One night after the orphanage has been rebuilt, he and his friends from the SPLA are attacked on the road by the LRA, they
manage to chase off the small force of the LRA that attacked them.
They then search the area and discover a large group of Sudanese children hiding in a
ditch not far from the road, since they can not take all the children in one trip, Sam chooses to take the ones who need
medical attention along with a few others on their first trip back to the ophanage.
However, upon returning to the spot
as quickly as he could, he finds that the LRA burnt those he had left behind. It is from here he leads armed
raids to rescue children from the LRA.
In the end credits are included
black and white pictures of the real Sam Childers, his wife and his daughter
plus his orphanage in Sudan. The pictures are followed by a short black and white home video clip of Sam talking about his work,
all the while with the credits rolling on left hand of the screen.
1 | ditch | dítʃ | 名 | 溝、どぶ、排水溝
They then search the area and discover a large group of Sudanese children hiding in a ditch not far from the road
ditch |
2 | medical | médɪk(ə)l | 形 | 1.医療の、医学の 2.内科の
Sam chooses to take the ones who need medical attention along with a few others on their first trip back to the ophanage.
サムは、孤児院に戻る上で、医療的な手当ての必要な子供たちをまずは連れて行くことにする(一台のトラックに一度に大勢の子供たちを乗せることが出来ないので) |
3 | attention | əténʃən | 名 | 1.注意 2.手当て 3.親切 |
4 | raid | réɪd |
| 1.不意の襲撃、空襲
It is from here he leads armed raids to rescue children from the LRA.
※"raid" と似ている "laid" は, lay 「横たえる、置く」の過去・過去分詞形
lay - laid - laid
"lay"は、 lie 「嘘をつく」の過去形と同じつづり。
lie - lay - lain |
5 | manage to |
| 連 | なんとか・・・する、やり遂せる
they manage to chase off the small force of the LRA that attacked them.
6 | chase off |
| 連 | 追い払う、追い出す |
7 | as quickly as he could |
| 連 | 出来るだけ早く
However, upon returning to the spot as quickly as he could, he finds that the LRA burnt those he had left behind.
彼らは出来るだけ早くその場所に戻ったが、サムは後に残していった子供たちがLRAによって焼かれているのを見つける。 |
8 | black and white pictures |
| 連 | 白黒写真(※英語では黒白写真)
= black and white photographs
In the end credits are included black and white pictures of the real Sam Childers
エンドクレジットでは、本物のサム・チルダースの白黒写真が含まれている。 |
9 | all the while |
| 連 | その間中、ずうっと、・・・している間中
all the while with the credits rolling on left hand of the screen.
スクリーンの左手にクレジットとともにずっと(サムやLPAの首長などの写真や映像が流されている) |

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