Leslie is heartbroken, realizing she wasn't just being
paranoid. Alec demands Leslie
moves out of their apartment immediately. After the party, Kirby, who had been trying to find Dale, confronts Dale’s roommate, demanding to know where Dale is. Billy and Jules
ride home. Jules is about to
confide a secret in Billy, but all Billy wants is sex. Jules refuses, and throws him out of her car.
Pursuing Dale, Kirby drives to the ski lodge where she is staying. The door is answered by a man, and Kirby, realizing it is Dale’s boyfriend,
runs back to the car. He tries to
drive away but the car becomes
stuck in snow. Dale and her boyfriend
convince him to come inside.
kicked out of her apartment, goes to Kevin’s place to stay. She discovers a box of photographs of her. Kevin confesses his love for her, and they make love. The next morning, Alec
comes by, using the key Kevin had given him earlier, and apologizes. Leslie reveals her presence,
wrapped only in an
afghan, enraging Alec. In
disbelief, he leaves.
Mr. Kim arrives home, discovering his house in a mess from the party. Wendy, drunk and
passed out on the
staircase, tells him that he took her car. As Kirby prepares to leave Dale’s
cottage, Dale tells him she is
flattered by his
affections. In a surprising moment, he kisses her, and she does not
Wendy meets her father at a café. She tells him that the car that Kirby
borrowed (and damaged) is fixed, but wants to return it to her father. She also tells him she does not want to marry Howie, the man her parents arranged her to date, and that she wants to move out.
goes over to her apartment to pick up her possessions, and is surprised to find Alec there, not at work. They
squabble over the record collection, and fight about their affairs. Alec then
mutters to himself how he still wants Leslie, but she doesn't hear.
In the climax of the film, Leslie asks for help and reveals that Jules has for weeks been
pretending to go to work. Having been unable to make the payments, her car and furniture were
repossessed. In shock, Jules has locked herself into her apartment with the windows wide open,
admitting the freezing winter air.
The boys
come over to rescue her, climbing on to the fire escape. Kirby
goes off to find Billy, who now works at a gas station. Kevin tells Alec that he was the one who got Billy the job this time. Enraged, Alec attacks Kevin again,
dangling him over the edge of the fire escape, but with Leslie’s
intervention, he calms down.
Alec, still
annoyed, doesn't seem to be concerned about Jules anymore until Leslie, for the first time in their relationship, aggressively tells him to back off. An exhausted Jules finally unlocks her door just as Billy
bursts through it. Jules reveals that she is
disgusted with her behavior towards her "
step-monster" and that recently for the first time, they shared a real conversation, but then she
fell into a
coma and isn't expected to awake.
consoles and comforts her,
comparing her behavior to St. Elmo's fire (that her problems are
merely an illusion). She finally laughs,
indicating to the others that she is all right. Wendy moves into her own place, where Billy comes to visit and states that has agreed to a divorce, pays back some of the money he owes her and announces he is moving to New York and pursue a career as a saxophonist.
He asks her for a "
going away present," which
turns out to be them making love. At the bus station, the group says goodbye to Billy. Billy whispers to Alec, "don't let her go,"
motioning to Leslie. The opening
montage of the group at graduation appears again, bringing the film full circle. Leslie announces that she needs to be alone for a while, not dating either Alec or Kevin.
Alec and Kevin agree and make up as friends. Once at St. Elmo's Bar, the group decides to
have brunch on Sunday, but not at St. Elmo's Bar; they
instead choose Houlihan's because there's "not so many kids" there. This
symbolizes that they are finally
moving on from college life and ready to enter the real world as adults.
1 | afghan | ˈæfˌɡæn | 名 | アフガニスタン人(語)
Leslie reveals her presence, wrapped only in an afghan, enraging Alec.
(形)アフガニスタン人(語)の |
2 | squabble | skwάbl | 動 | (つまらないことで)口論する
They squabble over the record collection
(名)言い争い、喧嘩 |
3 | mutter | mˈʌṭɚ | 動 | (低いはっきりしない声で)つぶやく、ぶつぶつ言う
Alec then mutters to himself how he still wants Leslie, but she doesn't hear.
matter [mˈæṭɚ](名)問題
mutton [mˈʌtn] (名)羊の肉
mutton |
4 | dangle | dˈæŋgl | 動 | (他)ぶらさげる
Enraged, Alec attacks Kevin again, dangling him over the edge of the fire escape
dangle |
5 | intervention | ìnṭɚvénʃən | 名 | 間に入ること、仲裁
Leslie’s intervention, he calms down. |
6 | coma | kóʊmə | 名 | 昏睡状態
she fell into a coma and isn't expected to awake. |
7 | paranoid | pˈærən`ɔɪd | 形 | 変質的な、誇大妄想的な
Leslie is heartbroken, realizing she wasn't just being paranoid
(形)変質症の人、病的なほど疑り深い人、誇大妄想をする人 |
8 | confide | kənfάɪd | 動 | 信用する、信頼する
Jules is about to confide a secret in Billy
confidence [kάnfədns](名)信頼 |
9 | pursue | pəs(j)úː | 動 | 追跡する
Pursuing Dale, Kirby drives to the ski lodge where she is staying. |
10 | stuck | stˈʌk | 動 | stickの過去・過去分詞
stick - stuck - stuck
He tries to drive away, the car becomes stuck in snow. |
11 | convince | kənvíns | 動 | 確信させる、納得させる
Dale and her boyfriend convince him to come inside. |
12 | wrap | rˈæp | 動 | 包む、くるむ、巻く |
13 | disbelief | dìsbəlíːf | 名 |
In disbelief, he leaves. |
14 | staircase | stéɚkèɪs | 名 | (手すりなどを含む)階段
Wendy, drunk and passed out on the staircase |
15 | cottage | kˈɔtɪdʒ
| 名 | 小屋、コテージ
As Kirby prepares to leave Dale’s cottage, Dale tells him she is flattered by his affections. |
16 | flatter | flˈæṭɚ | 動 | おべっかを言う、お世辞を言う |
17 | affection | əfékʃən | 名 | (人が妻や子に示すような)愛情、優しい思い
affliction [əflíkʃən] (名)苦悩 |
18 | resist | rɪzíst | 動 | 抵抗する
In a surprising moment, he kisses her, and she does not resist. |
19 | borrow | bάroʊ
bˈɔrəʊ | 動 | 借りる
She tells him that the car that Kirby borrowed (and damaged) is fixed, but wants to return it to her father. |
20 | pretend | prɪténd | 動 | 1.偽る、うそぶく
Leslie asks for help and reveals that Jules has for weeks been pretending to go to work. |
21 | repossess | rìːpəzés | 動 | 1.再び手に入れる
her car and furniture were repossessed. |
22 | admit | ədmít | 動 | 1.入ることを許す
Jules has locked herself into her apartment with the windows wide open, admitting the freezing winter air. |
23 | annoy | ənˈɔɪ | 動 | うるさがらせる、悩ませる
Alec, still annoyed, doesn't seem to be concerned about Jules anymore until Leslie |
24 | burst | bˈɚːst | 動 | (自)1.破裂する 2.(ドアなど)開く
(他)1.破裂させる 2.(ドアなど)押し開かせる
An exhausted Jules finally unlocks her door just as Billy bursts through it. |
25 | disgust | dɪsgˈʌst | 動 | 胸を悪くさせる、うんざりさせる
Jules reveals that she is disgusted with her behavior towards her "step-monster" |
26 | console | kənsóʊl | 動 | 慰める、慰問する
Billy consoles and comforts her, comparing her behavior to St. Elmo's fire (that her problems are merely an illusion).
console 2 車のコンソールボックスなど、その他、台や収納となるもの。 |
27 | compare | kəmpéɚ | 動 | 1.比較する
comparison [kəmpˈærəsn]
2.例えること、なぞらえること |
28 | merely | míɚli | 副 | 単に(・・・に過ぎない)
rarely [réɚli] めったに・・・しない
barely [béɚli] かろうじて、わずかにやっと |
29 | indicate | índɪkèɪt | 動 | 指し示す、暗に(それとなく)示す
She finally laughs, indicating to the others that she is all right. |
30 | motion | móʊʃən | 動 | 身振りで指図する、合図する
Billy whispers to Alec, "don't let her go," motioning to Leslie.
(名)動き、運動 |
31 | montage | mɑntάːʒ
ではない | 名 | 1.モンタージュ(技法)
The opening montage of the group at graduation appears again |
32 | instead | ɪnstéd | 副 | その代わりに
they instead choose Houlihan's |
33 | symbolize | símbəlὰɪz | 動 | 象徴する、記号で表す
This symbolizes that they are finally moving on from college life and ready to enter the real world as adults. |
34 | move out |
| 連 | 立ち退く、去る
Alec demands Leslie moves out of their apartment immediately. |
35 | ride home |
| 連 | (車や電車、バスで)家に帰る
Billy and Jules ride home. |
36 | run back |
| 連 | 1.(テープなど)巻き戻す
The door is answered by a man, and Kirby, realizing it is Dale’s boyfriend, runs back to the car. |
37 | drive away |
| 連 | 追いやる、追い払う |
38 | kick out of |
| 連 | ・・・を蹴って追い出す
Leslie, kicked out of her apartment, goes to Kevin’s place to stay. |
39 | come by |
| 連 | 1.手に入れる
That picture was difficult to come by.
He came by his black eye in a fight with his wife.
I came by this table in a junk shop.
Alec comes by, using the key Kevin had given him earlier, and apologizes. |
40 | pass out |
| 連 | 意識を失う、気絶する、酔って正体がなくなる |
41 | go over |
| 連 | (片付けに)行く
Leslie goes over to her apartment to pick up her possessions. |
42 | come over |
| 連 | やって来る
The boys come over to rescue her, climbing on to the fire escape. |
43 | go off |
| 連 | その場を離れる
Kirby goes off to find Billy |
44 | step-monster |
| 連 | 悪くなっていくこと ? |
45 | fall into |
| 連 | 陥る |
46 | going away present |
| 連 | 離れていること、離れて存在すること
He asks her for a "going away present," which turns out to be them making love. |
47 | turn out |
| 連 | (結局・・・であることが)わかる |
48 | have brunch |
| 連 | ブランチ(遅い朝食)を取る
the group decides to have brunch on Sunday
branch [brˈæntʃ] (名) 枝、支社
blanch [blˈæntʃ] (動) 漂白する |
49 | move on |
| 連 | どんどん進む、新しい場所へ移る
they are finally moving on from college life and ready to enter the real world as adults. |
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