エイリアン3 |
The Colonial Marine spaceship Sulaco experiences an onboard fire and launches an escape pod containing Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) along with Newt, Hicks, and the damaged android Bishop. All four are in cryonic stasis. During the launch, the ship's medical scans of the crew's cryotubes show an Alien facehugger attached to one of the crewmembers.
The pod then crashes on Fiorina 'Fury' 161, a foundry facility and penal colony inhabited by all-male inmates with "double-Y" chromosome patterns and histories of physical and sexual violence. After some inmates recover the pod and its passengers, an Alien facehugger is seen approaching the prison dog.
Ripley is taken in and awakened by Clemens (Charles Dance), the prison doctor, and is told she is the only survivor of the crash. Many of the ex-inmates, led by Dillon (Charles S. Dutton), have embraced an apocalyptic, millenarian version of Christianity. Ripley is warned by the prison warden, Harold Andrews, (Brian Glover) that her presence among them may have extremely disruptive effects.
Suspicious of what caused the escape pod to jettison and what killed her companions, Ripley requests that Clemens perform an autopsy on Newt. She fears that Newt may be carrying an Alien embryo in her body, though she does not share this information. Despite protests from the warden and his assistant, Aaron (Ralph Brown), the autopsy is conducted.
No embryo is found in Newt's body, and Clemens proclaims she simply died in the crash. Meanwhile, Ripley's unusual behavior begins to frustrate the warden and is agitating the prisoners, to the point that three of them attempt to rape her before being violently thwarted by Dillon.
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1 | cryonic | krάɪoʊ | 形 | 人体冷凍保存術の cryonic 極低温科学、人体冷凍保存 cryo- [krάɪoʊ] 冷凍の、低温の + -ics [ɪks] ・・・術、・・・学 All four are in cryonic stasis.
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2 | cryotube | 名 | = crionic stasis During the launch, the ship's medical scans of the crew's cryotubes show an Alien facehugger attached to one of the crewmembers.
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3 | foundry | fάʊndri | 名 | 鋳造(ちゅうぞう)、鋳造業、鋳造工場 ※溶かした金属を型に流し込んで製品を作ること。 The pod then crashes on Fiorina 'Fury' 161, a foundry facility
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4 | penal | píːnl | 形 | 刑罰の、刑事上の penal colony inhabited by all-male inmates with "double-Y" chromosome patterns | ||||
5 | chromosome | króʊməsòʊm | 名 | 染色体
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6 | apocalyptic | əpὰkəlíptɪk | 形 | 黙示録の、将来の不幸を予言する apocalypse [əpάkəlìps] (名) 黙示録、啓示 Many of the ex-inmates, led by Dillon (Charles S. Dutton), have embraced an apocalyptic, millenarian version of Christianity. 【こんな映画あるよ】
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7 | millenarian | mìləné(ə)riən | 名 | 【キリスト教】 至福千年 (millennium) を信じる人 至福千年期=千年王国(Millenarianism) 終末が近づき、神が直接地上を支配することが間近になっていることを説く。
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8 | jettison | dʒéṭəsn | 動 | 1.投げ荷する、投げ捨てる 2.放棄する (名)投げ荷、放棄(物) Suspicious of what caused the escape pod to jettison and what killed her companions | ||||
9 | autopsy | ˈɔːtɑpsi | 名 | 検視(解剖) Ripley requests that Clemens perform an autopsy on Newt. | ||||
10 | agitate | ˈædʒətèɪt | 動 | 扇動する、心をかき乱す、(液体)かき混ぜる Meanwhile, Ripley's unusual behavior begins to frustrate the warden and is agitating the prisoners | ||||
11 | thwart | θwˈɔɚt | 動 | 妨害する、邪魔をする three of them attempt to rape her before being violently thwarted by Dillon. | ||||
12 | experience | ɪkspí(ə)riəns | 動 | 経験する、体験する、・・・に合う (名)経験、体験 ※最後が-ceで終わるが名詞形だけでなく動詞形もある。 The Colonial Marine spaceship Sulaco experiences an onboard fire and launches an escape pod containing Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) along with Newt, Hicks, and the damaged android Bishop. | ||||
13 | onboard | ˈonbɔɚd | 形 | 機内で提供される 機内に搭載された、内臓された onboard service(s) 機[船・車]内サービス an onboard computer 機[船・車]載コンピューター | ||||
14 | inmate | ́ɪnm̀eɪt | 名 | 1.収容者、在監者 2.同居人、家人(かじん) | ||||
15 | embrace | ɪmbréɪs | 動 | 1.抱きしめる 2.取り囲む、包囲する 【似ている】 embarrass [ɪmbˈærəs] (動) 人前で恥ずかしい目に合わせる、間誤付かせる、きまりを悪くさせる | ||||
16 | Christianity | krìstʃiˈænəṭi | 名 | キリスト教、キリスト教的信仰 | ||||
17 | warden | wˈɔɚdn | 名 | 1.(老人ホームなどの)管理人 2.監視員 3.刑務所長、(病院・各署の)長 Ripley is warned by the prison warden | ||||
18 | disruptive | dɪsrˈʌptɪv | 形 | 崩壊的な、分裂的な Harold Andrews, that her presence among them may have extremely disruptive effects. | ||||
19 | embryo | émbriòʊ | 名 | 胎芽、胚、胚子 ※胎芽(たいが)・・・胎齢が8週未満の赤ちゃんのこと She fears that Newt may be carrying an Alien embryo in her body
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20 | protest | próʊtest(名) prətést(動) | 名 | 抗議、異義 (動)断言する、主張する、抗議する Despite protests from the warden and his assistant, Aaron (Ralph Brown), the autopsy is conducted. | ||||
21 | conduct | kəndˈʌkt(動) kάndʌkt(名) | 動 | 1.指揮する 2.案内する 3.行う、処理する、経営する (名)1.行為、品行 2.経営 | ||||
22 | proclaim | proʊkléɪm | 動 | 宣言する、示す No embryo is found in Newt's body, and Clemens proclaims she simply died in the crash. | ||||
23 | taken in | 連 | 1.取り入れる 2.泊める、(下宿人を)置く 3.見物する、見に行く 4.理解する、気付く Ripley is taken in and awakened by Clemens, the prison doctor, and is told she is the only survivor of the crash. |
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