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シャイニング |
ダニーがホテルの廊下で遊んでいるときにどこかからテニスボールが転がってくるシーンがあるが、そのときにダニーが着ている服にはアポロ11がデザインされている。ジャックが執筆をろくにせず、"all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"の一文を延々とタイプしていたシーンでは、"all" は"A11"、アポロ11を意味しているとのことだ。
237号室は月を象徴したものと言われている。ジャックは237号室で死んだ老婆のような幻影を見るが、妻には何もなかったと伝えた。Jack investigates Room 237, where he encounters the ghost of a dead woman, but tells Wendy he saw nothing. これは、「月では何もなかった」ということを伝えているという。
The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, co-written with novelist Diane Johnson, and starring Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd.
The film is based on the Stephen King novel The Shining. A writer, Jack Torrance, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel. His young son possesses psychic abilities and is able to see things from the past and future, such as the ghosts who inhabit the hotel.
Soon after settling in, the family is trapped in the hotel by a snowstorm, and Jack gradually becomes influenced by a supernatural presence; he descends into madness and attempts to murder his wife and son.
Unlike previous Kubrick films, which developed an audience gradually by building on word-of-mouth, The Shining was released as a mass-market film, opening at first in just two cities on Memorial Day, then nationwide a month later. Although initial response to the film was mixed, later critical assessment was more favorable and it is now viewed as a classic of the horror genre.
Film director Martin Scorsese, writing in The Daily Beast, ranked it as one of the 11 scariest horror movies of all time. Film critics, film students, and Kubrick's producer, Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence the film has had on popular culture.
The initial European release of The Shining was 25 minutes shorter than the American version, achieved by removing most of the scenes taking place outside the environs of the hotel.
Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) arrives at the Overlook Hotel to interview for the position of winter caretaker, with the aim of using the hotel's solitude to work on his writing.
The hotel itself is built on the site of a Native American burial ground and becomes completely snowed in during the long winters. Manager Stuart Ullman (Barry Nelson) warns him that a previous caretaker developed cabin fever and killed his family and himself.
Jack's son, Danny (Danny Lloyd), has ESP and has had a terrifying premonition about the hotel. Jack's wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), tells a visiting doctor that Danny has an imaginary friend called Tony and that Jack has given up drinking because he had hurt Danny's arm after a binge.
The family arrives at the hotel on closing day and is given a tour. The African-American chef Dick Hallorann (Scatman Crothers) surprises Danny by telepathically offering him ice cream. He explains to Danny that he and his grandmother shared this telepathic ability, which he calls "shining". Danny asks if there is anything to be afraid of in the hotel, particularly Room 237. Hallorann tells Danny that the hotel itself has a "shine" to it along with many memories, not all of which are good. He also tells Danny to stay out of Room 237.
A month passes; while Jack's writing project goes nowhere, Danny and Wendy explore the hotel's hedge maze. Wendy becomes concerned about the phone lines being out due to the heavy snowfall and Danny has more frightening visions. Jack, increasingly frustrated, starts acting strangely and becomes prone to violent outbursts.
Danny's curiosity about Room 237 gets the better of him when he sees the room's door open. Later, Wendy finds Jack, asleep at his typewriter, screaming while in the midst of a horrifying nightmare.
After she awakens him, he says he dreamed that he had killed her and Danny. Danny then shows up with a bruise on his neck and visibly traumatized, causing Wendy to accuse Jack of abusing Danny.
Jack wanders into the hotel's Gold Room where he meets a ghostly bartender named Lloyd (Joe Turkel). Lloyd serves him bourbon on the rocks while Jack complains to him about his marriage.
Wendy later tells Jack that Danny told her that a "crazy woman in one of the rooms" tried to strangle him. Jack investigates Room 237, where he encounters the ghost of a dead woman, but tells Wendy he saw nothing.
Wendy and Jack argue about whether Danny should be removed from the hotel and a furious Jack returns to the Gold Room, now filled with ghosts having a costume party. Here, he meets the ghost of the previous caretaker, Grady (Philip Stone), who tells Jack that he must "correct" his wife and child.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Hallorann has a premonition that something is wrong at the hotel and takes a flight back to Colorado to investigate. Danny starts calling out "redrum" frantically and goes into a trance, now referring to himself as "Tony".
While searching for Jack, Wendy discovers his typewriter; he has been typing endless pages of manuscript repeating "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" formatted in various styles. She is confronted by Jack, who threatens her before she knocks him unconscious with a baseball bat.After she awakens him, he says he dreamed that he had killed her and Danny. Danny then shows up with a bruise on his neck and visibly traumatized, causing Wendy to accuse Jack of abusing Danny.
Jack wanders into the hotel's Gold Room where he meets a ghostly bartender named Lloyd (Joe Turkel). Lloyd serves him bourbon on the rocks while Jack complains to him about his marriage.
Wendy later tells Jack that Danny told her that a "crazy woman in one of the rooms" tried to strangle him. Jack investigates Room 237, where he encounters the ghost of a dead woman, but tells Wendy he saw nothing.
Wendy and Jack argue about whether Danny should be removed from the hotel and a furious Jack returns to the Gold Room, now filled with ghosts having a costume party. Here, he meets the ghost of the previous caretaker, Grady (Philip Stone), who tells Jack that he must "correct" his wife and child.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Hallorann has a premonition that something is wrong at the hotel and takes a flight back to Colorado to investigate. Danny starts calling out "redrum" frantically and goes into a trance, now referring to himself as "Tony".
She manages to drag him into the kitchen and lock him in the pantry, but this does not solve her larger problem; she and Danny are trapped at the hotel since Jack has sabotaged the hotel's two-way radio and snowcat. Later, Jack converses through the pantry door with Grady, who then unlocks the door, releasing him.
Danny writes "REDЯUM" in lipstick on the bathroom door. When Wendy sees this in the bedroom mirror, the letters spell out "MURDƎЯ". Jack begins to chop through the door leading to his family's living quarters with a fire axe. Wendy frantically sends Danny out through the bathroom window, but it will not open sufficiently for her to fit through it herself.
Jack then starts chopping through the bathroom door as Wendy screams in horror. He leers through the hole he has made, shouting "Here's Johnny!", but backs off after Wendy slashes his hand with a butcher knife.
Hearing the engine of the snowcat Hallorann has borrowed to get up the mountain, Jack leaves the room. He kills Hallorann in the lobby and pursues Danny into the hedge maze. Wendy runs through the hotel looking for Danny, encountering several ghosts and a huge cascade of blood from an elevator.
Meanwhile, Danny walks backwards in his own tracks and leaps behind a corner, covering his tracks with snow to mislead Jack, who is following his footprints. Wendy and Danny escape in Hallorann's snowcat, while Jack freezes to death in the hedge maze.
In a photograph in the hotel hallway dated July 4, 1921, Jack Torrance smiles amid a crowd of party revelers.
英単語 1日目 11/26(月)
1 | caretaker | ḱɛrt̀eɪkɚ | 名 | 世話人、管理人、番人 A writer, Jack Torrance, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at an isolated hotel. 作家のジャック・トランスは、孤立したホテルのオフシーズンの管理人として仕事を得る。 |
2 | isolated | άɪsəlèɪtid | 形 | 孤立した (動)isolate 孤立させる |
3 | possess | pəzés | 動 | 所有する、(能力などを)持つ His young son possesses psychic abilities 彼の若い息子は超能力を持っている。 |
4 | psychic | sάɪkɪk | 形 | 超能力のある、心霊の |
5 | inhabit | ɪnhˈæbɪt | 動 | 住む、居住する、宿る the ghosts who inhabit the hotel. そのホテルに宿る怨霊 |
6 | gradually | grˈædʒuəli | 副 | 徐々に、次第に Jack gradually becomes influenced by a supernatural presence ジャックは次第に超自然的な霊によって誘導されるようになる。 |
7 | presence | prézns | 名 | 1.存在、現存 2.出席、参列 3.配備、配置 4.面前、人前 5.風采、態度 6.霊、霊気 |
8 | descend | dɪsénd | 動 | 1.(高い所から)下る、下りる 2.(土地・性質などが)伝わる 3.身を落とす 4.急襲する、押しかける、見舞う he descends into madness and attempts to murder his wife and son. 彼は狂気に陥り、彼の妻と息子を殺すことを企てる。 |
9 | attempt | ətém(p)t | 動 | 試みる、企てる |
10 | Unlike | `ʌnlάɪk | 前 | ・・・と違って、・・・らしくなく Unlike previous Kubrick films 以前のキューブリック映画とは違い・・・ |
11 | nationwide | ńeɪʃənẃaɪd | 形 | 全国的な then nationwide a month later. |
12 | assessment | əsésmənt | 名 | 評価、査定 later critical assessment was more favorable 後の批評家の評価はより良いものだった。 |
13 | remark | rɪmάɚk | 動 | ・・・だと言う、認める (名)remark 批評、注意、注目 (形)remarkable 注目すべき Jan Harlan, have remarked on the enormous influence ジャン・ハランは、すごく大きな影響だと感想を述べた。 |
14 | enormous | ɪnˈɔɚməs | 形 | 巨大な、莫大な |
15 | achieve | ətʃíːv | 成し遂げる、(功績を)立てる、(名声を)博す the American version, achieved by removing most of the scenes アメリカバージョンは、シーンの多くを取り除くことで目的を遂げた。 | |
16 | remove | rɪmúːv | 動 | 1.取り除く 2.移動させる 3.(仕事など)辞めさせる |
17 | environs | ɪnvάɪ(ə)rənz | 名 | 近郊、郊外 the scenes taking place outside the environs of the hotel ホテルの近郊の外で起こるシーン |
18 | set in | 連 | 始まる、起こる、広がりだす Soon after settling in, the family is trapped in the hotel by a snowstorm (ホテルでの生活を)始めた後まもなく、家族は吹雪によってホテルに閉じ込められる。 | |
19 | be trapped in | 連 | 罠にかかる ある状態にすっかり身を置く ・・・に閉じ込められる | |
20 | word-of-mouth | 連 | 口頭の、口伝えの by building on word-of-mouth 噂の広まりによる(口伝えによる噂の構築) | |
21 | remark on | 連 | ・・・の感想を述べる。 | |
22 | take place | 連 | (事件などが)起こる、(行事などが)行われる |
英単語 2日目 11/27(火)
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1 | burial | bériəl | 名 | 埋葬 cf. cremation 火葬 The hotel itself is built on the site of a Native American burial ground. そのホテル自体はネイティブ・アメリカン(アメリカインディアン)の埋葬地の跡地に建てられる。
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2 | premonition | prìːməníʃən | 名 | (何か良くないことが起こるという)予感、予兆 Jack's son, Danny , has ESP and has had a terrifying premonition about the hotel. ジャックの息子ダニーは、超能力を持っており、そのホテルについて恐ろしい予感を持っていた。 cf. ESP = extrasensory perception [ɛkstrəˈsɛnsəri pɚsépʃən] 超感覚的な知覚
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3 | binge | bíndʒ | 名 | 食べすぎ、飲みすぎ、不摂生 he had hurt Danny's arm after a binge. 彼(ジャック)は飲みすぎた後ダニーの腕を傷つけた。 (言うことを聞かないダニーの腕を酔っ払った流れで乱暴に掴んで怪我をさせた)
binge eating disorder むちゃ食い障害 cf. ≠過食症(Bulimia nervosa) 過食症は食べすぎに嘔吐などが伴うがむちゃ食い障害はそれを伴わない。よって太っている人が多い。神経性大食症とも言う。 | ||
4 | hedge | hédʒ | 名 | 1.生け垣、垣根 2.障害、障壁 3.(損失・危険などに対する)防止策 cf. hedge fund ヘッジファンド 代替投資 Danny and Wendy explore the hotel's hedge maze. ダニーとウェンディはホテルの垣根で作った迷路を探索する。
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5 | maze | méɪz | 名 | 1.迷路、迷宮 2.当惑、困惑
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6 | prone | próʊn | 形 | 1.(好ましくない方向に)向かって 2.・・・しがちで、・・・しやすくて = be apt to、be liable to Jack, increasingly frustrated, starts acting strangely and becomes prone to violent outbursts. ジャックはますます不満が溜まっていき、おかしな行動を取るようになる。そして激しい爆発を起こすようになる。 | ||
7 | solitude | sάlət(j)ùːd | 名 | 1.孤独に一人でいること、独居 2.寂しい場所、荒野 with the aim of using the hotel's solitude to work on his writing. 彼の執筆の仕事を行うために人里離れた静かなホテルを使う目的で | ||
8 | terrify | térəfὰɪ | 動 | 恐れさせる、怖がらせる | ||
9 | imaginary | ɪmˈædʒənèri | 形 | 想像上の、架空の Danny has an imaginary friend called Tony. ダニーには、トニーという想像上の友達がいる。 | ||
10 | telepathically | tèləpˈæθɪkli | 副 | 精神感応的に、テレパシーで The African-American chef Dick Hallorann surprises Danny by telepathically offering him ice cream. アフリカ系アメリカ人のシェフ、ディック・ハロランは、ダニーにテレパシーを使ってアイスクリームをあげようかと問いかけ驚かせる。 | ||
11 | telepathic | tèləpˈæθɪk | 形 | テレパシーの his grandmother shared this telepathic ability 彼の祖母はこのテレパシー能力を共有した。 | ||
12 | nowhere | nóʊ(h)wèɚ | 副 | どこにも・・・ない while Jack's writing project goes nowhere, ジャックの執筆の計画がどこにも行かない間、(ジャックの筆がなかなか進まない中、) | ||
13 | increasingly | ɪnkríːsɪŋli | 副 | ますます、いよいよ、だんだん | ||
14 | frustrate | ˈfɻʌstɻeɪt | 動 | 挫折させる、失敗させる | ||
15 | violently | vάɪələntli | 副 | 激しく、猛烈に violent (形) 激しい、猛烈な | ||
16 | outburst | ́aʊtb̀ɝst | 名 | (激情などの)爆発、噴出 | ||
17 | cabin fever | ́ | 連 | キャビンフィーバー (僻地や狭い空間で生活するときに生じる情緒不安定) 【こんな映画があるよ】
英単語 3日目 11/28(水)
英単語 4日目 11/28(木)
1 | pantry | pˈæntri | 名 | 食料貯蔵室 She manages to drag him into the kitchen and lock him in the pantry 彼女はなんとか彼をキッチンに引きずって運び、彼を食料貯蔵室に入れて鍵をかけた。 |
2 | sabotage | sˈæbətὰːʒ | 動 | 故意に器物を破壊する Jack has sabotaged the hotel's two-way radio and snowcat. ジャックは、ホテルの無線機と雪上車を故意に壊した。 |
3 | leer | líɚ | 動 | 横目でにらむ、いやらしい目つきをする He leers through the hole he has made, shouting "Here's Johnny!" 彼は壊したドアの割れ目に顔を入れて横目でにらみ、「ジョニーはここにいるよ~」と叫んだ。 ※映画シャイニングを語る上であまりにも有名なセリフ、"Here's Johny" ジャック・ニコルソンが斧でぶち破った割れ目に顔を挟んで横目でニヤリとしながら言い放つ名セリフだ。英語を勉強する上で、「これって現地では挨拶がわりによく使う言葉なの?」なんて想像するけど、これ、実はジャック・ニコルソンのアドリブだそうだ。アメリカの番組、ジョニー・カーソン・ショー("The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson")のオープニングのセリフを言ったとのこと。監督のスタンリー・キューブリックはそのことを知らなかったんだって。 |
4 | reveler | ŕɛvəlɚ | 名 | 酒盛りする人、飲み騒ぐ人 Jack Torrance smiles amid a crowd of party revelers. ジャック・トランスは酔った人たちの集まりの中央で笑っている。 |
5 | dull | dˈʌl | 形 | 鈍い、なまくらの、鈍感な he has been typing endless pages of manuscript repeating "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" formatted in various styles. 彼はいろいろなスタイルの書式で、「勉強ばかりして遊ばないと子供は駄目になる」と繰り返し終わりのないページをタイプしていた。 |
6 | formatted | fˈɔɚmætid | 形 | 書式化された (動)format フォーマットする (名)format フォーマット |
7 | confront | kənfrˈʌnt | 動 | 直面する、大胆に立ち向かう She is confronted by Jack, who threatens her before she knocks him unconscious with a baseball bat. 彼女は彼女を怖がらせるジャックに立ち向かい、野球バットで彼を気絶させる。 |
8 | threaten | θrétn | 動 | 脅す、脅迫する |
9 | knock | nάk | 動 | (他)強く打つ、叩き込む (自)ノックする、ぶつかる |
10 | unconscious | `ʌnkάnʃəs | 形 | 意識不明の、気絶した |
11 | drag | drˈæg | 動 | 引く、引っ張る、引きずる 薬のドラッグは、drug [drˈʌg] |
12 | lock | lάk | 動 | 閉める、閉じる (な |
13 | trap | trˈæp | 動 | 罠で捕らえる、閉じ込める |
14 | snowcat | snóʊkæt | 名 | 雪上車 |
15 | converse | kənvˈɚːs | 動 | 会話をかわす (形)逆の、あべこべの (名)反対、逆 Jack converses through the pantry door with Grady, who then unlocks the door, releasing him. ジャックは、食糧貯蔵庫のドアを通してグレーディ(前管理人の幽霊)と談話をする。それから、ドアの鍵が開き、(閉じ込められていた)ジャックは解放される。 |
16 | chop | tʃάp | 動 | ぶち切る、たたき切る Jack begins to chop through the door leading to his family's living quarters with a fire axe. ジャックは、消防オノで家族の部屋に通じているドアをぶち壊し始める。 |
17 | sufficiently | səf́ɪʃəntli | 副 | 十分に Danny out through the bathroom window, but it will not open sufficiently for her to fit through it herself. ダニーはバスルームのドアから脱出したが、そのドアは十分に開かなかったので、ウェンディが出るには狭すぎた。 |
18 | slash | slˈæʃ | 動 | ナイフなどでさっと切る but backs off after Wendy slashes his hand with a butcher knife. しかし、彼女は肉きり包丁で彼の手を切りつけたので彼は引き下がった。 |
19 | butcher | bˈʊtʃɚ | 名 | 肉屋、屠殺者、虐殺者 |
20 | borrow | bάroʊ | 動 | 借りる bollow - bollowed - bollowed Hearing the engine of the snowcat Hallorann has borrowed to get up the mountain 山を越えるためにハロランが借りた雪上車のエンジンの音が聞こえる。 |
21 | cascade | kæskéɪd | 名 | 小滝 (動)滝のように落ちる Wendy runs through the hotel looking for Danny, encountering several ghosts and a huge cascade of blood from an elevator. ウェンディはいつくかの幽霊に出会いながらもダニーを探してホテルを走り回り、エレベーターから大量の滝のような血が流れ出すのを見る。 |
22 | backward | bˈækwɚd | 形 | 後方へ、後方の ⇔ forward Danny walks backwards in his own tracks and leaps behind a corner ダニーは自分の足跡をたどって後向きに歩き、後ろの角に飛び跳ねる。 |
23 | track | trˈæk | 名 | 足跡、轍、小道、トラック競技 |
24 | leap | líːp | 動 | 跳ぶ、跳ねる、跳躍する、(心が)躍動する |
25 | footprint | f́ʊtpr̀ɪnt | 足跡 covering his tracks with snow to mislead Jack, who is following his footprints. ダニーの足跡を追ってくるジャックを惑わせるために、自分の足跡を隠す。 | |
26 | amid | əmíd | 前 | ・・・の真ん中に、・・・の真っ最中に |
27 | manage to | 連 | 遂せる、何とかやってのける | |
28 | two-way radio | 連 | 送受信兼用の無線機 | |
29 | spell out | 連 | 一字一字綴る、説明する When Wendy sees this in the bedroom mirror, the letters spell out "MURDƎЯ". ウェンディは、ベッドルームで"MURDƎЯ"と書かれた文字を見る。 | |
30 | living quarters | 連 | 住宅、居所 | |
31 | fire axe | 連 | 消防斧 | |
32 | back off | 連 | 後ろに下がる、後ずさりする | |
33 | freeze to death | 連 | 凍死する、凍死 Jack freezes to death in the hedge maze. ジャックは迷路で凍死する。 |