | even though | 連 | ・・・であるにも関わらず、・・・したものの、例え・・・だとしても even though it means switching political parties. = even if 【こっちは?】 as if まるで・・・かのように | |
27 | Jules invites Kevin over to her apartment | 連 | invite A over B B するようにAを誘う Jules invites Kevin over to her apartment | |
28 | make a pass | 連 | 口説く Jules asks Kevin why he has never made a pass at her | |
29 | try on | 連 | 試しに着てみる Leslie then tries on the red slip Alec bought, and the two end up fooling around, | |
30 | end up fooling around | 連 | 結局バカ騒ぎして終わる end up 最後には・・・になる fooling around バカ騒ぎする | |
31 | welfare office | 連 | 福祉事務所 Billy visits Wendy at the welfare office where she works, | |
32 | through out | 連 | 投げ飛ばす Billy is fired and thrown out of the bar where he and his wife fight, then kiss. 【ワンワードになると】 throughout (名) 隅から隅まで | |
33 | soup kitchen | 連 | (貧困者への)スープ提供場 The girls have lunch at a soup kitchen where Wendy is working. | |
34 | ends up | 連 | 最後には・・・になる he ends up playing ball and asking for a job. | |
35 | bookish-looking man | 連 | 堅苦しい感じの男 Wendy attends with a bookish-looking man named Howie, and Jules gets drunk. bookish [ˈbʊk.ɪʃ](形) 書物上の、読書の、学究的な、学者ぶった | |
36 | play dumb | 連 | 呆ける、ぼうっとする、しらばくれる Alec at first plays dumb. |
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