エイリアン2 |
testimony(証言)、skepticism(懐疑)、 expedition(遠征)、derelict(遺棄物)、specimen(見本)、detonate(爆発する)、embryo(胎児)、quarantine(隔離)、contradict(反対する)、ovipositor(産卵管)、impale(突き刺す)、expel(追い出す)
Sergeantは、ビートルズの曲でジョン・レノンがシャウトする♪Sgt(Sergeant) Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band が印象深い。漫画でケロロ軍曹なんてのもあり、英語表記はSergeant Frog だ。clusterについてもクラスター爆弾ってのがあるね。大きな弾体に小さな爆弾が多数入っていて着弾と同時に広範囲を制圧するという恐ろしい爆弾だ。cocoonについては1985年公開のアメリカ映画でロン・ハワード監督作品『コクーン』があまりにも有名だ。シアターコクーンで行われるコクーン歌舞伎なんてのもよく聞くね。今回もたくさん勉強になった。

Aliens is a 1986 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron and starring Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, William Hope, and Bill Paxton.
A sequel to the 1979 film Alien, Aliens follows Weaver's character Ellen Ripley as she returns to the planet where her crew encountered the hostile Alien creature, this time accompanied by a unit of Colonial Marines.
Aliens' action-adventure tone was in contrast to the horror motifs of the original Alien. Following the success of The Terminator (1984), which helped establish Cameron as a major action director, 20th Century Fox greenlit Aliens with a budget of approximately $18 million.
It was filmed in England at Pinewood Studios and at a decommissioned power plant.
Aliens grossed $86 million at the US box office during its 1986 theatrical release and $131 million worldwide. The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including a Best Actress nomination for Sigourney Weaver. It won in the categories of Sound Effects Editing and Visual Effects. It won eight Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film, Best Actress for Weaver and Best Direction and Best Writing for Cameron.
Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), the only survivor of the space freighter Nostromo, is rescued and revived after drifting for fifty-seven years in stasis. At an interview before a panel of executives from her employer, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, her testimony regarding the Alien is met with extreme skepticism as she has no physical evidence.
Ripley loses her space-flight license as a result of her "questionable judgment" and learns that LV-426, the planet where her crew first encountered the Alien eggs, is now home to a terraforming colony. Ripley is later visited by Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) and Lieutenant Gorman (William Hope) of the Colonial Marines, who inform her that contact has been lost with the colony on LV-426.
The company decides to dispatch Burke and a unit of marines to investigate, and offers to restore Ripley's flight status and pick up her contract if she will accompany them as a consultant. Traumatized by her previous encounter with the Alien, Ripley initially refuses, but accepts after Burke promises that the team will destroy any Aliens found and not attempt to study them.
Aboard the warship Sulaco she is introduced to the Colonial Marines, including Sergeant Apone (Al Matthews), Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn), Privates Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) and Hudson (Bill Paxton), and the android Bishop (Lance Henriksen), toward whom Ripley is initially hostile due to her previous experience with the android Ash aboard the Nostromo.
The expedition descends to the surface of LV-426 via dropship, where they find the colony seemingly abandoned. Two living facehuggers are found in containment tanks in the medical lab. The only colonist found is a traumatized young girl nicknamed Newt (Carrie Henn). The marines determine that the colonists are clustered in the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station, where they find a large Alien nest filled with the cocooned colonists.
The Aliens attack, killing most of the unit and capturing Apone and Dietrich. Ripley is able to rescue Hicks, Vasquez, and Hudson. With Gorman knocked unconscious during the rescue, Hicks assumes command and orders the dropship to recover the survivors, intending to return to the Sulaco and destroy the colony from orbit. A stowaway Alien kills the dropship pilots in flight, causing the vessel to crash into the processing station. The surviving humans barricade themselves inside the colony complex.
Ripley discovers that it was Burke who ordered the colonists to investigate the derelict spaceship where the Nostromo crew first encountered the Alien eggs, and that he hopes to return Alien specimens to the company laboratories where he can profit from their use as biological weapons.
She threatens to expose him, but Bishop soon informs the group of a greater threat: the damaged processing station has become unstable and will soon detonate with the force of a thermonuclear weapon. He volunteers to use the colony's transmitter to pilot the Sulaco's remaining dropship to the surface by remote control so that the group can escape.
Ripley and Newt fall asleep in the medical laboratory, awakening to find themselves locked in the room with the two facehuggers, which have been released from their tanks. Ripley is able to alert the marines, who rescue them and kill the creatures. Ripley accuses Burke of attempting to smuggle implanted Alien embryos past Earth's quarantine inside her and Newt, and of planning to kill the rest of the marines in hypersleep during the return trip so that no one could contradict his version of events.
The electricity is suddenly cut off and numerous Aliens attack through the ceiling. Hudson, Burke, Gorman, and Vasquez are killed while Newt is captured by the Aliens. Ripley and an injured Hicks reach Bishop and the second dropship, but Ripley refuses to leave Newt behind. She rescues Newt from the hive in the processing station, where the two encounter the Alien queen and her egg chamber. Ripley destroys most of the eggs, enraging the queen, who escapes by tearing free from her ovipositor.
Closely pursued by the queen, Ripley and Newt rendezvous with Bishop and Hicks on the dropship and escape moments before the colony is consumed by the nuclear blast. Back on the Sulaco, Ripley and Bishop's relief at their escape is interrupted when the Alien queen, stowed away on the dropship's landing gear, impales Bishop and tears him in half. Ripley battles the queen using an exosuit cargo-loader, before expelling it into space through an airlock. Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the still-functioning Bishop then enter hypersleep for the return to Earth.
Sergeantは、ビートルズの曲でジョン・レノンがシャウトする♪Sgt(Sergeant) Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band が印象深い。漫画でケロロ軍曹なんてのもあり、英語表記はSergeant Frog だ。clusterについてもクラスター爆弾ってのがあるね。大きな弾体に小さな爆弾が多数入っていて着弾と同時に広範囲を制圧するという恐ろしい爆弾だ。cocoonについては1985年公開のアメリカ映画でロン・ハワード監督作品『コクーン』があまりにも有名だ。シアターコクーンで行われるコクーン歌舞伎なんてのもよく聞くね。今回もたくさん勉強になった。
映画復帰のシュワちゃん。 ターミネーター5ある? |
Aliens is a 1986 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron and starring Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, William Hope, and Bill Paxton.
A sequel to the 1979 film Alien, Aliens follows Weaver's character Ellen Ripley as she returns to the planet where her crew encountered the hostile Alien creature, this time accompanied by a unit of Colonial Marines.
Aliens' action-adventure tone was in contrast to the horror motifs of the original Alien. Following the success of The Terminator (1984), which helped establish Cameron as a major action director, 20th Century Fox greenlit Aliens with a budget of approximately $18 million.
It was filmed in England at Pinewood Studios and at a decommissioned power plant.
Aliens grossed $86 million at the US box office during its 1986 theatrical release and $131 million worldwide. The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including a Best Actress nomination for Sigourney Weaver. It won in the categories of Sound Effects Editing and Visual Effects. It won eight Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film, Best Actress for Weaver and Best Direction and Best Writing for Cameron.
Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), the only survivor of the space freighter Nostromo, is rescued and revived after drifting for fifty-seven years in stasis. At an interview before a panel of executives from her employer, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, her testimony regarding the Alien is met with extreme skepticism as she has no physical evidence.
Ripley loses her space-flight license as a result of her "questionable judgment" and learns that LV-426, the planet where her crew first encountered the Alien eggs, is now home to a terraforming colony. Ripley is later visited by Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) and Lieutenant Gorman (William Hope) of the Colonial Marines, who inform her that contact has been lost with the colony on LV-426.
The company decides to dispatch Burke and a unit of marines to investigate, and offers to restore Ripley's flight status and pick up her contract if she will accompany them as a consultant. Traumatized by her previous encounter with the Alien, Ripley initially refuses, but accepts after Burke promises that the team will destroy any Aliens found and not attempt to study them.
Aboard the warship Sulaco she is introduced to the Colonial Marines, including Sergeant Apone (Al Matthews), Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn), Privates Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) and Hudson (Bill Paxton), and the android Bishop (Lance Henriksen), toward whom Ripley is initially hostile due to her previous experience with the android Ash aboard the Nostromo.
The expedition descends to the surface of LV-426 via dropship, where they find the colony seemingly abandoned. Two living facehuggers are found in containment tanks in the medical lab. The only colonist found is a traumatized young girl nicknamed Newt (Carrie Henn). The marines determine that the colonists are clustered in the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station, where they find a large Alien nest filled with the cocooned colonists.
The Aliens attack, killing most of the unit and capturing Apone and Dietrich. Ripley is able to rescue Hicks, Vasquez, and Hudson. With Gorman knocked unconscious during the rescue, Hicks assumes command and orders the dropship to recover the survivors, intending to return to the Sulaco and destroy the colony from orbit. A stowaway Alien kills the dropship pilots in flight, causing the vessel to crash into the processing station. The surviving humans barricade themselves inside the colony complex.
Ripley discovers that it was Burke who ordered the colonists to investigate the derelict spaceship where the Nostromo crew first encountered the Alien eggs, and that he hopes to return Alien specimens to the company laboratories where he can profit from their use as biological weapons.
She threatens to expose him, but Bishop soon informs the group of a greater threat: the damaged processing station has become unstable and will soon detonate with the force of a thermonuclear weapon. He volunteers to use the colony's transmitter to pilot the Sulaco's remaining dropship to the surface by remote control so that the group can escape.
Ripley and Newt fall asleep in the medical laboratory, awakening to find themselves locked in the room with the two facehuggers, which have been released from their tanks. Ripley is able to alert the marines, who rescue them and kill the creatures. Ripley accuses Burke of attempting to smuggle implanted Alien embryos past Earth's quarantine inside her and Newt, and of planning to kill the rest of the marines in hypersleep during the return trip so that no one could contradict his version of events.
The electricity is suddenly cut off and numerous Aliens attack through the ceiling. Hudson, Burke, Gorman, and Vasquez are killed while Newt is captured by the Aliens. Ripley and an injured Hicks reach Bishop and the second dropship, but Ripley refuses to leave Newt behind. She rescues Newt from the hive in the processing station, where the two encounter the Alien queen and her egg chamber. Ripley destroys most of the eggs, enraging the queen, who escapes by tearing free from her ovipositor.
Closely pursued by the queen, Ripley and Newt rendezvous with Bishop and Hicks on the dropship and escape moments before the colony is consumed by the nuclear blast. Back on the Sulaco, Ripley and Bishop's relief at their escape is interrupted when the Alien queen, stowed away on the dropship's landing gear, impales Bishop and tears him in half. Ripley battles the queen using an exosuit cargo-loader, before expelling it into space through an airlock. Ripley, Newt, Hicks and the still-functioning Bishop then enter hypersleep for the return to Earth.
1日目 1/15(火)
1日目 1/15(火)
1 | motif | moʊtíːf | 名 | 主題、テーマ、モチーフ Aliens' action-adventure tone was in contrast to the horror motifs of the original Alien. エイリアン2のアクション・アドベンチャーのトーンは、オリジナルのエイリアンの恐怖のテーマと対照的であった。 tone [toun] (名)調子 |
2 | greenlit | gríːnlaɪt | 動 | greenlight の過去・過去分詞形 承認する、許可する 20th Century Fox greenlit Aliens with a budget of approximately $18 million. 20世紀フォックスは、エイリアン2におよそ1800万ドル(約36億円/当時のレート200円換算)の予算を承認した。 |
3 | theatrical | θiˈætrɪk(ə)l | 形 | 劇場の、劇の Aliens grossed $86 million at the US box office during its 1986 theatrical release and $131 million worldwide. エイリアン2は、USボックスオフィスで1986年の映画リリースの間8,600万ドル(約172億円の売上を記録、世界では1億3,100万ドル(約262億円)を記録した。(※共に当時のレート200円換算) |
4 | sequel | síːkwəl | 名 | 続き、続編 prequel [pɹiːkwəl] 前日譚 A sequel to the 1979 film Alien, Aliens follows Weaver's character Ellen Ripley as she returns to the planet where her crew encountered the hostile Alien creature, this time accompanied by a unit of Colonial Marines. 1979年のエイリアンに続くエイリアン2は、シガニー・ウィーヴァーが引き続きエレン・リプリーを演じ、宇宙に戻った彼女はクルーと共に敵の異生物と遭遇、今回リプリーは植民地の兵隊ユニットに同行する。 |
5 | follow | fάloʊ | 動 | 1.続く、追う 2.後を継ぐ 3.(道を)たどる、(職業に)従事する 4.(風習など)従う、習う |
6 | hostile | hάstl ○ホストル ×ホスタイル | 形 | 敵の |
7 | accompany | əkˈʌmp(ə)ni | 動 | 同行していく。ついて行く。 |
8 | colonial | kəlóʊniəl | 形 | 植民地の |
9 | marine | məríːn | 名 | 海兵隊員 |
10 | approximately | əprάksəmətli | 副 | およそ、ほぼ |
11 | decommission | dìːkəmíʃən | 動 | 1.退役させる 2.(原子力発電所など)廃棄させる It was filmed in England at Pinewood Studios and at a decommissioned power plant. それはイギリスにおけるパインスタジオと破棄された電力施設を使って映画化された。 |
12 | be contrast to | 連 | be a contrast to ・・・とは随分違う |
2日目 1/16(水)
1 | testimony | téstəmòʊni | 名 | 証言、口供(こうきょう)書 her testimony regarding the Alien is met with extreme skepticism as she has no physical evidence. 彼女のエイリアンに関する証言は、物的証拠がなかったこともあり、かなり懐疑的な反応を得ることになる。 |
2 | skepticism | sképtəsìzm | 名 | 懐疑(論) |
3 | terraform | 名 | 1.(science fiction) To transform the atmosphere (or biosphere) of another planet into one having the characteristics of Earth 2.Earthscape もうひとつの惑星の大気(または生物圏)を、地球の特徴をもつものに変えること。 transform A into B AをBに変える。 | |
4 | Sergeant | sάɚdʒənt ○サージェント ×サージーント | 名 | 軍曹 Corporal 伍長 Privates 兵、兵卒 |
5 | expedition | èkspədíʃən | 名 | 遠征(隊)、旅行、探検旅行 The expedition descends to the surface of LV-426 via dropship 遠征隊は、ドロップシップによってLV-426の表面に下がっていく。 【What is dropship?】 A dropship is a fictional transport vehicle featured frequently in science fiction ドロップシップとは、SFによく見られるフィクションの輸送車両のこと。 |
6 | facehugger | 名 | face(顔) + hugger(抱きしめる人) エイリアンの子供状態のこと(蜘蛛のような姿で顔にへばりついて攻撃してくることから) Two living facehuggers are found in containment tanks in the medical lab. 2匹の生きている成虫になる前のエイリアンが、医療ラボの封がされたタンクの中で見つかる。 | |
7 | cluster | klˈʌstɚ | 動 | 房になる、鈴なりになる、群生する、密集する the colonists are clustered in the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station エイリアンは原子力大気処理所に密集する。 |
8 | cocoon | kəkúːn | 動 | 繭をつくる (名)繭 they find a large Alien nest filled with the cocooned colonists. 彼らは、繭になったエイリアンで埋め尽くされた大きなエイリアンの巣を見つける。 |
9 | orbit | ˈɔɚbɪt | 名 | 軌道、軌道の一周 Hicks assumes command and orders the dropship to recover the survivors, intending to return to the Sulaco and destroy the colony from orbit. |
10 | stowaway | 名 | 密航者、無賃乗車者 A stowaway Alien kills the dropship pilots in flight | |
11 | freighter | 名 | 貨物船、貨物輸送船 Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), the only survivor of the space freighter Nostromo | |
12 | revive | rɪvάɪv | 動 | 生き返る、蘇る revived after drifting for fifty-seven years in stasis. |
13 | executive | ɪgzékjʊṭɪv | 名 | 役員、経営者 At an interview before a panel of executives from her employer |
14 | extreme | ɪkstríːm | 形 | 極度の、非常な |
15 | questionable | kwéstʃ(ə)nəbl | 形 | 疑わしい、不審な Ripley loses her space-flight license as a result of her "questionable judgment" |
16 | representative | rèprɪzénṭəṭɪv | 名 | 代表者 (形)代表の Weyland-Yutani representative Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) |
17 | Lieutenant | luːténənt | 名 | (米海軍)大尉、(警察)警部補 Lieutenant Gorman (William Hope) of the Colonial Marines |
18 | dispatch | dɪspˈætʃ | 動 | 急派する、急信を送る The company decides to dispatch Burke and a unit of marines to investigate |
19 | restore | rɪstˈɔɚ | 動 | 1、返還する 2.復職させる 3.再建する offers to restore Ripley's flight status |
20 | traumatize | trάʊmətὰɪz | 動 | 傷つける、精神的に外傷を与える Traumatized by her previous encounter with the Alien |
21 | initially | ɪníʃəli | 副 | 初めは、最初のうちは Ripley initially refuses, but accepts after Burke promises that the team will destroy any Aliens found and not attempt to study them. |
22 | refuse | rɪfjúːz | 動 | 拒絶する |
23 | aboard | əbˈɔɚd | 副 | (列車・バスに)乗って Aboard the warship Sulaco |
24 | warship | ˈwoɚˌʃɪp | 名 | 軍艦 |
25 | descend | dɪsénd | 動 | (高いところから)下る |
26 | surface | sˈɚːfəs | 名 | 表面、外面 |
27 | dropship | 名 | 直送 | |
28 | seemingly | śimɪŋli | 見たところ they find the colony seemingly abandoned. | |
29 | abandon | əbˈændən | 動 | 見捨てる |
30 | containment | kəntéɪnmənt | 名 | 封じ込め、抑制 |
31 | colonist | kάlənɪst | 名 | 移住民、入植者、外来動植物 The only colonist found is a traumatized young girl nicknamed Newt. |
32 | nicknamed | ńɪkǹeɪmd | 間 | ニックネームの |
33 | determine | dɪtˈɚːmɪn | 動 | 決心する The marines determine that the colonists are clustered in the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station |
34 | atmosphere | ætməsfìɚ | 名 | 1.大気、空気 2.雰囲気、環境 |
35 | unconscious | ʌnkάnʃəs | 形 | 意識を失った With Gorman knocked unconscious during the rescue |
36 | assume | əsúːm|əs(j)úːm | 動 | 思い込む、決めてかかる Hicks assumes command and orders the dropship to recover the survivors |
37 | barricade | bˈærəkèɪd | 名 | バリケード、防塞(ぼうさい) The surviving humans barricade themselves inside the colony complex. |
38 | physical evidence | 連 | 物的証拠 | |
39 | as a result | 連 | 結果的に | |
40 | attempt to | 連 | ・・・することを企てる |
3日目 1/17(木)
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