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ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生 |
Upon their return, they learn that Queenie has died; they move in together after the funeral. In 1967, Daisy has opened a ballet studio and tells Benjamin that she is pregnant; she gives birth to a girl, Caroline in spring 1968.
Believing he cannot be a father to his daughter due to his reverse aging, Benjamin sells his belongings, leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline, and departs the next spring; he travels alone during the 1970's.
Benjamin returns to Daisy in 1980. Now married, Daisy introduces him to her husband and daughter as a family friend. Daisy admits that he was right to leave; she could not have coped otherwise. She later visits Benjamin at his hotel, where they share their passion for each other. After saying their good-nights, Benjamin watches Daisy leave in a taxi from his window.
In 1990, widowed Daisy is contacted by social workers who have found Benjamin — now physically a preteen. When she arrives, they explain that he was living in a condemned building and was taken to the hospital in poor health, and that they found her name in his diary. The bewildered social workers also say he is displaying early signs of dementia. Daisy moves into the nursing home in 1997 and cares for Benjamin for the rest of his life; in spring 2003, he dies in Daisy's arms. Daisy dies on her deathbed as Hurricane Katrina approaches.
1 | bewilder | bɪwíldɚ | 動 | 当惑させる、うろたえさせる、まごつかせる The bewildered social workers also say he is displaying early signs of dementia. |
2 | dementia | dɪménʃ(i)ə | 名 | 痴呆 senile dementia 老人性痴呆症 senile [síːnɑɪl](形)老人の、耄碌(もうろく)した |
3 | comparable | kάmp(ə)rəbl | 形 | 1.(・・・と)比較できて、匹敵して 2.同等の、類似の Now of comparable physical age, they fall in love and go sailing together. |
4 | learn | lˈɚːn | 動 | 1.学ぶ、覚える 2.聞いて知る Upon their return, they learn that Queenie has died; they move in together after the funeral. |
5 | funeral | fjúːn(ə)rəl | 名 | 葬式 |
6 | ballet | bˈæleɪ ※『t』を発音せずに『i』を発音する。 | 名 | バレエ Daisy has opened a ballet studio and tells Benjamin that she is pregnant; she gives birth to a girl, Caroline in spring 1968. |
7 | pregnant | prégnənt | 形 | 1.妊娠した 2.豊かな、工夫のある |
8 | belonging | bɪĺɔŋɪŋ | 名 | 所有物、財産、所持品 Believing he cannot be a father to his daughter due to his reverse aging, Benjamin sells his belongings, leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline belong(動)属する、・・・のものである |
9 | proceeds | próʊsiːdz ※動詞と名詞形の発音の違いに注意 | 名 | 売上高、収入、収益 proceed [proʊsíːd](動) 続行する |
10 | admit | ədmít | 動 | 1.入ることを認める、許す 2.収容できる Daisy admits that he was right to leave; she could not have coped otherwise. administration (名) 管理、運営、行政 |
11 | cope | kóʊp | 動 | うまく処理する、うまくやっていく |
12 | otherwise | ˈʌðɚwὰɪz | 副 | 1.別の方法で 2.さもなければ 3.その他の点で、他は |
13 | passion | pˈæʃən | 名 | 1.欲情、色情、恋情 2.熱情、情熱、激情 they share their passion for each other. |
14 | widowed | ẃɪdoʊd | 形 | 未亡人になった In 1990, widowed Daisy is contacted by social workers who have found Benjamin — now physically a preteen. widow (名) 未亡人、男やもめ (動) 未亡人にする |
15 | preteen | pr̀it́in | 名 | 思春期前の子供(9歳から12歳の間) |
16 | condemn | kəndém | 動 | 1.強く非難する 2.不適だと定められる he was living in a condemned building |
17 | Hurricane | hˈɚːrəkèɪn | 名 | ハリケーン he dies in Daisy's arms. Daisy dies on her deathbed as Hurricane Katrina approaches. |
18 | give birth to a girl | 連 | 女の子を産む she gives birth to a girl, Caroline in spring 1968. |
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