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ミザリー |
1.psychopathic 精神病の
2.scariest 最も怖い(scareの最上級)
3.bedridden 寝たきりの
4.incapacitate 無能力にする
5.contradict 否定する
6.stockpile 備蓄品
7.painkiller 鎮痛剤
8.douse 水をぶっかける
9.fierce 獰猛な
10.bludgeon (こん棒などで)殴る
11.cane (細身の)ステッキ
なかなか・・・。incapacitate、contradict、douse、bludgeon、cane などは全然知らなかったな。painkiller なんかは自分が知らなかっただけで日常よく使う単語だろうね。うーん、まだまだ知らない単語が山ほどあるなあ。
Misery is a 1990 American psychological thriller film based on Stephen King's 1987 novel and starring James Caan, Kathy Bates, Lauren Bacall, Richard Farnsworth, and Frances Sternhagen.
Directed by Rob Reiner, the film received critical acclaim for Bates' performance as the psychopathic Annie Wilkes, and Bates won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role. The film was ranked #12 on Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments.
Famed novelist Paul Sheldon (James Caan) is the author of a successful series of novels involving a character called Misery Chastain. But Paul wants to branch out and has just finished the manuscript of a new unrelated novel.
He departs from Silver Creek, Colorado to head to Los Angeles but is caught in a blizzard and his car goes off the road. He is rescued by a nurse named Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates) and brought to her remote home.
Both of Paul's legs are broken and he has a dislocated shoulder, so he is bedridden and incapacitated. Annie claims she is his "number one fan" and talks a lot about him and his novels.
She's happy when Paul lets her read his new novel, but later admits she disliked the excessive swearing. While feeding him, she is angered and spills soup on him but regains control and apologizes. She buys a copy of Paul's latest book, Misery's Child, but after learning that he has "killed off" Misery, Annie flies into a rage, almost smashing a table on Paul's head.
She reveals that nobody knows where he is (contradicting what she had earlier told him). Annie leaves and Paul tries to escape from his room, but she has locked the door.
The next morning, Annie makes Paul burn his latest manuscript. When he is well enough to get out of bed, she insists he write a new novel entitled Misery's Return in which he brings the character back to life. Paul reluctantly does, believing Annie might kill him otherwise.
However, having found a means of escaping his room, he sneaks out whenever Annie is away and begins to stockpile his painkillers. He tries to kill Annie during a candlelit dinner, but is foiled when she accidentally spills her drugged wine.
During another venture out of his room, Paul finds a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about his disappearance and Annie's past. He discovers that she was suspected and tried for several infants' deaths.
Later, Annie drugs Paul and straps him to the bed. When he wakes, she tells him that she knows he's been out of his room and breaks his ankles with a sledgehammer in an act of "hobbling".
Meanwhile, the local sheriff, Buster (Richard Farnsworth), is investigating Paul's disappearance and visits Annie, prompted by his discovery of a quote she used from a Misery book during her trial years earlier.
While there, Buster finds that Paul has been drugged and hidden in the basement. Annie fatally shoots Buster, and tells Paul that they must die together. He agrees, but says he wants to finish the novel and "give Misery back to the world".
While she gets his chair, Paul hides a can of lighter fluid in his pants. When the book is done, he reminds Annie it is his practice to have a single cigarette and a glass of champagne after finishing a novel.
When Annie presents these things to Paul, he tells her that this time, he will need a second glass, for her. As Annie goes to get a second glass, Paul douses the manuscript in the lighter fluid and as Annie returns with the glass, he sets it on fire, much as she made him do to his earlier, post-Misery novel. Paul and Annie engage in a fierce struggle that ends with Paul bludgeoning Annie to death.
Eighteen months later, Paul (now walking with a cane) meets his publishing agent Marcia (Lauren Bacall) in a restaurant. The two discuss his first non-Misery novel, titled The Higher Education of J. Philip Stone, which is earning critical acclaim prior to release, a first for him.
However, Paul is indifferent to this because he wrote that novel for himself, something that, in a way, Annie inspired him to do. Marcia asks if he wants to write a non-fiction book about his captivity, but Paul is non-committal. While at the restaurant, he sees a waitress whom he briefly imagines as Annie. The waitress claims she is his "number one fan", to which Paul uncomfortably responds "That's very sweet of you."
ツタヤネットレンタル お試し無料1ヶ月
映画のある毎日を WOWOW ネット手続きなら割引があってお得!
1 | psychopathic | sὰɪkəpˈæθɪk | 名 | 精神病の the film received critical acclaim for Bates' performance as the psychopathic Annie Wilkes その映画は、精神的な病を持ったアニー・ウィルクスを演じたキャシー・ベイツが批評家の絶賛を受けた。 |
2 | scariest | sḱɛriəst | 形 | scary [ské(ə)ri] 恐ろしい の最上級 Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments ブラボーの最も怖い映画100 |
3 | psychological | sὰɪkəlάdʒɪk(ə)l | 形 | 心理的な、精神の Misery is a 1990 American psychological thriller ミザリーは1990年のアメリカサイコスリラー映画である。 |
4 | thriller | θŕɪlɚ | 名 | スリルを与える人(もの) 怪奇小説 |
5 | acclaim | əkléɪm | 名 動 | 称賛 盛んな喝采を送る |
1 | bedridden | b́ɛdr̀ɪdən | 形 | 寝たきりの、ベッドにかかりきりの Both of Paul's legs are broken and he has a dislocated shoulder, so he is bedridden and incapacitated ポールは両足を骨折、肩は脱臼し、寝たきりで体を自由に動かせない。 |
2 | incapacitate | ìnkəpˈæsətèɪt | 形 | 無能力にする、資格を奪う |
3 | contradict | kὰntrədíkt | 動 | 否認する、否定する、(・・・が)正しくない(間違っている)と証言する She reveals that nobody knows where he is (contradicting what she had earlier told him). 彼女は彼がどこにいるのか誰も知らないということを明かす(最初に言っていたことを否定して) |
4 | author | ˈɔːθɚ | 名 | 1.著者、作家 2.著作物 3.創始者、立案者 Famed novelist Paul Sheldon is the author of a successful series of novels involving a character called Misery Chastain. 著名な小説家ポール・シェルダンは、ミザリー・チャステインを含む成功した小説シリーズの著者である。 |
5 | manuscript | mˈænjʊskrìpt | 名 | 原稿、手稿(しゅこう。手書きの原稿のこと)、写本 Paul wants to branch out and has just finished the manuscript of a new unrelated novel. ポールは、自分の幅を広げたくて、新しい(ミザリーとは)関係のない小説の原稿をたった今書き終えた。 |
6 | caught | kˈɔːt | 動 | catch の過去・過去分詞 He is caught in a blizzard. 彼は猛吹雪に合った(つかまった)。 |
7 | blizzard | blízɚd | 名 | 大吹雪、暴風 |
8 | remote | rɪmóʊt | 形 | 遠方の、遠い、遠く離れた He is rescued by a nurse named Annie Wilkes and brought to her remote home. 彼は、アニー・ウィルクスという看護士に助けられ、彼女の人里離れた家へ連れて行かれた。 |
9 | dislocate | dísloʊkèɪt | 動 | 1.脱臼させる 2.調子を狂わせる、混乱させる |
10 | claim | kléɪm | 動 | 1.要求する、(要求によって)獲得する 2.(自信を持って)主張する 3.a 注意する、・・・する価値がある b.(病気などが命を)奪う Annie claims she is his "number one fan". アニーは、彼のナンバー1ファンであると主張する。 |
11 | admit | ədmít | 動 | 1.許す 2.認める 3.収容できる She later admits she disliked the excessive swearing. 彼女は、後で過度に罵ることを嫌ったと認める。 |
12 | excessive | ɪksésɪv | 形 | 過度な、過大な、極端な |
13 | swear | swé(ə)rɪŋ | 動 | 1.誓うこと、誓い 2.罵り、罵ること |
14 | copy | kάpi | 名 | 1.写し、複写、コピー 2.部、冊 3.a 原稿 b 新聞種 She buys a copy of Paul's latest book 彼女はポールの最新の本を1冊買う。 |
15 | rage | réɪdʒ | 名 | 激怒、憤怒 Annie flies into a rage アニーは突然怒りだす。 |
16 | smash | smˈæʃ | 動 | 打ち壊す、割る、粉砕する (She is) almost smashing a table on Paul's head. 彼女はほとんどポールの頭の上でテーブルを壊している。 |
17 | well | wél | (副)満足に、上手に (形)申し分ない、健康な (間)おや!まあ! When he is well enough to get out of bed. 彼がベッドから起き上がるのに十分に健康であるとき | |
18 | insist | ɪnsíst | 動 | (on, upon) 主張する she insists he write a new novel entitled Misery's Return in which he brings the character back to life. 彼女は、ミザリーが生き返る「ミザリー生還」というタイトルの新しい小説を書くよう主張する。 |
19 | entitled | ɪntάɪṭld | 形 | ・・・というタイトルの、所有権を持つ entitle (動) 1.・・・というタイトルをつける。 2.権利・資格を与える |
21 | reluctantly | rɪĺʌktəntli | 副 | 1.しぶしぶ、不承不承に 2.不本意ながら、残念ながら Paul reluctantly does ポールはしぶしぶ行う(ミザリーが生き返るという話の新しい小説を書くことを) |
22 | might | mɑɪt | 助 | mayの過去形 ・・・かもしれない Annie might kill him otherwise さもなければ(彼女の言うことを聞かなければ)、アニーは彼を殺すかもしれない。 |
23 | otherwise | ˈʌðɚwὰɪz | 副 | 1.別の方法で 2.さもなければ 3.その他の点で |
24 | Colorado | kὰlərˈædoʊ | 名 | コロラド州。米国西部の州 州都Denver |
25 | branch out | 連 | 1.枝を出す 2.分岐する 3.事業を広げる、関心が多岐に渡る | |
26 | go off | 連 | ・・・から外れる his car goes off the road 彼の車は道から外れる。 | |
27 | kill off | 連 | 死なせる、殺してしまう he has "killed off" Misery. 彼はミザリーを殺した。 | |
28 | fly into | 連 | 陥る、突然・・・になる Annie flies into a rage アニーは突然怒り出す。 fly into a rage かっとなる | |
29 | bring back | 連 | 1.持ち帰る、戻す 2.(思い出を)蘇らせる 3.(健康な状態に)回復する he brings the character back to life. 彼はそのキャラクター(ミザリー)の命を吹きかえらせる。 |
1 | douse | dάʊs | 動 | 水などをぶっかける Paul douses the manuscript in the lighter fluid. ポールは、原稿にライターオイルを振りかける。 |
2 | fierce | fíɚs | 形 | 獰猛な、凶暴な Paul and Annie engage in a fierce struggle ポールとアニーは激しいもがき合いの争いをする。 |
3 | bludgeon | blˈʌdʒən | 動 | こん棒で殴る、殴って・・・の状態にする (名)(先が重くなった)こん棒 Paul bludgeoning Annie to death. ポールはアニーを殴打し死に至らしめる。 |
4 | cane | kéɪn | 名 | 軽い細身のステッキ now walking with a cane 今はステッキを用いて歩いている |
5 | present | (形)(名) préznt (動) prɪzént | (形)1.現在の 2.出席して (名)プレゼント、贈り物 (動)1.贈る 2.提出する When Annie presents these things to Paul, アニーがこれらの物(グラスのワインと1本のタバコ)をポールに差し出す時、 | |
6 | engage | ɪngéɪdʒ | 動 | A 1.従事する、携わる、忙しくする 2.引き込む、(注意を)引く 3.交戦する B 1.雇う 2.約束する 3.婚約させる 抜粋文 2 fierce 参照 |
7 | struggle | strˈʌgl | (名)もがき、身悶え、苦労、努力 (動)もがく、足掻く、努力する 抜粋文 2 fierce 参照 | |
8 | earn | ˈɚːn | 動 | 1.(働いて)稼ぐ、もうける 2.(名声など)得る The two discuss his first non-Misery novel, titled The Higher Education of J. Philip Stone, which is earning critical acclaim prior to release 2人は(ポールとエージェント)、リリース前から批評家から高い評判を得ている、J.Philip Stone作The Higher Educationというタイトルの彼自身初のミザリー以外の小説について話し合っている。 |
9 | indifferent | ɪndíf(ə)rənt | 形 | 1.無関心で、無頓着で 2.重要でなくて、どうでもよくて 3.可もなく不可もなく、平凡な However, Paul is indifferent to this because he wrote that novel for himself けれどもポールはこれに無関心だ。なぜなら彼はその小説を彼自身のために書いたからだ。 |
10 | inspire | ɪnspάɪɚ | 発奮させる、その気にさせる in a way, Annie inspired him to do ある意味、アニーは彼にやる気を起こさせた。 | |
11 | captivity | kæptívəṭi | 名 | 囚われの身、監禁、束縛 if he wants to write a non-fiction book about his captivity もし彼が彼の監禁(アニー・ウィルクスとの体験)についての実話を書きたいなら、 |
12 | committal | kəmíṭl | (刑務所・精神病院への)引渡し non-committal どっちつかずの、当たり障りのない、曖昧で、漠然として、言質(げんち)を与えない but Paul is non-committal. しかしポールは言質を与えない(アニーとの実話を書くとはっきりと答えない) | |
13 | briefly | bríːfli | 副 | 簡単に、手短に言えば、一時的に he sees a waitress whom he briefly imagines as Annie 彼はウェイトレスを見て一時的にアニーをイメージする。 |
14 | uncomfortably | `ʌnkˈʌmfɚṭəbli | 副 | 心地悪く、気詰まりで Paul uncomfortably responds "That's very sweet of you." ポールはぎこちなく答える 「それはどうもありがとう」 |
15 | respond | rɪspάnd | 動 | 返答する、反応する 抜粋文 15 respond 参照 |
16 | sets it on fire | 連 | 火をつける he sets it on fire, 彼はそれに火をつける。 | |
17 | much as | 連 | 大いに・・・はするが、・・・したいのはやまやまだが much as she made him do to his earlier, post-Misery novel. 彼女が彼に強いたこと(無理やりミザリーの次回作を書くこと)と同じくらいの(苦痛を彼女に与えた) | |
18 | in a way | 連 | ある意味では、ある点では、ある程度、多少 抜粋文 10 inspire 参照 | |
19 | That's very sweet of you | 連 | どうもありがとう。 cf. That(s very nice of you. |
ツタヤネットレンタル お試し無料1ヶ月
映画のある毎日を WOWOW ネット手続きなら割引があってお得!
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