Ripley discovers that it was Burke who ordered the colonists to investigate the
derelict spaceship where the Nostromo crew first encountered the Alien eggs, and that he hopes to return Alien
specimens to the company laboratories where he can profit from their use as
biological weapons.
She threatens to
expose him, but Bishop soon informs the group of a greater threat: the damaged processing station has become unstable and will soon
detonate with the force of a
thermonuclear weapon. He
volunteers to use the colony's
transmitter to
pilot the Sulaco's remaining dropship to the surface by remote control so that the group can escape.
Ripley and Newt
fall asleep in the medical laboratory, awakening to find themselves locked in the room with the two facehuggers, which have been released from their tanks. Ripley is able to
alert the marines, who rescue them and kill the creatures. Ripley accuses Burke of attempting to
smuggle implanted Alien
embryos past Earth's
quarantine inside her and Newt, and of planning to kill the rest of the marines in
hypersleep during the return trip so that no one could
contradict his version of events.
electricity is suddenly
cut off and
numerous Aliens attack through the
ceiling. Hudson, Burke, Gorman, and Vasquez are killed while Newt is captured by the Aliens. Ripley and an injured Hicks reach Bishop and the second dropship, but Ripley refuses to leave Newt behind. She rescues Newt from the
hive in the processing station, where the two encounter the Alien queen and her egg chamber. Ripley destroys most of the eggs,
enraging the queen, who escapes by tearing free from her
Closely pursued by the queen, Ripley and Newt
rendezvous with Bishop and Hicks on the dropship and escape moments before the colony is consumed by the nuclear blast. Back on the Sulaco, Ripley and Bishop's relief at their escape is
interrupted when the Alien queen,
stowed away on the dropship's landing gear,
impales Bishop and tears him in half. Ripley battles the queen using an
exosuit cargo-loader, before
expelling it into space through an airlock. Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the
still-functioning Bishop then enter hypersleep for the return to Earth.
1 | derelict | dérəlìkt | 名 | 1.遺棄物 2.落伍者
Ripley discovers that it was Burke who ordered the colonists to investigate the derelict spaceship
derelict |
2 | specimen | spésəmən | 名 | 見本、標本
he hopes to return Alien specimens to the company laboratories where he can profit from their use as biological weapons.
3 | detonate | déṭənèɪt | 動 | (自)爆発する
and will soon detonate with the force of a thermonuclear weapon.
4 | embryo | émbriòʊ | 名 | 1. 胎芽 (人間の受胎後 8 週以内の個体)
※fetus [fíːṭəs] 胎児 (人間では受胎後約 3 か月目からのもの)、胚、胚子
Ripley accuses Burke of attempting to smuggle implanted Alien embryos past Earth's quarantine inside her and Newt
embryo |
5 | quarantine | kwˈɔːrəntìːn | 名 | 隔離、検疫
(動)隔離する、検疫する |
6 | hypersleep |
| 動 | A form of suspended animation in which the body's functions are not merely slowed down but halted entirely.
suspended animation
suspend [səspénd](動)
1.吊るす 2.停止する
animation [`ænəméɪʃən] (名)
1.生気、活気 2.アニメ
merely [míɚli] (副)
halt [hˈɔːlt] (動)
1.停止する 2.ためらう
and of planning to kill the rest of the marines in hypersleep during the return trip so that no one could contradict his version of events.
7 | contradict |
| 動 | 1.正しくないと言明する、反対する、反駁(はんばく)する
I'm sorry to contradict you, but…
8 | ovipositor | əʊvɪˈpɒzɪtə | 名 | 産卵管
oviposition 産卵、抱卵
Ripley destroys most of the eggs, enraging the queen, who escapes by tearing free from her ovipositor.
9 | impale | ɪmpéɪl | 動 | (尖ったもので)突き刺す
the Alien queen, stowed away on the dropship's landing gear, impales Bishop and tears him in half.
10 | exosuit |
| 名 | 劇中に登場した人間型の作業ロボットのこと。人間が乗り込み人間が動くかのように作動。重いものも自由に動かすことが出来る。
Ripley battles the queen using an exosuit cargo-loader, before expelling it into space through an airlock.
exosuit |
11 | expel | ɪkspél | 動 | 1.追い出す、放逐(ほうちく)する、免職する
2.吐き出す、排出する |
12 | expose | ɪkspóʊz | 動 | 1.さらす 2.陳列する 3.暴露する
She threatens to expose him
13 | thermonuclear | θ̀ɝmoʊńukliɚ | 形 | 原子核融合反応の、熱核の |
14 | volunteer | vὰləntíɚ | 動 | 自発的に申し出る
He volunteers to use the colony's transmitter to pilot the Sulaco's remaining dropship to the surface by remote control so that the group can escape.
15 | transmitter | trænsmítɚ | 名 | 送信機(者)、発信機(者)
transmit (動) 発信する |
16 | pilot | pάɪlət | 動 | 操縦する、案内する
(名)操縦士、パイロット |
17 | alert | əlˈɚːt | 動 | 警報を出す、警告する
Ripley is able to alert the marines, who rescue them and kill the creatures.
18 | smuggle | smˈʌgl | 動 | 密輸入(出)する、秘密に持ち込む(持ち出す) |
19 | implant | ɪmplˈænt | 動 | 植えつける、吹き込む |
20 | electricity | ɪlèktrísəṭi | 名 | 電気、電流、電力
The electricity is suddenly cut off and numerous Aliens attack through the ceiling.
21 | numerous | n(j)úːm(ə)rəs | 形 | 多数の、夥(おびただ)しい |
22 | ceiling | síːlɪŋ | 名 | 天井 |
23 | hive | hάɪv | 名 | (通例、蜜蜂の)巣箱
She rescues Newt from the hive in the processing station,
24 | enrage | ɪnréɪdʒ | 動 | ひどく怒らす、激怒させる |
25 | rendezvous | rάːndɪvùː | 動 | 打ち合わせた場所で会う、集結する、(宇宙船が)ランデブーする
Ripley and Newt rendezvous with Bishop and Hicks on the dropship
26 | interrupt | ìnṭərˈʌpt | 動 | 遮る、阻止する、中断する
Ripley and Bishop's relief at their escape is interrupted when the Alien queen, stowed away on the dropship's landing gear
27 | stow | stóʊ | 動 | (他)しまい込む、詰め込む、積む
(自)(飛行機・船などで)密航する、こっそりただ乗りする(away) |
28 | biological weapons |
| 連 | 生物兵器 |
29 | fall asleep |
| 連 | 寝入る、眠り込む
Ripley and Newt fall asleep in the medical laboratory
30 | cut off |
| 連 | 切り払う、切り離す |
31 | still-functioning |
| 連 | (エイリアンにより胴体を切り離されたが)まだ機能している
Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the still-functioning Bishop then enter hypersleep for the return to Earth.
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