アルゴ |
Iranians storm the United States embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, in retaliation for President Jimmy Carter giving the Shah asylum in the U.S. during the Iranian Revolution. More than fifty of the embassy staff are taken as hostages, but six escape and hide in the home of the Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor (Garber).
With the escapees' situation kept secret, the US State Department begins to explore options for exfiltrating them from Iran. Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck), a CIA exfiltration specialist brought in for consultation, criticizes the proposals, but is at a loss for an alternative.
While on the phone with his son, he is inspired by watching Battle for the Planet of the Apes and begins plans for creating a cover story for the escapees being Canadian filmmakers scouting for exotic locations in Iran for a similar science-fiction film.
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1 | retaliation | rɪt`æliéɪʃən | 名 | 報復 Iranians storm the United States embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, in retaliation for President Jimmy Carter giving the Shah asylum in the U.S. during the Iranian Revolution. | ||
2 | Shah | ʃάː | 名 | 〔王朝時代の〕イラン国王の尊称 | ||
3 | asylum | əsάɪləm | 1.避難、亡命、保護 2.保護施設 | |||
4 | exfiltrate | eks-fil-treyt | 動 | 〔敵の支配下にある場所から〕脱出する 1.to escape furtively from an area under enemy control. 2.to smuggle (military personnel) out of an area under enemy control. furtively [f́ɝtɪvli] (副) こそこそした態度で furtive こそこそした smuggle [smˈʌgl] (動) 密輸入する With the escapees' situation kept secret, the US State Department begins to explore options for exfiltrating them from Iran. | ||
5 | Iranian | ɪréɪniən | 形 | イラン人の、イラン語の | ||
6 | embassy | émbəsi | 名 | 大使館、大使館員 | ||
7 | hostage | hάstɪdʒ | 名 | 人質 | ||
8 | ambassador | æmbˈæsədɚ | 名 | 〔・・・駐在の〕大使 | ||
9 | escapee | ɪskèɪpíː | 名 | 脱獄者 | ||
10 | consultation | kὰnsəltéɪʃən | 名 | 1.〔専門家に対する〕相談、諮問 2.〔専門家の〕会議 Tony Mendez, a CIA exfiltration specialist brought in for consultation, criticizes the proposals, but is at a loss for an alternative. | ||
11 | exotic | ɪgzάṭɪk | 形 | 異国風の、エキゾチックな While on the phone with his son, he is inspired by watching Battle for the Planet of the Apes and begins plans for creating a cover story for the escapees being Canadian filmmakers scouting for exotic locations in Iran for a similar science-fiction film. | ||
12 | at a loss | 連 | 1.困って、途方に暮れて 2.赤字を出す、〔・・・の〕損をして | |||
13 | Jimmy Carter | James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. (born October 1, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States (1977–1981) and was awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, the only U.S. President to have received the Prize after leaving office. | ||||
14 | Battle for the Planet of the Apes |
子供が猿の惑星をリアルに観るなんてやはりアメリカはすごい。しかも有名な1番目の『猿の惑星』じゃなくてマイナーなシリーズ5作目の『最後の~』を観るなんて。さすがアメリカ。 |
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