エイリアン3 |
The Alien soon begins to attack members of the colony, killing several and returning an outcast prisoner Golic (Paul McGann) to his former deranged state. To get answers, Ripley recovers and reactivates the damaged android Bishop, who confirms that there was an Alien on the Sulaco and it came with them to Fiorina in the escape pod.
She then informs Andrews of her previous encounters with the Aliens and suggests everyone work together to hunt it down and kill it. Andrews does not believe her story and explains that the facility has no weapons. Their only hope of protection is the rescue ship being sent for Ripley by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
Back in the prison infirmary, while talking to Ripley about the situation, Clemens is killed by the Alien, but when it is about to attack Ripley, it suddenly pauses, then retreats, mysteriously sparing her life. She runs to the mess hall to warn the others, only to see the Alien kill the warden. Ripley rallies the inmates and proposes they pour highly flammable toxic waste, which is stored at the facility, into the ventilation system and ignite it to flush out the creature.
An explosion is caused by the creature's premature intervention, resulting in several deaths. Using the medical equipment aboard the Sulaco escape pod, Ripley scans herself and discovers the embryo of an Alien Queen growing inside her. She also finds out that the Corporation truly wants the Queen embryo and the adult Alien, hoping to turn them into biological weapons.
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1 | furnace | fˈɚːnəs○ファーナス ×ファーネイス | 名 | 〔工場などの〕炉、溶鉱炉、竈(かまど)、暖房炉 A funeral is performed for Newt and Hicks, during which their bodies are cremated in the facility's enormous furnace.
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2 | convulsion | kənvˈʌlʃən | 名 | 痙攣(けいれん)、引き付け、発作 In another section of the facility, the prison dog enters convulsions | ||
3 | flammable | flˈæməbl | 形 | 可燃性の flame [fléɪm] 【名】1.炎 2.激情 3.《口語》恋人、愛人 【動】燃え上がる、燃えるように輝く 【似ている】 frame [fréɪm] (名) 枠、骨組み Ripley rallies the inmates and proposes they pour highly flammable toxic waste | ||
4 | ventilation | vènṭəléɪʃən | 名 | 1.換気、風通し、通風 2.自由討論、世論に問うこと which is stored at the facility, into the ventilation system and ignite it to flush out the creature.
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5 | ignite | ɪgnάɪt | 動 | 火をつける、発火させる、点火させる、燃焼させる | ||
6 | premature | prìːmət(j)ˈʊɚ|prémətʃə, príː‐ | 形 | 1.時期の早い、時期尚早の、早まった、早計の 2.早産の An explosion is caused by the creature's premature intervention | ||
7 | funeral | fjúːn(ə)rəl | 形 | 葬式、葬儀、告別式 A funeral is performed for Newt and Hicks, during which their bodies are cremated in the facility's enormous furnace. | ||
8 | cremate | kríːmeɪt, krɪméɪt|krəméɪt | 動 | 火葬にする 【名】 cremation [krɪméɪʃən] 火葬 【形】 crematory [kríːmət`ɔːri] 火葬の | ||
9 | enormous | ɪnˈɔɚməs | 形 | 巨大な、莫大な enormous appetite ものすごい食欲 enormous wealth 巨万の富 | ||
10 | outcast | ́aʊtk̀æst | 名 | 追放者、浮浪者 The Alien soon begins to attack members of the colony, killing several and returning an outcast prisoner Golic to his former deranged state. 【トリヴィア】
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11 | derange | dɪréɪndʒ | 動 | 乱す、混乱させる、発狂させる | ||
12 | reactivate | rìːˈæktəvèɪt | 動 | 再び活動的にする、再活性化する To get answers, Ripley recovers and reactivates the damaged android Bishop | ||
13 | infirmary | ɪnfˈɚːm(ə)ri | 名 | 1.(学校・工場などの)医務室、診療所 2.病院 Back in the prison infirmary, while talking to Ripley about the situation | ||
14 | pause | pˈɔːz | 動 | 1.休止する、立ち止って・・・する 2.躊躇う(ためらう)、思案する Clemens is killed by the Alien, but when it is about to attack Ripley, it suddenly pauses, then retreats, mysteriously sparing her life. | ||
15 | retreat | rɪtríːt | 動 | 1.〔軍隊などが〕退く、後退する、退却する 2.〔不快なところから〕逃げる、去る 【名】1.退却 2.静養先、隠れ家、収容所 | ||
16 | mysteriously | m̀ɪst́ɪriəsli | 副 | 不可解なことに | ||
17 | spar | spάɚ|spάː | 動 | スパーリングする、練習試合をする 【似ている】 spur [spˈɚː] (動)拍車をかける (名)拍車 | ||
18 | rally | rˈæli | 動 | 呼び集める、結集する rally2 [rˈæli] (動) からかう Ripley rallies the inmates and proposes they pour highly flammable toxic waste | ||
19 | propose | prəpóʊz | 動 | 1.提案する、提出する 2.目論む、企てる、・・・するつもりである 3.推薦する、指名する 4.〔女が男に〕結婚を申し込む 5.乾杯の音頭を取る propose a toast [a person's health] 乾杯を発議する [人の健康を祝して] | ||
20 | inform A of B | 連 | AにBのことを知らせる She then informs Andrews of her previous encounters | |||
21 | hunt down | 連 | 追い詰める、追跡して捕らえる suggests everyone work together to hunt it down and kill it. | |||
22 | be about to | 連 | まさに・・・しようとしている it is about to attack Ripley | |||
23 | run to | 連 | 1.〔困って〕援助を求めて・・・に行く 2.・・・に達する 3.・・・の状態になる 4.・・・のための資金がある、〔金が〕・・・に足りる She runs to the mess hall to warn the others | |||
24 | mess hall | 連 | 〔軍隊・工場の〕食堂 mess [més] (名) 1.混乱、めちゃくちゃ、散らかっていること 2.面倒、困惑、窮地 3.汚いもの、糞、嘔吐物 | |||
25 | toxic waste | 連 | 有害廃棄物、有毒廃棄物 toxic [tάksɪk] (形) 有毒な 【トリヴィア】
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26 | flush out | 連 | 〔犯人を隠れ家などから〕追い出す flush out the creature. | |||
27 | find out | 連 | 見つけ出す、発見する ※ find out は、【調査・観察】の結果を見つけ出すことを意味し、【人・物】を探して見つけ出すことには用いない。 人・物を探し出す → find、detect、discover など She also finds out that the Corporation truly wants the Queen embryo |
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