マシンガン・プリーチャー |
The soldier explains that their parents send them to sleep over there because it is safer than staying in their own village. Sam wakes up the children and gets them to sleep in their room for the night.
The next day they follow the children back to their village only to find that the LRA burnt it down and killed their parents. Then one of the children runs after his dog and dies upon stepping on a hidden landmine.
Sam then decides to build an orphanage for the children of South Sudan. After the orphanage is built, the LRA attack it under cover of night and burn it to the ground. Sam then phones home, telling his wife what happened and that he is giving up. She reminds him that the orphans have been through worse but they have not given up, and that he should not give up and tells him to rebuild the orphanage.
1 | follow | fάloʊ | 動 | (他)ついて行く、続く、従う (自)後から追って行く、後ろについていく[くる]、続く、後に従う The next day they follow the children back to their village only to find. 次の日、彼らは子供たちについて行き、見つけるためだけに村に戻ります。 |
2 | burnt | bˈɚːnt | 動 | burn の過去・過去分詞刑 burn - burned (burnt) - burned (burnt) 焼ける、燃える the LRA burnt it down and killed their parents. 神の抵抗軍は(村を)焼きつくし、彼らの親を殺した。 |
3 | landmine | ˈlænd.maɪn | 名 | 地雷 Then one of the children runs after his dog and dies upon stepping on a hidden landmine. それから、子供たちの一人は、彼の犬を追いかけて、地雷を踏んで死んでしまう。 |
4 | orphanage | ˈɔɚf(ə)nɪdʒ | 名 | 孤児院 Sam then decides to build an orphanage for the children of South Sudan. サムはそれから南スーダンのこど |
5 | remind | rɪmάɪnd | 動 | 思い出させる、思い出す、注意する She reminds him that the orphans have been through worse but they have not given up, 彼女(リン)は、孤児たちはずっと悪い状態だけど、彼らは決してあきらめることはないと彼(サム)に思い出させる。 |
6 | for the night | 連 | 夜の間 Sam wakes up the children and gets them to sleep in their room for the night. サムは子供たちを起こし、彼らに夜の間部屋の中で寝るようにさせる。 | |
7 | burn down | 連 | 全焼する、焼け落ちる | |
8 | run after | 連 | ・・・の後を追う、追跡する | |
9 | under cover of night | 連 | 夜に紛れて、夜影に乗じて the LRA attack it under cover of night and burn it to the ground. 神の抵抗軍は、夜に紛れて襲撃し、村を焼き払う。 |
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