マシンガン・プリーチャー |
Machine Gun Preacher is an action biopic about Sam Childers, a former gang biker turned preacher and defender of African orphans.
The movie, released in 2011 by Relativity Media, was based on Childers's book Another Man's War. It was written by Jason Keller, directed by Marc Forster, and stars Gerard Butler, Michelle Monaghan, and Michael Shannon.
The film tells the story of Childers and his efforts to save the children of South Sudan in collaboration with the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) against the atrocities of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
Although the film centers on Childers, it starts off with a scene in South Sudan, where the LRA are attacking a village. This opening scene is placed into context later in the film.
Childers was an alcoholic drug-using biker from Pennsylvania. On his release from prison, he finds that his wife has given up her job as a stripper, because she has since become a Christian.
Eventually, after almost killing a vagrant the night before, he is persuaded by his wife to go to church with her where he is eventually converted.
Later, on a missionary trip to Uganda to build homes for refugees, he asks one of the SPLA soldiers watching over them to take him on a trip to the north, to Sudan.
The soldier warns him that it is a war zone, but upon Sam's insistence they go. They arrive at a medical tent in Sudan, as his friend moves off to talk came in to some people, Sam is roped in by a redheaded female doctor to help lift a lipless Sudanese woman onto the examination table.
That night as they lay on their beds at the relief station, they hear noises outside, when they look out Sam and the soldier see large numbers of Sudanese children swarming in to sleep outside the building.
The soldier explains that their parents send them to sleep over there because it is safer than staying in their own village. Sam wakes up the children and gets them to sleep in their room for the night.
The next day they follow the children back to their village only to find that the LRA burnt it down and killed their parents. Then one of the children runs after his dog and dies upon stepping on a hidden landmine.
Sam then decides to build an orphanage for the children of South Sudan. After the orphanage is built, the LRA attack it under cover of night and burn it to the ground. Sam then phones home, telling his wife what happened and that he is giving up. She reminds him that the orphans have been through worse but they have not given up, and that he should not give up and tells him to rebuild the orphanage.
They then search the area and discover a large group of Sudanese children hiding in a ditch not far from the road, since they can not take all the children in one trip, Sam chooses to take the ones who need medical attention along with a few others on their first trip back to the ophanage.
However, upon returning to the spot as quickly as he could, he finds that the LRA burnt those he had left behind. It is from here he leads armed raids to rescue children from the LRA.
In the end credits are included black and white pictures of the real Sam Childers, his wife and his daughter plus his orphanage in Sudan. The pictures are followed by a short black and white home video clip of Sam talking about his work, all the while with the credits rolling on left hand of the screen.
1日目 12/3(月)
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1 | biopic | ˈbaɪoʊpɪk | 名 | 伝記映画 Machine Gun Preacher is an action biopic about Sam Childers, マシンガンプリーチャーは、サム・チルダースの自伝的アクション映画である。 | ||||
2 | atrocity | ətrάsəṭi | 名 | 暴虐、非道、残虐行為 The film tells the story of Childers and his efforts to save the children of South Sudan in collaboration with the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) against the atrocities of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). その映画は、神の抵抗軍(LRA)の悪逆非道な行為に対して、チルダースがスーダン人民解放軍(SPLA)と協力して南スーダンの子供たちを救う渾身の物語だ。 | ||||
3 | preacher | pŕitʃɚ | 名 | 説教者、伝道者 former gang biker turned preacher and defender of African orphans. 元ギャングバイカーが宣教師になり、アフリカの孤児を守る人になる。 | ||||
4 | defender | dɪf́ɛndɚ | 名 | 防御者 | ||||
5 | orphan | ˈɔɚf(ə)n | 名 | 孤児 | ||||
6 | relativity | rèlətívəṭi | 名 | 関連性、相対性 | ||||
7 | collaboration | kəl`æbəréɪʃən | 名 | 協力、協同、援助、共同作業 | ||||
8 | liberation | lìbəréɪʃən | 名 | 解放、釈放、解放運動 | ||||
9 | lord | lˈɔɚd | 名 | 主人、支配者、神 | ||||
10 | resistance | rɪzístəns | 名 | 抵抗、反対 | ||||
11 | South Sudan | sάʊθsuːdˈæn | 名 | 南スーダン South Sudan officially the Republic of South Sudan, previously known as Southern Sudan, is a landlocked country in east-central Africa. It is also part of the Eastern Africa UN subregion.
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12 | gang biker | 連 | ギャングバイカー、バイカーギャング
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13 | Sam Childers | サム・チルダース 本作品の元となる人物。元はギャングバイカーであったが改心して宣教師になり、アフリカスーダンの孤児を助けるためにマシンガンを持って悪の組織と戦っている。 Sam Childers (born 1963) is a former motorcycle gang member who now dedicates his life and resources to rescue children in the war zone of South Sudan. Childers and his wife Lynn founded and operate Angels of East Africa, the Children's Village Orphanage in Nimule, South Sudan, where they currently have more than 300 children in their care. |
2日目 12/4(火)
1 | center | sénṭɚ | 動 | 中心に置く Although the film centers on Childers, it starts off with a scene in South Sudan. 映画はチルダースを中心に置かれるが、南スーダンのシーン(LRAが村を襲撃するシーン)で始まる。 |
2 | context | kάntekst | 1.前後関係、文脈、脈略、コンテキスト 2.状況、環境 This opening scene is placed into context later in the film. このオープニングシーン(南スーダンのシーン)は、映画の中で後から前後関係になる(後からこのシーンの関連性がわかる)。 | |
3 | alcoholic | `ælkəhˈɔːlɪk | 形 | アルコールの、アルコール中毒の Childers was an alcoholic drug-using biker from Pennsylvania. チルダースは、ペンシルバニア出身のバイク乗りで、アルコール中毒のドラッグ常習者だった。 |
4 | since | sɪns | 副 | その後、それ以来 because she has since become a Christian. なぜなら、彼女はその後(サムが刑務所に入った後)クリスチャンになったので(ストリッパーの仕事をやめた) (接続詞) ・・・以来 (前置詞) ・・・以来 ※接続詞と前置詞の違い 接続詞の後には『節』 前置詞の後には『句』 節 → 主語と動詞を含む 例文 It's [It has been] two years since I left school. 学校を出てから 2 年たちます 句 → 主語と動詞を含まない 例文 She has changed a good deal since her sickness. 彼女は病気をしてからずいぶん変わった。 |
5 | eventually | ɪvéntʃuəli | 結局は、遂には、やがては Eventually, after almost killing a vagrant the night before 遂には、前の夜物乞いをほとんど殺しそうになった後に・・・ | |
6 | vagrant | véɪgrənt | 名 | 放浪者、浮浪者、乞食、売春婦 (形) 1.放浪する、流浪の 2.変わりやすい、気まぐれな |
7 | persuade | pɚswéɪd | 動 | 説得する、確信させる he is persuaded by his wife to go to church with her where he is eventually converted. 彼は教会に行くよう妻に説得され、彼は遂に改心する。 |
8 | convert | kənvˈɚːt | 動 | 変える、転換する、転向する、改宗する |
9 | missionary | míʃənèri | 形 | 伝道の、宣教の (名)伝道師、宣教師 Later, on a missionary trip to Uganda to build homes for refugees その後、難民のために家を建てるためウガンダへ宣教の旅の上で・・・ |
10 | refugee | rèfjʊdʒíː | 名 | 逃亡者、難民、避難者 |
11 | warn | wˈɔɚn | 動 | 忠告する、警告する The soldier warns him that it is a war zone. 兵士はそこは戦地だと彼(サム)に忠告する。 |
12 | insistence | ɪnsístəns | 名 | 主張、強調 but upon Sam's insistence they go. しかし、サムの主張と同時に彼らは行く(ことになる)。 |
13 | rope | róʊp | 動 | ロープで縛る、引きつける、引き込む Sam is roped in by a redheaded female doctor to help lift a lipless Sudanese woman onto the examination table. サムは、赤毛の女性医師から、(暴虐により)唇を失ったスーダンの女性を診察台の上に乗せるよう指示され手伝う。 |
14 | Sudanese | sùːdəníːz | 名 | スーダンの |
15 | examination | ɪgz`æmənéɪʃən | 名 | 試験、検査、診察 |
16 | lay | léɪ | 動 | 横たえる lay - laid - laid That night as they lay on their beds at the relief station その夜、彼らが救助基地でベッドに横になった時、 |
17 | swarm | swˈɔɚm | 動 | 群がる (名)群れ when they look out Sam and the soldier see large numbers of Sudanese children swarming in to sleep outside the building. 彼らが警戒していると、サムと兵士はたくさんのスーダンの子供たちが建物の外で寝るために群がっているのを見る。 |
18 | Pennsylvania | pènslvéɪnjə | 名 | ペンシルバニア(アメリカ東部の州) |
19 | Uganda | (j)uːgˈændə | 名 | ウガンダ(アフリカ東部にある共和国) |
20 | LRA | 名 | 神の抵抗軍 The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), also known as the Lord's Resistance Movement, is a militant group/cult operating in northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic | |
21 | start off | 連 | 旅に出る、出掛ける、始める | |
22 | be placed into | 連 | ・・・になる | |
23 | give up | 連 | やめる、断念する | |
24 | night before | 連 | 前の夜 | |
25 | move off | 連 | 立ち去る | |
26 | relief station | 連 | 救助基地 | |
27 | look out | 連 | 1.外を見る 2.注意する |
2日目 12/5(水)
1 | follow | fάloʊ | 動 | (他)ついて行く、続く、従う (自)後から追って行く、後ろについていく[くる]、続く、後に従う The next day they follow the children back to their village only to find. 次の日、彼らは子供たちについて行き、見つけるためだけに村に戻ります。 |
2 | burnt | bˈɚːnt | 動 | burn の過去・過去分詞刑 burn - burned (burnt) - burned (burnt) 焼ける、燃える the LRA burnt it down and killed their parents. 神の抵抗軍は(村を)焼きつくし、彼らの親を殺した。 |
3 | landmine | ˈlænd.maɪn | 名 | 地雷 Then one of the children runs after his dog and dies upon stepping on a hidden landmine. それから、子供たちの一人は、彼の犬を追いかけて、地雷を踏んで死んでしまう。 |
4 | orphanage | ˈɔɚf(ə)nɪdʒ | 名 | 孤児院 Sam then decides to build an orphanage for the children of South Sudan. サムはそれから南スーダンのこど |
5 | remind | rɪmάɪnd | 動 | 思い出させる、思い出す、注意する She reminds him that the orphans have been through worse but they have not given up, 彼女(リン)は、孤児たちはずっと悪い状態だけど、彼らは決してあきらめることはないと彼(サム)に思い出させる。 |
6 | for the night | 連 | 夜の間 Sam wakes up the children and gets them to sleep in their room for the night. サムは子供たちを起こし、彼らに夜の間部屋の中で寝るようにさせる。 | |
7 | burn down | 連 | 全焼する、焼け落ちる | |
8 | run after | 連 | ・・・の後を追う、追跡する | |
9 | under cover of night | 連 | 夜に紛れて、夜影に乗じて the LRA attack it under cover of night and burn it to the ground. 神の抵抗軍は、夜に紛れて襲撃し、村を焼き払う。 |
4日目 12/6(木)
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