SHAME -シェイム- |
After he is denied entrance to a nightclub with the words "Not tonight", he notices a gay bar across the street and enters. He walks to the back, where several men are having sex; a man kisses Brandon and then performs fellatio on him.
On leaving the bar, he listens to a voicemail message from Sissy telling him how much she needs him, and that they aren't bad people, they've just come from a bad place. He leaves once again to visit an apartment occupied by two prostitutes, where the three have sex.
While Brandon is riding the subway on his way home, the passengers are asked to leave the carriage due to an implied suicide further up the tracks. He frantically calls Sissy, but she does not answer, so he rushes home. When he gets there, Sissy, who has a history of cutting herself, is lying on the bathroom floor, having slashed her wrists. She survives and he comforts her in the hospital. After leaving, he collapses and cries in the rain.
Some time later, Brandon is seen sitting on a subway train and the same woman from the beginning of the film sits across from him, this time he notices she is only wearing an engagement ring. He tries to look away, but she keeps staring at him and smiling. She stands up to leave the train and Brandon keeps staring at her. The train begins screeching to a stop. At the height of the noise, the screen cuts to black.
1 | screech | skríːtʃ | 動 | 1.〔恐怖・苦痛などのために〕聞き苦しい鋭い叫び声をあげる、〔鳥・猿などが〕キーキー、ギャーギャー鳴く 2.〔自動車・ブレーキなどが〕キーと音を立てる The train begins screeching to a stop. At the height of the noise, the screen cuts to black. |
2 | prostitute | prάstət(j)ùːt | 名 | 売春婦 He leaves once again to visit an apartment occupied by two prostitutes, where the three have sex. |
3 | carriage | kˈærɪdʒ | 名 | 1.乗り物、車、母乳者 2.〔機械の〕運び台 3.運賃 While Brandon is riding the subway on his way home, the passengers are asked to leave the carriage due to an implied suicide further up the tracks. |
4 | denied | 動 | deny [dɪnάɪ] の過去・過去分詞形 否定する After he is denied entrance to a nightclub with the words "Not tonight" | |
5 | perform | pɚfˈɔɚm | 動 | 〔仕事・任務などを〕行う ※doより形式ばった表現 a man kisses Brandon and then performs fellatio on him. |
6 | fellatio | fəléɪʃiòʊ | 名 | フェラチオ、吸茎(きゅうけい)、口淫(こういん) cf. irrumation、oral sex、cunnilingus[k`ʌnɪlíŋgəs] Fellatio (also known as fellation, and colloquially blowjob, BJ, giving head, or sucking off) is an act of oral stimulation of the penis by a sexual partner or by oneself (autofellatio). fellation =fellatio colloquially [kəlóʊkwiəli] (副) 口語で、口語的に colloquial (形) 話し言葉の、日常会話の penis [píːnɪs] (名) 陰茎 |
7 | leave | líːv | 動 | 出る、出発する、〔場所を〕去る |
8 | occupy | άkjʊpὰɪ | 動 | 占領する、占拠する |
9 | passenger | pˈæs(ə)ndʒɚ | 名 | 乗客 |
10 | imply | ɪmplάɪ | 動 | 暗示する、ほのめかす |
11 | track | trˈæk | 名 | 轍、足跡、通路 truck [trˈʌk] (名) トラック |
12 | frantically | frˈænṭɪkəli | 副 | 半狂乱で、血迷って He frantically calls Sissy, but she does not answer, so he rushes home. |
13 | lying | lάɪɪŋ | 動 | lie ・ lay 横たわる・嘘をつく・横たえる まとめ lie1 [lάɪ] (動) 横たわる、横になる lie - lay - lain lying lie2 [lάɪ] (動) 嘘をつく lie - lay - lain lying lay [léɪ] (動) 横たえる、横に置く lay - laid - laid laying When he gets there, Sissy, who has a history of cutting herself, is lying on the bathroom floor, having slashed her wrists. |
14 | slash | slˈæʃ | 動 | 1.〔ナイフなどで〕さっと切る 2.〔人・動物などを〕ムチで打つ 3.〔衣服に〕切り込みを入れる 4.〔税金・値段など〕大幅に切り下げる 5.酷評する、こき下ろす |
15 | comfort | kˈʌmfɚt | 動 | 〔苦しみ・悲しみ・悩みなどを〕和らげて元気づける (名)安楽、快適、楽 She survives and he comforts her in the hospital. |
16 | collapse | kəlˈæps | 動 | 1.〔建物・足場などが〕崩れる、崩壊する 2.〔過労・病気で〕倒れる、〔体力・健康が〕衰える 3.〔価値・力などが〕急に下落する、暴落する After leaving, he collapses and cries in the rain. |
17 | staring | stéɚɪŋ | 動 | stare の現在分詞 じっと見る、凝視する He tries to look away, but she keeps staring at him and smiling. |
18 | due to | 連 | ・・・のため、・・・の結果 | |
19 | further up | 連 | さらに | |
20 | sit across from him | 連 | 彼の向かいに座る Some time later, Brandon is seen sitting on a subway train and the same woman from the beginning of the film sits across from him, this time he notices she is only wearing an engagement ring. | |
21 | look away | 連 | 視線をそらす | |
22 | cut to black | 連 | 黒に変わる |
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