エイリアン3 |
The bait-and-chase style plan results in the death of Dillon and all the remaining prisoners, except Morse (Danny Webb), who pours the lead. The Alien, covered in molten metal, escapes the mold and is killed by Ripley when she turns on fire sprinklers and sprays the beast with water, causing its exoskeleton to cool rapidly and shatter via thermal shock.
While Ripley battles the Alien, the Weyland-Yutani team arrives, including a man named Michael Bishop who looks identical to the Bishop android, claiming to be its creator. He tries to persuade Ripley to undergo surgery to remove the Queen embryo, which he claims will be destroyed. Ripley refuses and steps back onto a mobile platform, which Morse positions over the furnace.
The company men shoot Morse in the leg, and Aaron picks up a large wrench and strikes Bishop over the head with it. Aaron is shot dead, and Bishop and his men show their true intentions, begging Ripley to let them have the "magnificent specimen". Ripley defies them by throwing herself into the gigantic furnace, just as the alien Queen begins to erupt from her chest. Ripley grabs the creature, holding on to it as she falls into the fire.
The facility is closed down and the last surviving inmate, Morse, is led away. A sound recording of Ripley (her final lines from the original Alien) is heard from the Sulaco escape pod.
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1 | deduce | dɪd(j)úːs | 動 | 演繹(えんえき)する、推測する Deducing that the mature alien will not kill her because of the embryo she carries | ||
2 | exoskeleton | ̀ɛksoʊsḱɛlətən | 名 | 外骨格 its exoskeleton to cool rapidly and shatter via thermal shock. 【What?】 An exoskeleton is the external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body
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3 | erupt | ɪrˈʌpt | 動 | 1.爆発する、噴火する 2.〔感情・暴動などが〕どっと出る just as the alien Queen begins to erupt from her chest.
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4 | mature | mət(j)ˈʊɚ | 形 | 1.〔人・動物など〕完全に発達した、円熟した 2.〔ぶどう・チーズ・酒・果物など〕熟成した 3.〔計画・考えなど〕熟慮した、賢明な
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5 | beg | bég | 動 | 1.〔金・食物など〕請い求める 2.頼む、懇願する、せがむ I beg your pardon. ご免なさい、失礼しました、失礼ですが 【似ている】 bed [béd] (名)1.寝台 2.性交 (動)1.寝る、寝かせる 2.性交を持つ bet [bét] (動)1.賭ける 2.断言する I bet (you) that she'll come. 大丈夫、彼女は来るよ。 Ripley begs Dillon to kill her | ||
6 | lure | lˈʊɚ | 動 | 誘惑する、誘い出す、誘き寄せる They form a plan to lure it into the foundry's molding facility
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7 | mold | móʊld | 名 | 〔溶かした材料を入れて形を造る〕形。鋳型(いがた)。 (動)型に入れて作る mold2 かび
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8 | molten | móʊltn | 形 | 溶けた、溶解した (動)melt の過去分詞 and drown it in molten lead by trapping it by closing a series of doors.
バスケットボールなどで有名なモルテン(広島県)の社名の由来は、meltの過去分詞であるmoltenを使用し、ゴムを溶かして製品を作ることから来ている。 | ||
9 | lead | léd ○レッド ×リード | 名 | 鉛 lead 2 [líːd] (動) 導く、案内する、連れて行く lead - led - led
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10 | spray | spréɪ | 動 | 飛沫(しぶき)を飛ばす (名)飛沫、スプレー she turns on fire sprinklers and sprays the beast with water | ||
11 | identical | ɑɪdénṭɪk(ə)l | 形 | まったく同じの、同一の including a man named Michael Bishop who looks identical to the Bishop android | ||
12 | undergo | `ʌndɚgóʊ | 動 | 1.〔検査・手術を〕受ける 2.〔変化などを〕経験する 3.〔苦難などに〕耐える He tries to persuade Ripley to undergo surgery to remove the Queen embryo | ||
13 | surgery | sˈɚːdʒ(ə)ri | 名 | 1.外科、外科手術・処置 2.手術室、診察室 | ||
14 | furnace | fˈɚːnəs | 名 | 炉、かまど Ripley refuses and steps back onto a mobile platform, which Morse positions over the furnace. | ||
15 | wrench | réntʃ | 名 | 1.レンチ、スパナ(spanner) 2.ねじること、よじること 3.捻挫、すじ違い 4.〔別離の〕悲痛、苦痛 5.〔事実・意味など〕こじつけ、歪曲(わいきょく) (動)ねじる、ひねる、ねじって回す Aaron picks up a large wrench and strikes Bishop over the head
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16 | intention | ɪnténʃən | 名 | 意図、目的、意志 Bishop and his men show their true intentions | ||
17 | magnificent | mægnífəsnt | 形 | 壮大な、雄大な、豪華な begging Ripley to let them have the "magnificent specimen".
黒澤明監督の『七人の侍』をモチーフに、スティーヴ・マックーンやチャールズ・ブロンソン出演で製作された西部劇『荒野の7人』の原題は、"The Magnificent Seven"(ものすごい7人)だ。 | ||
18 | defy | dɪfάɪ | 動 | ものともしない、無視する、侮る Ripley defies them by throwing herself into the gigantic furnace | ||
19 | gigantic | dʒɑɪgˈænṭɪk ○ジャイガンティク ×ジャイジャンティク | 形 | 巨大な、膨大な
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20 | only if | 連 | もし~なら he agrees to do so only if she helps the inmates kill the adult creature first. | |||
21 | form a plan | 連 | 計画を立てる | |||
22 | a series of doors | 連 | 一連のドア | |||
23 | bait-and-chase style | 連 | 誘き寄せて追わせるというやり方 bait [béɪt] (名) 1.〔罠にかけるための〕エサ 2.誘き寄せるもの、誘惑 The bait-and-chase style plan results in the death of Dillon and all the remaining prisoners | |||
24 | turn on fire sprinklers | 連 | 防火用スプリンクラーを出す turn on 1.〔栓をひねって水・ガスを〕出す 2.興奮させる、〔性的に〕刺激する 「スイッチを入れる」は switch on, the light on fire sprinkler [spŕɪŋklɚ] 消化散水装置 綴り ×sprincler、sprincooler | |||
25 | thermal shock | 連 | 熱衝撃 thermal [θˈɚːm(ə)l] (形) 熱の、温度の | |||
26 | mobile platform | 連 | 台になった動く装置
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27 | shoot Morse in the leg | 連 | モースの足を撃つ shoot into 〔弾丸を〕撃ち込む The company men shoot Morse in the leg | |||
27 | lead away | 連 | 連れて行く、連れ去る The facility is closed down and the last surviving inmate, Morse, is led away. |
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